Fangming Liu, Zhi Zhou, Hai Jin, Bo Li, Baochun Li, Hongbo Jiang, "On Arbitrating the Power-Performance Tradeoff in SaaS Clouds", IEEE Transactions on Parallel and Distributed Systems, vol. 25, no. 10, 2014.
Release time:2018-03-01 Hits:
Pre One:Fei Xu, Fangming Liu*, Hai Jin, Athanasios V. Vasilakos, "Managing Performance Overhead of Virtual Machines in Cloud Computing: A Survey, State of Art and Future Directions", ESI Highly Cited Paper, Proceedings of the IEEE (Impact Factor: 9.237, the most highly-cited general interest journal in electrical engineering and computer science), vol. 102, no. 1, Jan. 2014.
Next One:Guoming Tang, Weixiang Jiang, Zhifeng Xu, Fangming Liu*, Kui Wu, "NIPD: Non-Intrusive Power Disaggregation in Legacy Datacenters", to appear in IEEE Transactions on Computers, 2016.