







姚洪,教授,博士生导师,煤燃烧国家重点实验室主任,能源与动力工程学院党委书记。从事固体燃料燃烧及污染物控制、新能源技术开发等研究工作。华中科技大学热能工程专业获学士、硕士学位。日本Toyohashi University of Technology环境与生命工程专业获博士学位,先后作为JSPS(P02373)、COE研究员,访问教授在日本名古屋大学、东京工业大学工作。Alberta大学访问教授和Monash大学化工系ALA Fellow。承担科技部重点研发计划、国际合作、重大仪器、863等项目5项,基金委国际合作重大等项目10项。已发表论文300余篇,国际大会报告30余次,国际会议200余篇,获发明专利40余项。研究工作先后获美国Pittsburgh国际煤利用会议(2002)、日本燃烧学会(2007)优秀论文奖,国际燃烧学会杰出论文奖(2010、2014)。当选国际燃烧学会Fellow,SCI国际杂志Journal of Material Cycles and Waste Management 副主编,中国动力工程学会常务理事,中国颗粒物学会理事,中国高校工程热物理学会副理事长,中国工程热物理学会燃烧分会副主任委员、中国化工学会煤化工专委会,担任国际燃烧会议固体燃料分会、国际煤燃烧会议、国际气化与利用会议等15个大会主席或组织者。担任怀柔国家实验室、科技部面向2035能源领域科技发展战略规划、科技支撑碳达峰碳中和行动方案、十四五煤炭清洁高效利用重点研发计划、2030煤炭清洁高效利用重大攻关,和教育部十四五能源科学学科前沿战略研究等专家组专家,享受国务院特殊津贴。


  • 燃烧/气化机理

  • 燃烧污染物防治

  • 城市固体废弃物处理与利用

  • 新燃烧技术


  • 1987.09-1991.07 华中科技大学 热能工程 本科

  • 1994.09-1997.06 华中科技大学 热能工程 硕士

  • 1997.09-1998.09 华中科技大学 热能工程 博士研究生

  • 1999.04-2002.03 日本丰桥技术科学大学 环境与生命工程 大竹/成濑研 博士


  • 1991.07-1994.08 燕山石油化工公司

  • 1998.10-1999.03 日本丰桥技术科学大学 特别研究生

  • 2002.04-2002.09 日本丰桥技术科学大学 未来技术研究中心Staff

  • 2002.10-2004.09 日本学术振兴会(JSPS)特别研究员

  • 2004.10-2005.09 日本丰桥技术科学大学COE研究员

  • 2005.11-至今 华中科技大学 教授

  • 2006.09-2006.10 加拿大Alberta大学 访问教授

  • 2011.08-2011.09 Monash大学化工系ALA Fellow

  • 2012.07-2012.9 名古屋大学 访问教授


  1. 大尺度煤燃烧特性及地下气化过程数值模拟(2011-2014) 863

  2. “双碳”目标下负荷侧熔盐储能及高温熔盐多途利用技术研究与应用(2022) 电力经济技术研究院技术项目

  3. 储能电站电池诊断系统开发及调试技术服务(2022-2024——企业横向项目

  4. 面向高热值生活垃圾的清洁焚烧及飞灰资源化利用关键技术研发(2021-2023)湖北省重点研发计划

  5. 燃煤过程中砷、硒、铅等重金属的控制技术(2018-2021) 国家重点研发计划

  6. 中国西部煤高效清洁燃烧关键技术合作研究(2015-2018) 国家国际科技合作专项

  7. 城市含碳固体废弃物清洁高效热转化关键技术的基础研究(2016-2019)基金国际重大合作

  8. 高浓度CO2 和H2O 条件下煤焦氧化机理及模型建立(2015-2018) 国家自然科学基金面上项目

  9. 烟气处理及资源综合利用技术研究(2015-2016) 武汉都市环保工程技术项目

  10. 燃煤烟气PM2.5的成因分析及控制技术研究(2014-2015) 湖北省科技厅

  11. 生态高效的城市生活垃圾燃烧、热解/气化技术的基础研究(2011-2014) 基金国际重大合作

  12. 微型双床燃料分级热转化气固反应动力学分析仪(2011-2014) 科技部国家重大科学仪器设备开发专项

  13. 城市生活垃圾复杂成分焚烧过程解耦及重金属定向固化(2011-2013) 基金面上

  14. 烟气再热循环富氧燃烧方式下CO2与燃煤多种污染物的生成与控制(2007-2010) 基金国际重大合作

  15. 高岭土同时脱除多种重金属的机理描述及其模型建立(2008-2010) 基金面上

  16. 重金属,碱金属及未燃尽碳对Hg的多相氧化的影响(2006-2008) 基金面上

  17. 煤燃烧前多种污染物定向脱除及煤质改性技术(2009-2011) 863



  1. Mohan Cheng, Jingze Yang*, Hetian Chi, Hong Yao*.Influence characteristic and improvement mechanism of thermal storage

    performance of Packed-bed thermocline tank based on high-temperature molten salt. Journal of Energy Storage. 2024(101): 113976.


  1. Jingze Yang, Zitao Yu, Hong Yao*.Efficient turbomachinery layout design and performance comparison of supercritical CO2 cycles

    for high-temperature concentrated solar power plants under peak-shaving scenarios. Energy. 2023(285): 129445.

  2. Jing He, Yuhan Yang, Chan Zou, Qiang Gao, Hongyun Hu*, Kai Xu, Xi Li, Hong Yao. Investigation of the reaction mechanism

    regarding thermal treatment of biomass using molten salts: A kinetic study of small molecule gases formation. Journal of

    Environmental Chemical Engineering, 2023, 11(1): 109094.

  3. Minghao Jin, Huan Liu*, Hongping Deng, Han Xiao, Shuai Liu, Hong Yao. Dissociation and removal of alkali and alkaline earth metals

    from sewage sludge flocs separate and assisted thermal hydrolysis, Water Research, 2023, 229: 119409.

  4. Yicheng Wang, Hongyun Hu*, Xinye Wang, Huimin Liu, Lu Dong, Guangqian Luo, Yongchun Zhao, Hong Yao. A critical review on

    lead migration, transformation and emission control in Chinese coal‐fired power plants, Journal of Environmental Sciences, 2023,

    124: 397-413.

  5. Yang JZ, Chi HT, Cheng MH, Dong MQ, Li SW, Yao H*. Performance analysis of hydrogen supply using curtailed power from a

    solar-wind-storage power system. Renewable Energy, 2023, 212: 1005-1019.

  6. Sun YM, Tong S, Li X*, Hu ZZ, Sun MY, Guo L, Liu H, Hu HY, Luo GQ, Yao H. Gas-pressurized torrefaction of biomass wastes:

    Self-promoted deoxygenation of rice straw at low temperature (vol 308, 122029, 2021). Fuel, 2023: 348.

  7. Dacres OD, Tong S, Li X*, Sun YM, Wang F, Luo GQ, Liu H, Hu HY, Yao H. Gas-pressurized torrefaction of biomass wastes: The

    effect of varied pressure on pyrolysis kinetics and mechanism of torrefied biomass (vol 276, 118132, 2020). Fuel, 2023: 348.

  8. Wang XX, Xiong Z, Li X*, Hu ZZ, Wang YB, Peng B, Li J, Wei B, Luo GQ, Yao H. Flue Gas-Enhanced Water Leaching: AAEM

    Removal from Agricultural Organic Solid Waste and Fouling and Slagging Suppression during Its Combustion. Acs Omega, 2023:

    8(18): 16241-16250.

  9. Wang HS, Yuan B, Hu HY*, Dong L*, Zou C, Guo GZ, Deng S, Li SG, Yao H. Research on migration and transformation behavior

    of selenium during the dual-alkali wet flue gas deacidification process in the simulated flue gas. Fuel, 2023: 346.

