Chen, L.; Zhang, Y.; Zhou, J.; Singh, V.P.; Guo, S.; Zhang, J., Real-time error correction method combined with combination flood forecasting technique for improving the accuracy of flood forecasting, Journal of Hydrology, 2015. 521: 157~169.
Release time:2020-04-29 Hits:
Pre One:Chen, L.; Singh V.P.; Guo, S.; Zhou, J.; Zhang, J.; Liu, P., An objective method for partitioning the entire flood season into multiple sub-seasons, Journal of Hydrology, 2015. 528: 621~630.
Next One:Zhang, J.; Chen, L.; Singh, V.P.; Cao, H.; Wang, D., Determination of the distribution of flood forecasting error, Natural Hazards, 2015. 75(2): 2065~2065.