Associate professor
Supervisor of Master's Candidates
Department:School of Computer Science and Technology
Education Level:Postgraduate (Doctoral)
Degree:Doctoral Degree in Engineering
Discipline:Computer Architecture
Xianrui Wang, Hefei Ling, Jiazhong Chen, Ping Li. Multi-Object Tracking Via Multi-Attention. IEEE International Joint Conference on Neural Networks (IJCNN), 1-8, 2020
Pre One:Dakai Ren, Xiangming Wen, Xiaoya Liu, Shuai Huang, and Jiazhong Chen. Cross-Modal Learning for Saliency Prediction in Mobile Environment. ACM MM in Asia, 2020
Next One:Hefei Ling, Jiyang Wu, Junrui Huang, Junrui Huang, Jiazhong Chen, Ping Li. Attention-based convolutional neural network for deep face recognition. Multimedia Tools and Applications 79(5): 5595-5616, 2020
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