Iqbal, A.*, Zan, FX., Liu, XM.*, Chen, GH., (2019). Integrated municipal solid waste management scheme of Hong Kong: A comprehensive analysis in terms of global warming potential and energy use. Journal of Cleaner Production (JCR一区,IF:7.246). Volume 225, July 2019, Pages 1079-1088.
Release time:2021-04-18 Hits:
Pre One:Iqbal, A., Ekama, GA., Zan, FX., Liu, XM., Chui, HK., Chen, GH.*, (2020) Potential for co-disposal and treatment of food waste with sewage: a plant-wide steady-state model evaluation. Water Research (JCR一区,IF:9.130), Volume 184, October 2020, 116175.
Next One:Zeng, Q., Zan, FX., Hao, TW., Biswal, BK., Lin, S., van Loosdrecht, M., Chen, GH., (2019) Electrochemical pretreatment for stabilization of waste activated sludge: simultaneously enhancing dewaterability, inactivating pathogens and mitigating hydrogen sulfide. Water Research (JCR一区,IF:9.130). Volume 166, 1 December 2019, 115035.