·Paper Publications
张友军, 肖逸, 张正, 张浩宇, 郝军, 吕敏,方灿,邹仁杰,罗光前*,李显,姚洪. (2024). 深部煤层地下煤气化原位点火的CFD模拟. 煤炭学报(05), 2490-2497.
Release time:2024-12-09  Hits:
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Wang, L., Li, Y., Zou, R., Sun, R., Tian, H., Luo, G.*, Yao, H.* (2024). Insight into the influence of environmental factors on selenite removal from desulfurization wastewater by NZVI@AC: An experimental and theoretical study. Journal of Water Process Engineering, 57, 104674.
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张友军, 张浩宇, 张正, 肖逸, 郝军, 罗光前*, 李显,姚洪. (2024). 煤炭地下气化点火阶段正庚烷着火及燃烧数值模拟研究. 中国电机工程学报(14), 5659-5667.