Supervisor of Doctorate Candidates
Supervisor of Master's Candidates
Department:School of Optical and Electronic Information
Education Level:Postgraduate (Doctoral)
Degree:Doctoral Degree in Engineering
Discipline:Other specialties in Optical Engineering
Physical Chemistry
Materials Chemistry
Material Physics and Chemistry
纳米光子光镊与原位光激发:光镊是一种在液态环境中对微纳粒子进行操控的技术,因其在操控中无接触与低伤害的特点,被广泛应用于单分子生物学等科研领域中,于2018年获得诺贝尔物理学奖。课题组利用纳米光子结构中捕捉区域与激发区域重合的特点,对被捕捉粒子进行高效光激发,有助于解决单体粒子原位表征及非传统光源(如纳米激光器、单光子源等)制备问题。 代表性成果: Y. Pang, H. Song, and W. Cheng*, “Using optical trap to measure the refractive index of a single animal virus in culture fluid with high precision”, Biomedical Optics Express 7, 1672-1689, 2016. Y. Pang, H. Song, J. H. Kim, X. Hou, and W. Cheng*, “Optical Trapping of Individual Human Immunodeficiency Viruses in Culture Fluid Reveals Heterogeneity with Single-Molecule Resolution”, Nature Nanotechnology 9, 624-630, 2014. Y. Pang, and R. Gordon*, “Optical Trapping of a Single Protein,” Nano Letters 12(1), 402–406 (2012). Y. Pang, and R. Gordon*, “Optical Trapping of 12 nm Dielectric Spheres Using Double-Nanoholes in a Gold Film,” Nano Letters 11(9), 3763–3767 (2011).
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