李培宁,华中科技大学光电信息学院/武汉光电国家研究中心教授、博士生导师。博士毕业于德国亚琛工业大学,西班牙CIC Nanogune研究中心“欧盟玛丽居里学者”博士后。近年来高水平论文包括:Science 1篇、 Nature 3篇、 Nature Materials 1篇、Nature Photonics 1篇、Nature Communications 4篇、Light: Science & Applications 1篇、Advanced Materials 1篇、Nano Letters 4篇、ACS... More>
Supervisor of Doctorate Candidates
Supervisor of Master's Candidates
Professional Title: Professor
Department: School of Optical and Electronic Information
Education Level: Postgraduate (Doctoral)
Degree: Doctoral Degree in Science
Other specialties in Optical Engineering
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