Ququan Wang, Junbo Han, Donglai Guo, Si Xiao, Yibo Han, Hongmei Gong, Xianwu Zou, “Highly Efficient Avalanche Multiphoton Luminescence from Coupled Au Nanowires in the Visible Region”, Nano Lett. 7, 723 (2007).
Release time:2019-03-17 Hits:
Pre One:Yibo Han, Junbo Han, and Zhonghua Hao, “Band gap shift and nonlinear absorption of zinc titanium oxide films”, J. Nanosci. NanoTechnol. 11, 5024 (2011).
Next One:Yibo Han, Si Xiao, Hongming Zhao, Hanchao Gao, Guiguang Xiong, Ququan Wang “Imaging spatial distributions of laser-induced charge and spin in GaAs/AlGaAs two-dimensional electron gas by pump-probe second harmonic generation”, Appl. Phys. Lett. 91, 202114 (2007).