- Quek, J. #, Liu, S. #, Zhang, Z., Li, Y., Ng, E., Loh, Y., Hung, A.*, Luo, D.*, & Kang, C.* (2020). Identification and structural characterization of small molecule fragments targeting Zika virus NS2B-NS3 protease. Antiviral Research, 175, 104707.
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- 论文类型:期刊论文
- 发表刊物:Antiviral Research
上一条: Miao, Y., Yu, J., Ouyang, Z., Sun, H.*, & Li, Y.* (2020) Crystal structure of ClA1, a type of chlorinase from soil bacteria, Biochemical and Biophysical Research Communications, 530(1), 42-46.
下一条: 10. Li, Y.#, Zhong, W.#, Koay, A., Ng, H., Koh-Senta, X., Nah, Q., Lim, S., Larsson, A., Lescar, J., Hill, J.*, Dedon, P.*, & Kang, C.* (2019). Backbone resonance assignment for the N-terminal region of bacterial tRNA-(N1G37) methyltransferase. Biomolecular NMR Assignments, 13(1), 49-53.