Chen Yuntian

·Paper Publications

Current position: 英文主页 > Scientific Research > Paper Publications
Spatial mode discriminator based on leaky waveguides
Release time:2021-09-02  Hits:

Indexed by: Journal paper

Journal: Journal of optics

Affiliation of Author(s): 光电学院,国家光电研究中心

Place of Publication: 美国

Discipline: Engineering

Funded by: 自然科学基金

Document Type: J

Volume: 18

Page Number: 065801

Key Words: spatial mode, mode discriminator, leaky waveguides

DOI number: 10.1088/2040-8986/aabc65

Date of Publication: 2018-05-04

Teaching and Research Group: c716

Abstract: We propose a conceptually simple and experimentally compatible configuration to discriminate the spatial mode based on leaky waveguides, which are inserted in-between the transmission link. The essence of such a spatial mode discriminator is to introduce the leakage of the power flux on purpose for detection. Importantly, the leaky angle of each individual spatial mode with respect to the propagation direction are different for non-degenerated modes, while the radiation patterns of the degenerated spatial modes in the plane perpendicular to the propagation direction are also distinguishable. Based on these two facts, we illustrate the operation principle of the spatial mode discriminators via two concrete examples; a w-type slab leaky waveguide without degeneracy, and a cylindrical leaky waveguide with degeneracy. The correlation between the leakage angle and the spatial mode distribution for a slab leaky waveguide, as well as differences between the in-plane radiation patterns of degenerated modes in a cylindrical leaky waveguide, are verified numerically and analytically. Such findings can be readily useful in discriminating the spatial modes for optical communication or optical sensing.


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