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学科:电力电子与电力传动- [21] Bo Feng, Hua Lin, Switching Losses Reduced Modulation Strategies for AC-DC Matrix Converter. Annual Conference on IEEE Industrial Electronics Society (IECON 2013), pp: 4959-4964..
- [22] Huacheng Yang, Hua Lin, Yongcan Lv, Yong Luo, Xingwei Wang. A multi-resonant PR inner current controller design for reversible PWM rectifier. IEEE Applied Power Electronics Conference and Exposition (APEC 2013) pp 316-320..
- [23] Xingwei Wang, Hua Lin, Bo Feng, Yongcan Lyu. Damping of Input LC Filter Resonance Based on Virtual Resistor for Matrix Converter. IEEE Energy Conversion Congress and Exposition (ECCE 2012) pp 3910-3916..
- [24] Bo Feng, Hua Lin, Xingwei Wang, Xing An, and Bangyin Liu. Optimal Zero-Vector Configuration for Space Vector Modulated AC-DC Matrix Converter. IEEE Energy Conversion Congress and Exposition (ECCE 2012) pp 291-297..
- [25] Bo Feng, Hua Lin, Sanying Hu, Xing An and Xingwei Wang. Control Strategy of AC-DC Matrix Converter in Battery Energy Storage System. IEEE Energy Conversion Congress and Exposition (ECCE 2012) pp 2128-2134..
- [26] Yongcan Lyu, Hua Lin, Xingwei Wang, Huacheng Yang and Yong Luo. Control of Bidirectional DC/AC Converter for Redox Flow Battery Energy Storage System. IEEE Energy Conversion Congress and Exposition (ECCE 2012) pp 2120-2127..