·Paper Publications
A Novel Multi-stage Forest based Key-Value Store for Holistic Performance Improvement, IEEE Transactions On Parallel and Distributed Systems, Vol 31, Issue:4, 2020, Pages(856-870)
Release time:2020-06-17  Hits:
Indexed by: Journal paper
First Author: Ziyi Lu
Correspondence Author: Qiang Cao
Co-author: Fei Mei, Qiang Cao, Hong Jiang, Jingjun Li
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BCW Buffer-Controlled Writes to HDDs for SSD-HDD Hybrid Storage Server, the 18th USENIX Conference on File and Storage Technologies (FAST ’20), February 25–27, 2020, Santa Clara, CA, USA
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Analysis of and Optimization for Write-dominated Hybrid Storage Nodes in Cloud, ACM Symposium on Cloud Computing (SOCC 2019), November 20-23, 2019, Santa Cruz, California, CA, USA