Supervisor of Doctorate Candidates
Supervisor of Master's Candidates
Department:School of Electrical and Electronic Engineering
Education Level:Postgraduate (Doctoral)
Degree:Doctoral Degree in Engineering
Discipline:Plasma Physics
Disruption prevention using rotating resonant magnetic perturbation on J-TEXT
Indexed by:Journal paper
First Author:Da Li
Correspondence Author:Yonghua Ding,Nengchao Wang
Co-author:Q. Yu
Journal:Nuclear Fusion
Included Journals:SCI
Page Number:056022
Key Words:disruption, mode locking, disruption prevention, resonant magnetic perturbation, tearing mode, J-TEXT
DOI number:10.1088/1741-4326/ab77e4
Date of Publication:2020-02-19
Impact Factor:3.706
Abstract:Major plasma disruption is one of the most critical issues to be solved for tokamak fusion reactors. Experiments to prevent mode locking and subsequent disruptions have been carried out on the J-TEXT tokamak using rotating resonant magnetic perturbations (RMPs). The tearing modes, which are locked and lead to disruptions without the application of RMPs, can be accelerated by rotating RMPs to the RMP frequency. As a result, mode locking and subsequent disruptions are delayed or prevented. The effects of RMP amplitude and frequency on disruption prevention have been investigated.
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