Chen Yuntian
Paper Publications
Influence of near-field coupling from Ag surface plasmons on InGaN/GaN quantum-well photoluminescence
Release time:2021-09-02 Hits:
Indexed by:Journal paper
Journal:Journal of Luminescence
Affiliation of Author(s):光电学院,国家光电研究中心
Place of Publication:美国
Funded by:自然科学基金
Document Type:J
Page Number:213-216
Key Words:无
DOI number:10.1016/j.jlumin.2016.03.001
Date of Publication:2016-03-01
Teaching and Research Group:c716
Abstract:We have investigated the borderline between photoluminescence quenching and enhancement of InGaN/GaN quantum-wells due to Ag nanoparticles and their surface plasmon modes. By embedding Ag nanoparticles inside nanohole structures on the p-type layer GaN, luminescence quenching is observed. Increasing the distance between the nanoparticles and quantum-wells has shown to enhance the emission. We have found that the nano-structure geometry of the metal-semiconductor interface in the near-field of the quantum-wells plays a crucial role in determining whether the emitter performance is enhanced or degraded.
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