  10. Li HY, Liu H*, Bai MW*, Zhang XJ, Chi HT, Chen TZ, Yu Y, Yao H. Insight into the corrosion resistance of Mo-added NiCrBSi

    coating in simulated waste incineration environment. Corrosion Science, 2023, 216.

  11. Wang XX, Hu ZZ, Ma JR, Yi LL, Li J, Cheng YF, Ma JF, An N, Wang F, Li X*, Yan JJ, Wei B, Li Y, Luo GQ, Yao H. Effect of

    semi-continuous water washing on the combustion behaviors of agricultural organic solid waste. Carbon Resources Conversion,

    2023, 6(1): 58-64.

  12. Zhou QY, Liu H*, Wang YP, Xiao KX, Yang GY, Yao H. Synthesis of porous carbon from orange peel waste for effective volatile

    organic compounds adsorption: role of typical components. Frontiers of Chemical Science and Engineering. 2023.

  13. Zhang XJ, Liu H*, Chen TZ, Li HY, Huang ZF, Yu Y, Yao H. Mechanism of coupling corrosion caused by flue gas and deposits in

    municipal solid waste incinerator: Resistance of HVOF-NiCr coating. Fuel, 2023: 342.


  1. Mingmei Zhang, Sihua Xu, Li Liu, Shuai Li, Lu Dong, Hongyun Hu*, Hui Hu, Hong Yao. Investigation of the sulfur enrichment mechanism on the catalyst in the FCC process of waste tire pyrolytic oil, Journal of the Energy Institute, 2022, 105: 309-313.

  2. Chengyang Cao, Yetao Cheng, Hongyun Hu*, Hao Wang, Shuai Liu, Ming Hu, Xian Li, Hong Yao. Products distribution and sulfur fixation during the pyrolysis of CaO conditioned textile dyeing sludge: Effects of pyrolysis temperature and heating rate, Waste Management, 2022, 153: 367-375.

  3. Linlin Yi, Hong Yao*, Xian Li, Zhenzhong Hu, Liu Shi, Yangwei Wu. Selective production of aromatics from catalytic pyrolysis of biomass wastes: Effects of feedstock properties and key oxygenated intermediates on aromatics formation, Journal of Analytical and Applied Pyrolysis, 2022, 168: 105675.

  4. Yuhan Yang, Tiancheng Wang, Chan Zou, Kai Xu, Hongyun Hu*, Linxia Gao, Xian Li, Hong Yao. Comparing the thermal conversion behavior of bio-wastes in three molten nitrates, Renewable Energy, 2022, 196: 617-624.

  5. Zhenzhong Hu, Xu Zhang, Xian Li*, Weixiang Qian, Guangqian Luo, Huan Liu, Hongyun Hu, Nakorn Worasuwannarak, Hong Yao. Degradative solvent extraction of low-rank coal: Role of water on pyrolysis mechanism of low-rank coal in a highly-dispersed medium, Carbon Resources Conversion, 2022, 5(2): 111-118.

  6. Zehua Li*, Renjie Zou, Yang Xu, Yuan Fang, Guangqian Luo, Hong Yao. Characterization of in-situ and cooling char from ten typical Chinese coals, Combustion and Flame, 2022, 238: 111884.

  7. Yiming Sun, Shan Tong, Xian Li*, Zhenzhong Hu, Mingyue Sun, Li Guo, Huan Liu, Hongyun Hu, Guangqian Luo, Hong Yao. Gas-pressurized torrefaction of biomass wastes: Self-promoted deoxygenation of rice straw at low temperature, Fuel, 2022, 308: 122029.

  8. Ruize Sun, Biao Fu*, Guangqian Luo, Xian Li, Hong Tian, Hong Yao. Theoretical research on mercury-laden halogenated activated carbon adsorbent bonding nature, Chemical Engineering Journal, 2022, 428: 131076.

  9. Yongda Huang, Hongyun Hu*, Chan Zou, Huimin Liu, Shuai Li, Xiaojiang Wu, Lejin Xu, Hong Yao. Partitioning and transformation behavior of selenium during coal combustion, Proceedings of the Combustion Institute, Available online.

  10. Zhenzhong Hu, Yue Yuan, Xian Li*, Zhengjun Tu, Omar Donovan Dacres, Yan Zhu, Liu Shi, Hongyun Hu, Huan Liu, Guangqian Luo, Hong Yao. Yield prediction of “Thermal-dissolution based carbon enrichment” treatment on biomass wastes through coupled model of artificial neural network and AdaBoost, Bioresource Technology, 2022, 343: 126083.

  11. Biao Fu, James C. Hower, Wencai Zhang, Guangqian Luo, Hongyun Hu, Hong Yao*. A review of rare earth elements and yttrium in coal ash: Content, modes of occurrences, combustion behavior, and extraction methods, Progress in Energy and Combustion Science, 2022, 88: 100954.

  12. Can Fang, Renjie Zou, Guangqian Luo*, Chengshuai Li, Min Lv, Li Wang, Haoyu Zhang, Hong Yao. Numerical simulation and optimization of coupled demister with directing and perforated plate in MSF plants, Desalination, 2023,547: 116192.

  13. Sihua Xu, Hongyun Hu*,  Guangzhao Guo, Lifang Gong, Huimin Liu, Hong Yao. Investigation of properties change in the reacted molten salts after molten chlorides cyclic thermal treatment of toxic MSWI fly ash. Journal of hazardous materials. 2022(421): 126536.

  14. Haiyan Li, Huan Liu, Haoxuan Xing, Chan Zou, Xiuju Zhang*, Xiaojiang Wu, Lejin Xu, Hong Yao*. Fate of Na/As along the flue gas path during coal combustion with kaolin addition. Fuel, 2022, 327.

  15. Huimin Liu, Lu Dong, Hongyun Hu*, Yongda Huang, Chan Zou, Hong Yao. Insights into the transformation mechanism of Se in sized ash particles arising from coal combustion: Model vs. experiment. Fuel Processing Technology, 2022, 236.

  16. Maolin Xu, Chengyang Cao, Hongyun Hu*, Yang Ren, Guangzhao Guo, Lifang Gong, Junwei Zhang, Tong Zhang, Hong Yao. Perspective on the disposal of PVC artificial leather via pyrolysis: Thermodynamics, kinetics, synergistic effects and reaction mechanism. Fuel, 2022, 327.

  17. Chan Zou, Huimin Liu, Hongyun Hu*, Yongda Huang, Chunbo Wang, Hong Yao. Effect of CO(2)on the As2O3 adsorption over carbonaceous surface: Experiment and quantum chemistry study. Chemical Engineering Journal, 2022, 446.

  18. Zhenzhong Hu, Yue Yuan, Xian Li*, Yuxian Wang, Dacres Omar Donovan, Linlin Yi, Xianzhe Liu, Hongyun Hu, Huan Liu, Guangqian Luo, Hong Yao.Thermal-dissolution based carbon enrichment? treatment of biomass: Modeling and kinetic study via combined lumped reaction model and machine learning algorithm. Fuel, 2022, 324.

  19. Min Lv, Guangqian Luo, Renjie Zou*, Qingyu Ji, Can Fang, Li Wang, Xian Li, Hong Yao. Study on the elemental mercury removal performance of co-pyrolyzed Cl-loading activated carbon and the formation mechanism of C-Cl functional groups. Fuel, 2022, 322.

  20. Chan Zou, Yang Ren, Songgeng Li, Hongyun Hu*, Chengyang Cao, Hua Tang, Xian Li, Hong Yao. Effects of molten salt thermal treatment on the properties improvement of waste tire pyrolytic char. Waste Management, 2022, 149: 53-9.

  21. Wenyu Li, Chun Zou*, Hong Yao, Qianjin Lin, Rui Fu, Jianghui Luo, et al. An optimized kinetic model for H-2/CO combustion in CO2 diluent at elevated pressures. Combustion and Flame, 2022, 241.

