Supervisor of Doctorate Candidates
Supervisor of Master's Candidates
Department:School of Optical and Electronic Information
Education Level:Postgraduate (Doctoral)
Degree:Doctoral Degree in Engineering
Discipline:Other specialties in Optical Engineering
Physical Chemistry
Materials Chemistry
Material Physics and Chemistry
以太阳能为代表的清洁能源可以满足未来能源需求,但其间歇性限制了其大规模应用,亟需一种长期储能方式与之匹配。电催化CO2还原可利用间歇性清洁能源将CO2转化为碳基燃料和原料,被认为是未来储能技术的良好候选之一。课题组利用尖端电磁场增强效应,实现了CO2向一氧化碳 (CO) 的高效电催化转化,并完成了CO的进一步升级转化,为清洁能源存储提供了优良方案。 代表性成果: Y. Pang†, J. Li†, C.-S. Tan, P.-L. Hsieh, T.-T. Zhuang, Z. Liang, C. Zou, X. Wang, P. De Luna, J. P. Edwards, Y. Xu, F. Li, C.-T. Dinh, M. Zhong, L.-J. Chen, E. H. Sargent*, and D. Sinton*, “Efficient electrocatalytic conversion of carbon monoxide to propanol using fragmented copper”, Nature Catalysis 2(3), 251-258, 2019. (†equal first authors.) T.-T. Zhuang†, Y. Pang†, Z. Liang, Y. Li, C.-S. Tan, H. Yuan, J. Li, C.-T. Dinh, P. De Luna, P.-L. Hsieh, T. Burdyny, H.-H. Li, M. Liu, Y. Wang, F. Li, A. Proppe, A. Johnston, Z.-Y. Wu, Y.-R. Zheng, E. Bladt, A. Ip, H. Tan, L.-J. Chen, S. Bals, J. Hofkens, S.-H. Yu*, S. O. Kelley*, D. Sinton*, and E. H. Sargent*, “Copper nanocavities confine intermediates for efficient electrosynthesis of C3 alcohol fuels from carbon monoxide”, Nature Catalysis 1, 946-951, 2018. (†equal first authors.) J. Li†, F. Che†, Y. Pang†, C. Zou†, J. Howe, T. Burdyny, J. P. Edwards, S. Cheng, Y. Wang, M. I. Saidaminov, T. Wu, Z. Finfrock, L. Ma, Z. Xie, Y. Liu, F. Li, P. De Luna, C.-T. Dinh, G. Botton, X. Du, J. Guo, T-K Sham, E. H. Sargent*, and David Sinton*, “Copper adparticle enabled selective electrosynthesis of n-propanol”, Nature communications, 9, 4614, 2019. (†equal first authors.) Y. Pang†, T. Burdyny†, C.-T. Dinh, M. G. Kibria, J. Z. Fan, M. Liu, E. H. Sargent, and David Sinton*, “Joint Tuning of Nanostructured Cu-Oxide Morphology and Local Electrolyte Programs High-Rate CO2 Reduction to C2H4”, Green Chemistry 17, 4023 – 4030, 2017. (†equal first authors. M. Liu†, Y. Pang†, B. Zhang†, P. De Luna†, O. Voznyy, X. Zheng, J. Xu, C. T. Dinh, F. Fan, C. Cao, F. P. García de Arquer, T. Saberi Safaei, A. Mepham, A. Klinkova, E. Kumacheva*, T. Filleter, D. Sinton*, S. O. Kelley* and E. H. Sargent*, “Enhanced CO2 Reduction Catalysts via Field-Induced Reagent Concentration,” Nature 537, 382-386, 2016. (†equal first authors.)
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