Chen Yuntian
·Paper Publications
Indexed by: Journal paper
Journal: Opt. Express
Affiliation of Author(s): 光电学院,国家光电研究中心
Place of Publication: 美国
Discipline: Engineering
Funded by: 自然科学基金
Document Type: J
Volume: 25
Issue: 24
Page Number: 29822-29834
Key Words: 无
DOI number: 10.1364/OE.25.029822
Date of Publication: 2017-03-07
Teaching and Research Group: c716
Abstract: We study the symmetric properties of waveguide modes in presence of gain/losses, anisotropy/bianisotropy, or continuous/discrete rotational symmetry. We provide a comprehensive approach to identity the modal symmetry by constructing a 4 × 4 waveguide Hamiltonian and searching the symmetric operation in association with the corresponding waveguides. We classify the chiral/time reversal/parity/parity time/rotational symmetry for different waveguides, and provide the criterion for the aforementioned symmetry operations. Lastly, we provide examples to illustrate how the symmetry operations can be used to classify the modal properties from the symmetric relation between modal profiles of several different waveguides.
Note: 无
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