  22. Hongping Deng, Huan Liu*, Minghao Jin, Han Xiao, Hong Yao. Phosphorus transformation during the carbonaceous skeleton assisted thermal hydrolysis of sludge. Science of the Total Environment, 2022, 827.

  23. Ruize Sun, Guangqian Luo, Hui Wu* , Xian Li, Hong Tian, Hong Yao. Insight into mercury-laden activated carbon adsorbent product bonding nature by DFT calculations. Chemical Engineering Journal, 2022, 433.

  24. Yuxian Wang, Jing Gu, Xian Li*, Yan Zhu, Hongyun Hu, Huan Liu, Guangqian Luo, Hong Yao. Boosted Thermal Storage Performance of LiOH center dot H2O by Carbon Nanotubes Isolated Multilayered Graphene Oxide Frames. Advances in Materials Science and Engineering, 2022, 2022.

  25. Xiang Qian, Hao Lu*, Chun Zou, Hong Yao. On the inverse kinetic energy cascade in premixed isotropic turbulent flames. International Journal of Modern Physics C, 2022, 33(01).

  26. Bing Yuan,Hongyun Hu*, Yongda Huang, Biao Fu, Huimin Liu, Guangqian Luo, Yongchun Zhao, Hong Yao, Condensation and adsorption characteristics of gaseous selenium on coal-fired fly ash at low temperatures, Chemosphere, 2022(287):132127.

  27. Huimin Liu, Shuai Li, Guangzhao Guo, Lifang Gong, Liqi Zhang, Yana Qie, Hongyun Hu*, Hong Yao. Ash formation and the inherent heavy metal partitioning behavior in a 100 t/d hazardous waste incineration plant. Science of the Total Environment, Available online.

  28. Chengyang Cao Yang Ren, Hao Wang, Hongyun Hu*, Baojun Yi, Xian Li,Linling Wang, Hong Yao. Insights into the role of CaO addition on the products distribution and sulfur transformation during simulated solar-powered pyrolysis of waste tires. Fuel, Available online.

  29. Bing Yuan, Hongyun Hu, Yongda Huang, Guangzhao Guo, Lifang Gong, Chan Zou, Lu Dong, Hong Yao. Effect of hydrated lime on the migration behavior of selenium in the MSWI plants: Experimental and theoretical study. Chemical Engineering Journal, 2022, 433, 134603.

  30. Yang Ren, Chengyang Cao*, Hongyun Hu*, Su Lei, Xiangzhou Yuan, Xian Li, Hong Yao. Transformation behavior and fate of chlorine in polychloroprene (PCP) during its pyrolysis. Fuel ,2022(317):123573.

  31. Yicheng Wang,Hongyun Hu,Xinye Wang,Huimin Liu,Lu Dong,Guangqian Luo,Yongchun Zhao,Hong Yao*. A critical review on lead migration, transformation and emission control in Chinese coal‐fired power plants. Journal of Environmental Sciences. 2023(143):397-413

  32. Yongda Huang,Hongyun Hu*, Biao Fu, Chan Zou, Huimin Liu, Xiaowei Liu, Linling Wang, Guangqian Luo, Hong Yao. Fine particulate-bound arsenic and selenium from coal-fired power plants: Formation, removal and bioaccessibility. Science of the Total Environment, 2022, 823, 153723 (SCI&EI)

  33. Han Xiao, Huan Liu, Minghao Jin, Hongping Deng, Jiaxing Wang, Hong Yao. Process control for improving dewatering performance of sewage sludge based on carbonaceous skeleton-assisted thermal hydrolysis. Chemosphere, 2022, 296, 134006.

  34. Yang Ren, Chengyang Cao*, Yetao Cheng,Hongyun Hu*, Hui Liu, Xian Li, Huimin Liu, Hong Yao. Feasibility study on co-processing of automobile shredder residue in coal-fired power plants via pyrolysis. Waste Management, 2022, 143:135-143.

  35. Guangyan Yang, Huan Liu, Yang Li, Qiaoyan Zhou, Minghao Jin, Han Xiao, Hong Yao .Kinetics of hydrothermal carbonization of kitchen waste based on multi-component reaction mechanism. Fuel, 2022, 324, 124693.

  36. Minghao Jin,Huan Liu*, Hongping Deng, Han Xiao, Geng Lu, Hong Yao. Arsenic chemistry in municipal sewage sludge dewatering, thermal drying, and steam gasification: Effects of Fenton-CaO conditioning. Water Research, 2022, 213, 118140.


  1. Sihua Xu, Fu Yang, Hongyun Hu*, Linxia Gao*, Tongzhou Chen, Chengyang Cao, Hong Yao. Investigation and improvement of the desulfurization performance of molten carbonates under the influence of typical pyrolysis gases. Waste Management, 2021, 124: 46-53.

  2. Yongda Huang, Hongyun Hu∗, Hongyu Gong, Haoxuan Xing, Bing Yuan, Biao Fu, Aijun Li, Hong Yao∗. Mechanism study of selenium retention by iron minerals during coal combustion. Proceedings of the Combustion Institute, 2021(38): 4189–4197

  3. Haoxuan Xing, Huan Liu*, Xiuju Zhang, Ben Huang, Haiyan Li, Yongda Huang, Hongyun Hu, Hong Yao. Correlations between vapor-phase Na/K/As adsorption capacities of kaolinite and temperature-dependent derivation of its Al-containing groups.Proceedings of Combustion Institute, 2021, 38(4): 5237-5247.

  4. Yuhan Yang, Tiancheng Wang, Hongyun Hu*, Dingding Yao, Chan Zou, Kai Xu, Xian Li, Hong Yao, Influence of partial components removal on pyrolysis behavior of lignocellulosic biowaste in molten salts, Renewable Energy, 2021(180): 616-625.

  5. Bing Yuan,Hongyun Hu*, Yongda Huang, Biao Fu, Huimin Liu, Guangqian Luo, Yongchun Zhao, Hong Yao, Condensation and adsorption characteristics of gaseous selenium on coal-fired fly ash at low temperatures, Chemosphere, 2022(287):132127.

  6. Zhenzhong Hu, Yue Yuan, Xian Li, Zhengjun Tu, Omar Donovan Dacres, Yan Zhu, Liu Shi, Hongyun Hu, Huan Liu, Guangqian Luo and Hong Yao. Yield prediction of "Thermal-dissolution based carbon enrichment" treatment on biomass wastes through coupled model of artificial neural network and AdaBoost. Bioresource Technology, 2021, 343:126083. 10.1016/j.biortech.2021.126083


  1. Fu Yang,  Hongyun Hu,* Qiang Gao, Yuhan Yang, Kai Xu, Tongzhou Chen, Xian Li, Aijun Li, Hong Yao. In-Depth Experimental Study on Thermochemical Conversion of Furan in Molten Alkali Carbonates. Energy & Fuels. Available  online.

  2. Hongyun Hu*, Kang Xie, Tongzhou Chen, Sihua Xu, Fu Yang, Xian Li, Aijun Li,Hong Yao*. Performance of calcium-added molten alkali carbonates for high-temperature desulfurization from pyrolysis gases. Renewable Energy, 2020,145: 2245-2252.

  3. Kangxin Xiao, Huan Liu*, Yang Li, Guangyan Yang, Yijie Wang, Hong Yao. Excellent performance of porous carbon from urea-assisted hydrochar of orange peel for toluene and iodine adsorption. Chemical Engineering Journal, 2020(382): 122997.

  4. Kang Xie, Hongyun Hu*, Jinxiu Cao, Fu Yang, Huan Liu, Aijun Li*, Hong Yao. A novel method for salts removel from municipal solid waste incineration fly ash through the molten thermal treatment. Chemosphere, 2020, avaliable online.

