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Release time:2020-09-15
Pre One:Li B, Zhao W, Li D, Chao H, Zhao X, Ta N, Guan Z, Guo L, Zhang Li, Li S, Wang H*, Li M*. Genetic dissection of the mechanism of flowering time based on an environmentally stable and specific QTL in Brassica napus. Plant Science, 2018, 277: 296-310.
Next One:赵亚军,王灏,穆建新,赵卫国,李保军,任军荣,赵小萍,罗斌,于澄宇,栗茂腾.油菜自育与其他主栽品种的遗传多样性和遗传关系分析.分子植物育种,2018,16(8):2714-2722