Lansheng Han
·Paper Publications
韩兰胜,彭爱华*, Wenyuan Liao, 付才. 基于布尔代数的木马行为界定及判别. 小型微型计算机系统,VOL.35 N0. 7 2014
Release time:2020-07-24  Hits:
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Lansheng Han, Mengxiao Qian*, Xingbo Xu,Cau Fu, Kwisaba Hamza. Malicious Code Detection Model based Based on Behavior Association, Journal of Tsinghua University(Science and Technology),2014, 19(5):508-515,(SCI期刊,IF2.67. SCI期刊Information Science, Security and communication networks等知名SCI期刊他引3次)
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Han Lansheng, Fu Cai(*), Zou Deqing, Lee ChangHoon,Jia Wenjing.Task-based behavior detection of illegal codes. Mathematical and Computer Modelling, v55,n1, 2012,1:p80-86(SCI期刊, 中科院2区,CCFC,JCR Q1)