  5. Tongtong Ma, Yongda Huang, Shuang Deng*, Biao Fu, Guangqian Luo, Jinggang Wang, Hongyun Hu*, Chungang Yuan, Hong Yao. The relationship between selenium retention and fine particles removal during coal combustion. Fuel. 2020(165):116859.

  6. Kang Xie, Hongyun Hu*, Sihua Xu, Tongzhou Chen, Yongda Huang, Fu Yang, Hong Yao. Fate of heavy metals during molten salts thermal treatment of municipal solid waste incineration fly ashes.Waste Management. 2020(103): 334-341.

  7. Fu Yang, Hongyun Hu*, Huan Liu, Hong Yao.Study on the influence of small molecular gases on toluene reforming in molten salt. Renewable Energy. 2020, 153, 832-839.

  8. Ruize Sun, Hailu Zhu, Mengting Shi, Guangqian Luo*, Yang Xu, Xian Li, Hong Yao. Preparation of fly ash adsorbents utilizing non-thermal plasma to add S active sites for Hg0 removal from flue gas. Fuel. 2020, 266: 116936.

  9. Zhenzhong Hu , Xian Li*, Zhengjun Tu, Yuxian Wang, Omar Donovan Dacres, Yiming Sun, Mingyue Sun, Hong Yao.“Thermal dissolution carbon enrichment” treatment of biomass wastes: Supercapacitor electrode preparation using the residue.Fuel Processing Technology. 205 (2020) 106430.

  10. Shuai Li, Hongyu Gong, Hongyun Hu*, Huimin Liu, Yongda Huang, Biao Fu, Linling Wang, Hong Yao. Re-using of coal-fired fly ash for arsenic vapors in-situ retention before SCR catalyst: experiments and mechanisms. Chemosphere. 2020, available online

  11. LinlinYi, HuanLiu*, MeiyongLi, GaozhiMan, HongYao. Prevention of CaO deactivation using organic calcium precursor during multicyclic catalytic upgrading of bio-oil.Fuel. 2020, 271: 117692.

  12. Ruize Sun, Guangqian Luo*, Xian Li, Hong Tian, Hong Yao. Theoretical Research on Role of Sulfur Allotropes on Activated Carbon Surface in Adsorbing Elemental Mercury. Chemical Engineering Journal, 2020, available online.

  13. Renjie Zou, Haoyu Zhang, Guangqian Luo*, Can Fang, Mengting Shi, Hongyun Hu, Xian Li, Hong Yao. Selenium migration behaviors in wet flue gas desulfurization slurry and an in-situ treatment approach. Chemical Engineering Journal, 2020.

  14. 罗光前,方灿,邹仁杰,姚洪.多孔板除雾器除雾性能模拟研究[J].华中科技大学学报(自然科学版),2020,48(04):1-6.

  15. Shan Tong, Yiming Sun, Xian Li*, Zhenzhong Hu, Omar D. Dacres, Nakorn Worasuwannarak, Guangqian Luo, Huan Liu, Hongyun Hu, Hong Yao. Gas-pressurized torrefaction of biomass wastes: Roles of pressure and secondary reactions. Bioresource Technology.Bioresource Technology. 2020, 123640.

  16. Zhao Xiong, Yaxin Gao, Xian Li*, Lizhi Ding, Guangqian Luo, Dunxi Yu, Xin Yu, Hong Yao. A novel CO2-water leaching method for AAEM removal from coal: Suppression of PM formation and release during Zhundong coal combustion. Fuel,2020, 271.

  17. Weixiang Qian, Xian Li*, Xianqing Zhu, Zhenzhong Hu, Xu Zhang, Guangqian Luo, Hong Yao, Preparation of activated carbon nanofibers using degradative solvent extraction products obtained from low-rank coal and their utilization in supercapacitors, RSC Advances, 2020, 10(14): 8172-8180.

  18. Zhao Xiong, Yaxin Gao, Xian Li*, Lizhi Ding, Guangqian Luo, Dunxi Yu, Xin Yu, Hong Yao, A novel CO2-water leaching method for AAEM removal from coal: Suppression of PM formation and release during Zhundong coal combustion, Fuel, 2020, 271: 117689.

  19. Omar D.Dacres, Shan Tong, Xian Li, YimingSun, Feng Wang, Guangqian Luo, Huan Liu, Hongyun Hu, Hong Yao.  Gas-pressurized torrefaction of biomass wastes: The effect of varied pressure on pyrolysis kinetics and mechanism of torrefied biomass

  20. Zehua Li, Renjie Zou, Dikun Hong, Juncheng Ouyang, Liangkui Jiang, Huan Liu, Guangqian Luo, Hong Yao. Effect of CO2 and H2O on Char Properties. Part 2: In Situ and Ex Situ Char in Oxy-Steam Combustion. International Symposium on Clean Energy and Advanced Carbon Materials (CEAM).

  21. Juncheng Ouyang, Dikun Hong, Liangkui Jiang, Zehua Li, Huan Liu, Guangqian Luo, Hong Yao, Effect of CO2 and H2O on Char Properties. Part 1: Pyrolysis Char Structure and Reactivity. ENERGY & FUELS.

  22. Yongda Huang, Hongyu Gong, Hongyun Hu*, Biao Fu, Bing Yuan, Shuai Li, Guangqian Luo, Hong Yao. Migration and emission behavior of arsenic and selenium in a circulating fluidized bed power plant burning arsenic/selenium-enriched coal. Chemosphere, 2020 available online

  23. Jiaxing Wang, Huan Liu*, Hongping Deng, Minghao Jin, Han Xiao, Hong Yao. Deep dewatering of sewage sludge and simultaneous preparation of derived fuel via carbonaceous skeleton-aided thermal hydrolysis. Chemical Engineering Journal, 2020(402): 126255.

  24. Xiuju Zhang, Huan Liu*, Tongzhou Chen, Haiyan Li, Geyi Wang, Yangwei Wu, Hong Yao. Alleviation of thermal corrosion caused by molten ash on heat-exchange tubes in MSW incinerators: Effects of Ni-, Co-, Fe-based HVOF coatings.Proceedings of Combustion Institute, 2020, available online.

  25. Huimin Liu, Yueming Wang, Hongyun Hu*, Biao Fu, Hong Yao*, Jost O.I. Wendt. Enrichment mechanism of arsenic in fine ash deposits during co-combustion of rice husk and coal. Fuel, 2020, 281, 118712.

  26. Yuhan Yang, Hongyun Hu*, Fu Yang, Hua Tang, Huan Liu, Baojun Yi, Xian Li, Hong Yao. Thermochemical conversion of lignocellulosic bio-waste via fast pyrolysis in molten salts. Fuel, 2020, 278:118228.

  27. Hongyu Gong, Yongda Huang, Hongyun Hu*, Mengya Shi, Biao Fu, Cong Luo, Dahai Yan, Hong Yao. The potential oxidation characteristics of CaCr2O4 during coal combustion with solid waste in a fluidized bed boiler: A thermogravimetric analysis. Chemosphere. 2020 available online.

  28. Hao Wang, Hongyun Hu*, Yuhan Yang, Huan Liu, Hua Tang, Sihua Xu, Aijun Li, Hong Yao. Effect of high heating rates on products distribution and sulfur transformation during the pyrolysis of waste tires. Waste Management, 2020(118):9-17.

  29. Xiuju Zhang, Huan Liu*, Tongzhou Chen, Geyi Wang, Haiyan Li, Hongyun Hu, Yun Yu, HongYao. Application of coatings to alleviate fireside corrosion on heat transfer tubes during the combustion of low-grade solid fuels: A review. Energy&Fuels, available online.

  30. 李海燕,刘欢,张秀菊,王阁义,周巧燕,陈同舟,姚洪. HVOF喷涂用于提高锅炉换热面耐磨损耐腐蚀性能综述. 化工学报, 网络首发.

