·Paper Publications
- [71] 52. Jianjun Zhou and Bin Liu, The existence and uniqueness of the solution for nonlinear Kolmogorov equations, Journal of Differential Equations, 253:11(2012), 2873-2915.
- [72] 51. Zufeng Zhang and Bin Liu, Existence Results of Nondensely Defined Fractional Evolution Differential Inclusions, Journal of Applied Mathematics, 2012,1-19..
- [73] 50. Zufeng Zhang and Bin Liu, A Note on Impulsive Fractional Evolution Equations with Nondense Domain, Abstract and Applied Analysis, 2012,1-13. .
- [74] 49. Zufeng Zhang and Bin Liu, Existence of mild solutions for fractional evolution equations, Journal of Fractional Calculus and Applications, 2:10(2012),1-10..
- [75] 48. Huaiqiang Yu and Bin Liu,Optimality conditions for stochastic boundary control problems governed by semilinear parabolic equations, Journal of Mathematical Analysis and Applications,395(2012),654-672..
- [76] 47. Weifeng Wang and Bin Liu,A maximum principle for optimal control system with endpoint constraints, Journal of Inequalities and Applications 2012, 2012 .
- [77] 46. Huaiqiang Yu and Bin Liu,Pontragin’s principle for local solutions of optimal control governed by the 2D Navier-Stokes equations with mixed control-state constraints, Mathematical Control and Related Fields, 2:1(2012), 61-80..
- [78] 45. Huaiqiang Yu and Bin Liu, Properties of value function and existence of viscosity solution of HJB equation for stochastic boundary control problems, Journal of the Franklin Institute, 348(2011),2108-2127.
- [79] 44. Hanwen Ning and Bin Liu, Existence results for impulsive neutral stochastic evolution inclusions in Hilbert space, Acta Mathematica Sinica, 27:7(2011),1405—1418..
- [80] 43.Hanwen Ning and Bin. Liu, Existence and controllability results for infinite delay partial functional differential systems with multi-valued impulses in Banach spaces,Asian-European Journal of Mathematics 3:4(2010), 633-648..