Big Stories

Professor Tang Jiang elected 2022 Optica Fellow

Nov 24, 2021

On November 18, 2021, the Optica Board of Directors announced the Society’s 2022 Fellows Class. 106 members from 24 countries, including 12 from China, were elected. Professor Tang Jiang, Deputy Director of Wuhan National Laboratory for Optoelectronics (WNLO) and Dean of the School of Optical and Electronic Information, Huazhong University of Science and Technology, was among the Class of Fellows.

From its birth as a local optical society in Rochester, New York in 1915, Optica (formerly OSA) is now a society advancing optics and photonics worldwide, delivering high-quality scientific and technical information that is authoritative, accessible and archived. Based on the science of light, it aims to find solutions to global problems while enhancing people’s lives.

Fellows are Optica members who have served with distinction in the advancement of optics and photonics. Each new fellow is selected by the nomination of 3-5 current fellows, based on several factors including distinguished contributions to education, research, engineering, business and serving the community. As fellows can account for no more than 10 percent of the total membership, the election process is highly competitive.

Professor Tang Jiang, due to his “outstanding contributions to advanced optical materials and optoelectronic devices, particularly antimony selenide thin film solar cells and halide perovskites”, was elected 2022 Optica Fellow, which marks the 7th Optica Fellow from WNLO after Professor Luo Qingming, Professor Lu Peixiang, Professor Zhang Xinliang, Professor Zeng Shaoqun, Professor Fu Ling, and Professor Wang Jian.

Professor Tang has published more than 200 academic papers with more than 17,000 citations, including 1 in Nature, 3 in Nature Photonics among others. He has been listed among the Clarivate Highly Cited Researchers in 2019, 2020 and 2021. He has authorized more than 30 Chinese invention patents and delivered over 60 invited talks. His team’s current research interest are read-out integrated circuit compatible optoelectronic devices, including short-wavelength infrared imager, halide perovskite X-ray detectors and light emitting diodes.

Original News:

Tang Jiang’s Group:


Written by: Gou Bingbing

Edited by: Song Boxiang, Tang Jiang, Scott, Peng Yumeng

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