  31. 黄永达,胡红云,龚泓宇,刘慧敏,付彪,李帅,罗光前,姚洪. 燃煤电厂砷、硒、铅的排放与控制技术研究进展. 燃料化学学报, 2020, 48(11): 1281-1297.


  1. Xiuju Zhang ,Huan Liu*, Haoxuan Xing , Geyi Wang, Haiyan Li ,Kangxin Xiao, Wang Liu, Yun Yu,Hong Yao. Investigation of potassium vapor time-resolved adsorption and potassium-sodium competitive adsorption by modified kaolinite.Fuel,2019,258:116124.(SCI&EI)

  2. Geng Lu, Huan Liu*, Qiang Zhang,Jiaxing Wang, Linlin Yi, Hongyun Hu,Hong Yao*. Nitrogen conversion during the homogeneous and heterogeneous stages of sludge steam gasification: Synergistic effects of Fenton's reagent and CaO conditioner, Fuel 2019, 241: 1109-1116 (SCI&EI)

  3. Haoxuan Xing, Huan Liu*, Xiuju Zhang, Hongping Deng, Hongyun Hu,Hong Yao. Enhanced sodium adsorption capacity of kaolinite using a combined method of thermal pre-activation and intercalation-exfoliation: Alleviating the problems of slagging and fouling during the combustion of Zhundong coal, Fuel 2019, 239: 312-319 (SCI&EI)

  4. Kexin Yi, Huan Liu*, Jiaxing Wang, Geng Lu, Minghao Jin, Hongyun Hu,Hong Yao. The adsorption and transformation of SO2, H2S and NH3 by using sludge gasification ash: Effects of Fenton oxidation and CaO pre-conditioning, Chemical Engineering Journal, 2018, In press, DOI: https://doi.org/10.1016/j.cej.2018.10.201 (SCI&EI)

  5. Yang Li, Huan Liu*, Kangxin Xiao, Xiang Liu, Hongyun Hu, Xian Li,Hong Yao. Correlations between the physicochemical properties of hydrochar and specific components of waste lettuce: Influence of moisture, carbohydrates, proteins and lipids, Bioresource Technology, 2019, 272, 482–488. (SCI&EI)

  6. Xiuju Zhang, Huan Liu*, Haoxuan Xing, Geyi Wang, Hongping Deng, Hongyun Hu, Xian Li,Hong Yao. Correlations between the sodium adsorption capacity and the thermal behavior of modified kaolinite during the combustion of Zhundong coal, Fuel 2019, 237: 170-177 (SCI&EI)

  7. Linlin Yi, Huan Liu*, Kangxin Xiao, Geyi Wang, Qiang Zhang, Hongyun Hu,Hong Yao*. In situ upgrading of bio-oil via CaO catalyst derived from organic precursors, Proceedings of the Combustion Institute. In press, DOI: https://doi.org/10.1016/j.proci.2018.06.078 (SCI&EI)

  8. Yongda Huang; Yuhan Yang; Hongyun Hu*; Mian Xu; Huan Liu; Xian Li; Xinye Wang;Hong Yao*. A deep insight into arsenic adsorption over γ-Al2O3 in the presence of SO2/NO, Proceedings of the Combustion Institute. In press, DOI: https://doi.org/10.1016/j.proci.2018.06.136 (SCI&EI)

  9. YuhanYang, Hongyun Hu*, Kang Xie, Yongda Huang, Huan Liu, Xian Li,Hong Yao*, IchiroNaruse. Insight of arsenic transformation behavior during high-arsenic coal combustion. Proceedings of the Combustion Institute. In press, DOI: https://doi.org/10.1016/j.proci.2018.07.064 (SCI&EI)

  10. Omar D. Dacres, Shan Tong, Xian Li*, Xianqing Zhu, Elbager M.A. Edreis, Huan Liu, Guangqian Luo, Nakorn Worasuwannarak, Somrat Kerdsuwand, Bundit Fungtammasan,Hong Yao. Pyrolysis kinetics of biomasses pretreated by gas-pressurized torrefaction, Energy Conversion and Management, 2019, 182: 117-125 (SCI&EI)

  11. Hongyu Gong, Yongda Huang, Hongyun Hu*, Biao Fu, Tongtong Ma, Shuai Li, Kang Xie, Guangqian Luo,Hong Yao. Insight of particulate arsenic removal from coal fired power plants. Fuel, 2019, 257: 116018.

  12. Pengchao Zhang, Hongyun Hu*, Hua Tang, Yuhan Yang, Huan Liu, Qiang Lu, Xian Li, Nakorn Worasuwannarak,Hong Yao. In-depth experimental study of pyrolysis characteristics of raw and cooking treated shrimp shell samples. Renewable Energy, 2019, 139: 730-738.

  13. Mengting Shi, Guangqian Luo*, Yang Xu, Renjie Zou, Hailu Zhu, Jingyuan Hu, Xian Li,Hong Yao. Using H2S plasma to modify activated carbon for elemental mercury removal [J]. Fuel, 2019, 254: 115549.

  14. Mengting Shi, Guangqian Luo*, Hailu Zhu, Renjie Zou, Jingyuan Hu, Yang Xu,Hong Yao. Surface modification of fly ash by non-thermal air plasma for elemental mercury removal from coal-fired flue gas [J]. Environmental Technology, 2019.

  15. Long Wu, Zhongsheng Shang, Hailu Zhu, Zhanyong Li, Guangqian Luo*,Hong Yao. Gas-Phase Mercury Removal by Modified Activated Carbons Treated with Ar-O2 Non-Thermal Plasma under Different O2 Concentrations [J]. International Journal of Chemical Reactor Engineering, 2019, 254: 115549.

  16. Yang Xu, Mengli Zhou, Jingyuan Hu, Yongqing Xu, Guangqian Luo*, Xian Li,Hong Yao*. Particulate matter filtration of the flue gas from iron-ore sintering operations using a magnetically stabilized fluidized bed. Powder Technology. 2019. 342. 335-340.(SCI&EI)

  17. Yang Xu, Guangqian Luo*, Qicong Pang, Shuangwu He, Fangfang Deng, Yongqing Xu,Hong Yao*. Adsorption and catalytic oxidation of elemental mercury over regenerable magnetic Fe Ce mixed oxides modified by non-thermal plasma treatment. Chemical Engineering Journal. 2019. 358. 1454-1463.(SCI&EI)

  18. Lizhi Ding, Yaxin Gao, Xian Li*, Wenhui Wang, Yi Xue, Xianqing Zhu, Kai Xu, Hongyun Hu, Guangqian Luo, Ichiro Naruse,Hong Yao. A novel CO2-water leaching method for AAEM removal from Zhundong coal. Fuel. 2019. 237. 786-792.(SCI&EI)

  19. Zehua Li*,Juncheng Ouyang,Guangqian Luo,Hong Yao.High-Efficiency CaO-Based Sorbent Modified by Aluminate Cement and Organic Fiber Through Wet Mixing Method.  Industrial & Engineering Chemistry Research, 2019.

  20. Liangkui Jiang,Zehua Li*,Juncheng Ouyang,Yuan Fang,Guangqian Luo,Hong Yao*. Kinetic Study of Coal Char Thermal Deactivation. Energy & Fuels, 2019.


