Lansheng Han
·Paper Publications
韩兰胜,高昆仑,赵保华等.基于API 函数及其参数相结合的恶意软件行为检测. 计算机应用研究, 第30卷第11 期2013年11月,3407-3410
Release time:2020-07-24  Hits:
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Guozheng Hu, Lansheng Han, Zhanqing Wang , Xiangsheng Xia. “Cryptanalysis and improvement of a certificateless threshold signature secure in the standard model” Information Science, Elsvier, ,Pages 174-187,Volume 247, Pages 1-202 (20 October 2013),(SCI期刊,CCF B,中科院 Q1,JCRQ1)
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Lansheng han, xiao qu, yuan li, tao yin. The probability of trojan attacks on multi-level security strategy based network(extended vision). Journal of networks (j) DOI: 10.4304/jnw.7.2.300-304. 2012, 3(EI期刊)