  1. Linlin Yi, Huan Liu*, Kangxin Xiao, Geyi Wang, Qiang Zhang, Hongyun Hu,Hong Yao*. In situ upgrading of bio-oil via CaO catalyst derived from organic precursors, Proceedings of the Combustion Institute. In press, DOI: https://doi.org/10.1016/j.proci.2018.06.078 ( SCI&EI)

  2. Kangxin Xiao, Huan Liu*, Yang Li, Linlin Yi, Xiuju Zhang, Hongyun Hu,Hong Yao*. Correlations between hydrochar properties and chemical constitution of orange peel waste during hydrothermal carbonization,Bioresource Technology, 2018, 265, 432–436. (SCI&EI)

  3. Yongda Huang, Yuhan Yang, Hongyun Hu, Mian Xu, Huan Liu, Xian Li, Xinye Wang,Hong Yao*. A deep insight into arsenic adsorption over γ-Al2O3 in the presence of SO2/NO, Proceedings of the Combustion Institute. (SCI&EI) (Accepted)

  4. Hua Tang, Mian Xu, Hongyun Hu, Fu Yang, Yuhan Yang, Huan Liu, Xian Li,Hong Yao*. In-situ removal of sulfur from high sulfur solid waste during molten salt pyrolysis, Fuel 231 (2018) 489–494. (SCI&EI)

  5. Hongyun Hu, Mengya Shi, Yuhan Yang, Huan Liu, Mian Xu, Junhao Shen,Hong Yao*. Further Insight into the Formation and Oxidation of CaCr2O4during Solid Fuel Combustion.Environ. Sci. Technol., 2018, 52 (4), 2385–2391. (SCI&EI)

  6. Mian Xu, Hongyun Hu, Yuhan Yang, Yongda Huang, Kang Xie, Huan Liu, Xian Li,Hong Yao*, Ichiro Naruse. A deep insight into carbon conversion during Zhundong coal molten salt gasification. Fuel. 220 (2018) 890-897. (SCI&EI)

  7. Yang Xu, Xiaobo Zeng, Guangqian Luo, Yongqing Xu, Xian Li,Hong Yao*. Study on the effects of carrier and modifier on mercury adsorption behavior over halides modified sorbents using temperature programmed desorption method. Fuel Process. Technol.178 (2018) 293-300

  8. Yang Xu, Fangfang Deng, Qicong Pang, Shuangwu He, Yongqing Xu, Guangqian Luo,Hong Yao*. Development of waste-derived sorbents from biomass and brominated flame retarded plastic for elemental mercury removal from coal-fired flue gas. Chem. Eng. J. 350 (2018) 911–919

  9. Shan Tong, Li Xiao, Xian Li, Xianqing Zhu, Huan Liu, Guangqian Luo,Nakorn Worasuwannarak, Somrat Kerdsuwan, Bundit Fungtammasan,Hong Yao*. A gas-pressurized torrefaction method for biomass wastes. Energ Convers Manage. 173 (2018) 29–36

  10. Mian Xu, Hongyun Hu, Fu Yang, Yuhan Yang, Liangkui Jiang, Hua Tang, Xian Li, Kai Xu,Hong Yao*. Novel findings in conversion mechanism of toluene as model compound of biomass waste tar in molten salt.Journal of Analytical and Applied Pyrolysis. 2018, in press.


  1. Huan Liu, Linlin Yi, Hongyun Hu, Kai Xu, Qiang Zhang, Geng Lu,Hong Yao*. Emission control of NOx precursors during sewage sludge pyrolysis using an integrated pretreatment of Fenton peroxidation and CaO conditioning, Fuel, 2017, 195, 208–216. (SCI&EI)

  2. Qiang Zhang, Huan Liu*, Xiuju Zhang, Geng Lu, Jiaxing Wang, Hongyun Hu, Aijun Li,Hong Yao*. Effect of Fe/Ca-based composite conditioners on syngas production during different sludge gasification stages: devolatilization, homogeneous reforming and heterogeneous catalyzing. International Journal of Hydrogen Energy, 2017, 42(49), 29150-29158. (SCI&EI)

  3. Linlin Yi, Huan Liu*, Geng Lu, Qiang Zhang, Jiaxing Wang, Hongyun Hu,Hong Yao*. Effect of Mixed Fe/Ca Additives on Nitrogen Transformation during Protein and Amino Acid Pyrolysis, Energy & Fuels, 2017, 31, 9484−9490. (SCI&EI)

  4. Qiang Zhang,Huan Liu*, Xiuju Zhang, Haoxuan Xing, Hongyun Hu,Hong Yao*. Novel utilization of conditioner CaO for gas pollutants control during co-combustion of sludge and coal, Fuel, 2017, 206, 541-545. (SCI&EI)

  5. Xiuju Zhang, Huan Liu*, Haoxuan Xing, Haiyan Li, Hongyun Hu, Aijun Li,Hong Yao*. Improved sodium adsorption by modified kaolinite at high temperature using intercalation-exfoliation method, Fuel, 2017, 191, 198–203. (SCI&EI)

  6. Qiang Zhang,Huan Liu∗, Geng Lu, Linlin Yi, Hongyun Hu, Hetian Chi,Hong Yao. Mechanism of conditioner CaO on NOx precursors evolution during sludge steam gasifcation, Proceedings of the Combustion Institute, 2017, 36, 4003–4010. (SCI&EI)

  7. Hongyun Hu, Dunkui Chen, Huan Liu, YuhanYang, HexunCai, Junhao Shen,Hong Yao*. Adsorption and reaction mechanism of arsenic vapors over γ-Al2O3 in the simulated flue gas containing acid gases, Chemosphere, 2017, 180, 186-191. (SCI&EI)

  8. Junhao Shen, Hongyun Hu*, Mian Xu, Huan Liu, Kai Xu, Xiuju Zhang,Hong Yao*, IchiroNaruse. Interactions between molten salts and ash components during Zhundong coal gasification in eutectic carbonates. Fuel, 2017, 207, 365-372. (SCI&EI)

  9. Kai Xu, Hongyun Hu, Zehua Li, Xianqing Zhu, Huan Liu, Guangqian Luo, Xian Li,Hong Yao*. Investigation of the anode reactions in solid oxide electrolyte based carbon fuel cells. International Journal of Hydrogen Energy, 2017, 42, 10264-10274. (SCI&EI)

  10. Kai Xu, Zehua Li, Mengya Shi, Haoxuan Xing, Huan Liu, Xian Li, Hongyun Hu, Guangqian Luo,Hong Yao*. Investigation of the anode reactions in SO-DCFCs fueled by Sn-C mixture fuels. Proceedings of the Combustion Institute, 2017, 36, 4435-4442. (SCI&EI)

  11. Yaxin Gao, Lizhi Ding, XianLi, Wenhui Wang, Yi Xue, Xianqing Zhu, Hongyun Hu, Guangqian Luo, Ichiro Naruse, Zongqing Bai,Hong Yao*. Na&Ca removal from Zhundong coal by a novel CO2-water leaching method and the ashing behavior of the leached coal. Fuel 210 (2017) 8-14 (SCI&EI)

  12. Xianqing Zhu, Shan Tong, Xian Li, Yaxin Gao, Yang Xu, Omar D. Dacres, Ryuichi Ashida, Kouichi Miura, Wenqiang Liu, andHong Yao*. Conversion of Biomass into High-Quality Bio-oils by Degradative Solvent Extraction Combined with Subsequent Pyrolysis. Energy Fuels 2017, 31, 3987-3994 (SCI&EI)

  13. Xiaobo Zeng, Yang Xu, Bi Zhang, Guangqian Luo, Ping Sun, Renjie Zou,Hong Yao*. Elemental mercury adsorption and regeneration performance of sorbents FeMnOx enhanced via non-thermal plasma. Chemical Engineering Journal 309 (2017) 503-512

  14. Yuan Fang, Renjie Zou, Guangqian Luo, Juan Chen, Zehua Li, Zhengjiang Mao, Xianqing Zhu, Fulei Peng,Shengqiang Guo, Xian Li, andHong Yao*. Kinetic Study on Coal Char Combustion in a Microfluidized Bed. Energy Fuels 2017, 31, 3243-3252

  15. Ping Xu, Guangqian Luo, Bi Zhang, Xiaobo Zeng, Yang Xu, Renjie Zou, Rongli Gan,Hong Yao*. Influence of low pressure on mercury removal from coals via mild pyrolysis. Applied Thermal Engineering 113 (2017) 1250-1255

  16. Xiaobo Zeng, Yang Xu, Bi Zhang, Guangqian Luo, Ping Sun, Renjie Zou,Hong Yao*. Influence of Hg occurrence in coal on accuracy of Hg direct measurement based on thermal decomposition. International Journal of Coal Geology 0166-5162 2017, 170, 14-18

  17. Yuan Fang, Guangqian Luo, Jin Li, Kaidi Li, Chao Chen, Hong Zhao, Ran Duan,Hong Yao*. Kinetic study on in-situ and cooling char combustion in a two-step reaction analyzer. Proceedings of the Combustion Institute 36 (2017) 2147-2154

  18. Xianqing Zhu, Jian Tang,† Xian Li, Wei Lan, Kai Xu, Yuan Fang, Ryuichi Ashida, Kouichi Miura,Guangqian Luo, andHong Yao*. Modeling and Kinetic Study of Degradative Solvent Extraction of Biomass Wastes. Energy Fuels, 2017, 31, 5097-5103

  19. Xian Li, Xianqing Zhu, Kenshiro Okuda, Zong Zhang, Ryuichi Ashida,Hong Yao*, Kouichi Miura. Preparation of carbon fibers from low-molecular-weight compounds obtained from low-rank coal and biomass by solvent extraction. New Carbon Materials、1007-8827, 2017, 32(1): 41-47

  20. Ping Sun, Bi Zhang, Xiaobo Zeng, Guangqian Luo, Xian Li,Hong Yao*, Chuguang Zheng. Deep study on effects of activated carbon’s oxygen functional groups for elemental mercury adsorption using temperature programmed desorption method. Fuel 2017, 200, 100-106

  21. 汪家兴,刘欢*,刘鹏,张强,卢更,胡红云,姚洪.深度脱水污泥的热干化特性.化工学报, 2017, 68(6): 2492-2500.

  22. 卢更,刘欢*,胡红云,张强,易琳琳,姚洪.氧化钙调理污泥气化过程中重金属的迁移转化规律.化工学报, 2017, 68(1): 272-280.


  1. Chao Chen, Sen Zhang, Kai Xu, Guangqian Luo, andHong Yao*. Experimental and Modeling Study of Char Gasification with Mixtures of CO2 and H2O. Energy Fuels, 2016, 30, 1628-1635

  2. Hui Wu, Bi Zhang, Yong Qiu, Guangqian Luo,Hong Yao*. Experiment study on mercury migration across wet flue gas desulfurization slurry under oxy-coal combustion atmosphere. Fuel, 2016, 181, 1184-1190

  3. Xiaowei Hu, Xian Li, Guangqian Luo,Hong Yao*. Homogeneous and heterogeneous contributions of CO2 and recycled NO to NO emission difference between air and oxy-coal combustion. Fuel, 2016, 163, 1-7

  4. Zehua Li, YinWang, Kai Xu, Jingze Yang, Shaobo Niu,Hong Yao*. Effect of steam on CaO regeneration, carbonation and hydration reactions for CO2 capture. Fuel Processing Technology. 2016, 151, 101-106

  5. Zehua Li, Yin Wang, Zhiwei Li, Meng Li, Kai Xu, Wenqiang Liu, Guangqian Luo, andHong Yao*. Limestone Decomposition in an O2/CO2/Steam Atmosphere Integrated with Coal Combustion. Energy Fuels. 2016, 30, 5092-5100

  6. Zehua Li, Yin Wang, Zhiwei Li, Guangqian Luo, Shiying Lin,Hong Yao*. Steam gasification behavior during coal combustion and CaO regeneration in O2/CO2/steam atmosphere. Fuel. 2016, 184, 409-417

  7. Zehua Li, Kai Xu, Huimin Chen, Shaoying Wang, Guangqian Luo, Yin Wang, andHong Yao*. Effect of Coal Combustion on the Reactivity of a CaO-Based Sorbent for CO2 Capture. Energy Fuels. 2016, 30, 7571-7578

  8. Kaidi Li, Yuan Fang, Guangqian Luo, Jin Li, Chao Chen, Renjie Zou, Cheng Liu, andHong Yao*. Determination of the Apparent Carbon Oxidation Reaction Order by a Microfluidized Bed and Its Application to Kinetic Models. Energy Fuels. 2016, 30, 10868-10874

  9. Bi Zhang, Xiaobo Zeng, Ping Xu, Juan Chen, Yang Xu, Guangqian Luo, Minghou Xu, andHong Yao*. Using the Novel Method of Nonthermal Plasma To Add Cl Active Sites on Activated Carbon for Removal of Mercury from Flue Gas. Environmental science & technology. 2016, 50 (21), 11837-11843

  10. Yang Xu, Xiaobo Zeng, Guangqian Luo, Bi Zhang, Ping Xu, Minghou Xu,Hong Yao*. Chlorine-Char composite synthesized by co-pyrolysis of biomass wastes and polyvinyl chloride for elemental mercury removal. Fuel. 2016, 183, 73-79

  11. Renjie Zou, Xiaobo Zeng, Guangqian Luo, Yong Qiu, Bi Zhang, Yang Xu, Hui Wu,Hong Yao*. Mercury stability of byproducts from wet flue gas desulfurization devices. Fuel. 2016, 186, 215-221

  12. Yang Xu,Xiaobo Zeng,Bi Zhang,Xianqing Zhu,Mengli Zhou,Renjie Zou,Ping Sun,Guangqian Luo,andHong Yao*. Experiment and kinetic study of elemental mercury adsorption over a novel chlorinated sorbent derived from coal and waste polyvinyl chloride. Energy Fuels. 2016, 30, 10635−10642

  13. Xianqing Zhu , Yi Xue, Xian Li, Zong Zhang, Wei Sun, Ryuichi Ashida, Kouichi Miura,Hong Yao*. Mechanism study of degradative solvent extraction of biomass. Fuel. 2016, 165: 10-18

  14. Xianqing Zhu ,Xian Li, Li Xiao, Xiaoyong Zhang, Shan Tong, Chao Wu, Ryuichi Ashida,Wenqiang Liu , Kouichi Miura,Hong Yao*. Novel carbon-rich additives preparation by degradative solvent extraction of biomass wastes for coke-making. Bioresource Technology. 2016, 207: 85-91

  15. Xian Li, Zhenyu Wu, Lian Zhang, Xiaowei Liu, Xianqing Zhu, Hongyun Hu, Guangqian Luo, Zhenzhong Hu, Wenqiang Liu,Hong Yao*. An updated acid dew point temperature estimation method for air-firing and oxy-fuel combustion processes. Fuel Processing Technology,2016, 154: 204-209

  16. Huan Liu, Linlin Yi, Qiang Zhang, Hongyun Hu, Geng Lu, Aijun Li,Hong Yao*. Co-production of clean syngas and ash adsorbent during sewage sludge gasification: Synergistic effect of Fenton peroxidation and CaO conditioning. Applied Energy, 2016, 179, 1062-1068. (SCI&EI)

  17. Hongyun Hu, Huan Liu, Qiang Zhang, Pingann Zhang, Aijun Li,Hong Yao*. Ichiro Naruse. Sintering characteristics of CaO-rich municipal solid waste incineration fly ash through the addition of Si/Al-rich ash residues. Journal of Material Cycles and Waste Management, 2016,18, 340-347. (SCI&EI)

  18. 刘洁丽,刘欢,邢浩轩,胡红云,易琳琳,姚洪.调理污泥气化灰对SO2的吸附特性.燃烧科学与技术,2016,22(4), 357-363.


  1. Huan Liu, Qiang Zhang, Haoxuan Xing, Hongyun Hu, Aijun Li,Hong Yao*. Product distribution and sulfur behavior in sewage sludge pyrolysis: Synergistic effect of Fenton peroxidation and CaO conditioning. Fuel, 2015, 159, 68-75. (SCI&EI)

  2. Huan Liu, Qiang Zhang, Hongyun Hu, Peng Liu, Xiaowei Hu, Aijun Li,Hong Yao*. Catalytic role of conditioner CaO in nitrogen transformation during sewage sludge pyrolysis. Proceedings of the Combustion Institute, 2015, 35(3), 2759-2766. (SCI&EI)

  3. Hongyun Hu,Huan Liu, Juan Chen,Hong Yao*, Aijun Li, Fiona Low, Lian Zhang. Speciation transformation of arsenic during municipal solid waste incineration. Proceedings of the Combustion Institute, 2015, 35(3), 2883-2890. (SCI&EI)

  4. Hongyun Hu, Zhang Xu, Huan Liu, Dunkui Chen, Kaidi Li, Aijun Li,Hong Yao*, Ichiro Naruse. Mechanism of chromium oxidation by alkali and alkaline earth metals during municipal solid waste incineration. Proceedings of the Combustion Institute, 2015, 35(2), 2397-2403. (SCI&EI)

  5. Dunkui Chen, Hongyun Hu, Zhang Xu,Huan Liu, Jinxiu Cao, Junhao Shen,Hong Yao*. Findings of proper temperatures for arsenic capture by CaO in the simulated flue gas with and without SO2. Chemical Engineering Journal. 2015, 267, 201-206. (SCI&EI)

  6. Bi Zhang, Ping Xu, Yong Qiu, Qiao Yu, Jingjing Ma, Hui Wu, Guangqian Luo,Minghou Xu,Hong Yao*. Increasing oxygen functional groups of activated carbon with non-thermal plasma to enhance mercury removal efficiency for flue gases. Chemical Engineering Journal. 263:1-8, 2015

  7. Xiaowei Hu, Guangqian Luo,Hong Yao*. NO Reduction Scale of three typical Chinese coals during oxy-coal combustion. Aerosol and Air Quality Research.2015

  8. Zehua Li ,Yin Wang,Hong Yao, Shiying Lin. Novel CO2 sorbent: Ca(OH)2 with high strength. Fuel Processing Technology, 2015, Vol.131,437-442

  9. 徐章,胡红云,陈敦奎,刘欢,姚洪.垃圾焚烧飞灰中砷的赋存形态研究,工程热物理学报, 2015, 36(9), 2071-2075.


  1. Huan Liu, Qiang Zhang, Hongyun Hu, Ruxi Xiao, Aijun Li, Yu Qiao,Hong Yao*, Ichiro Naruse. Dual role of conditioner CaO in product distributions and sulfur transformation during sewage sludge pyrolysis. Fuel, 2014, 134: 514-520. (SCI&EI)

  2. Huan Liu, Qiang Zhang, Hongyun Hu, Aijun Li,Hong Yao*. Influence of residual moisture on deep dewatered sludge pyrolysis. International Journal of Hydrogen Energy, 2014, 39(3), 1253-1261. (SCI&EI)

  3. Huan Liu, Peng Liu, Hongyun Hu, Qiang Zhang, Zhenyu Wu, Jiakuan Yang,Hong Yao*. Combined effects of Fenton peroxidation and CaO conditioning on sewage sludge thermal drying. Chemosphere, 2014, 117, 559-566. (SCI&EI)

  4. Huan Liu, Bei Yuan, Bi Zhang, Hongyun Hu, Aijun Li, Guangqian Luo,Hong Yao*. Removal of mercury from flue gas using sewage sludge-based adsorbents. Journal of Material Cycles and Waste Management, 2014, 16, 101-107. (SCI&EI)

  5. Qiang Zhang, Huan Liu, Peng Liu, Hongyun Hu,Hong Yao*. Pyrolysis characteristics and kinetic analysis of different dewatered sludge, Bioresource Technology, 2014, 170, 325-330.

  6. Kai Xu, Chao Chen,Huan Liu, Ye Tian, Xian Li,Hong Yao*. Effect of coal based pyrolysis gases on the performance of solid oxide direct carbon fuel cells, International Journal of Hydrogen Energy, 2014, 39(31), 17845-17851. (SCI&EI)

  7. Hongyun Hu, Yuan Fang, Huan Liu, Ren Yu, Guangqian Luo, Wenqiang Liu, Aijun Li,Hong Yao*. The fate of sulfur during rapid pyrolysis of scrap tires. Chemosphere. 2014, 97, 102-107. (SCI&EI)

  8. Elbager M.A. Edreis, Guangqian Luo, Aijun Li, Chaofen Xu,Hong Yao*. Synergistic effects and kinetics thermal behaviour of petroleum coke/biomass blends during H2O co-gasification. Energy Conversion and Management. 79, 355-366, 2014

  9. Bi Zhang, Ping Xu, Jingjing Ma, Hui Wu, Guangqian Luo, Minghou Xu, andHong Yao*. Chemical Looping Combustion Pretreatment of Fuel Gas for a Novel Mercury Continuous Emissions Monitor by Cold Vapor Atomic Absorption Spectrometry,Energy Fuels, 28 (1), 192-198, 2014

  10. Elbager M.A. Edreis, Guangqian Luo,Hong Yao*. Investigations of the structure and thermal kinetic analysis of sugarcane bagasse char during non-isothermal CO2 gasification, Journal of Analytical and Applied Pyrolysis,107,107-115,2014

  11. Aiwu Fan, Jianlong Wan, Yi Liu, Boming Pi,Hong Yao, Wei Liu. Effect of bluff body shape on the blow-off limit of hydrogen/air flame in a planar micro-combustor. Applied Thermal Engineering. 62, 13-19, 2014

  12. Xian Li, Ryuichi Ashida, Mitsunori Makino, Atsushi Nishida,Hong Yao, Kouichi Miura, Enhancement of gasification reactivity of low-rank coal through high-temperature solvent treatment, Energy & Fuels, 28, 5690-5695,2014

  13. 刘鹏,刘欢,张强,罗光前,姚洪.污泥深度脱水调理剂对污泥干化过程中含硫气体释放的影响.化工学报, 2014, 65(4): 1084~1092.

  14. 张强,刘欢,刘鹏,胡红云,罗光前,姚洪.调理剂对深度脱水污泥热解特性影响研究分析.化工学报, 2014, 65(3): 1396~1402


  1. Juan Chen, Facun Jiao, Lian Zhang,Hong Yao, Yoshihiko Ninomiya, Elucidating the mechanism of Cr(VI) formation upon the interaction with metal oxides during coal oxy-fuel combustion. Journal of Hazardous Materials, 261,260-268,2013

  2. Ruan Zheng, Shun, Luo Ai Hua,Yao Hong. Research on the relation of carbon tax on carbon emission and economic development in China. Advanced Materials Research,2013, 807-809, 723-727

  3. Edreis Elbager M. A., Luo Guangqian, Li Aijun, Chao Chen, Hu Hongyun, Zhang Sen, Gui Ben, Xiao Li, Xu Kai, Zhang Pingan,Yao Hong*, CO2 co-gasification of lower sulphur petroleum coke and sugar cane bagasse via TG-FTIR analysis technique. Bioresource Technology, 136 : 595-603,2013

  4. Fan Aiwu, Wan Jianlong, Liu Yi, Pi Boming,Yao Hong, Maruta Kaoru, Liu Wei, The effect of the blockage ratio on the blow-off limit of a hydrogen/air flame in a planar micro-combustor with a bluff body. International Journal of Hydrogen Energy, 38(26 ) , 11438-11445 ,2013

  5. Guangqian Luo, Qiao Yu, Bi Zhang, Tao Zhou, Li Xiao, Yin Wang, Minghou Xu,Hong Yao*, Pilot-scale study of volatilization behavior of Hg, Se, As, Cl, S during decoupled conversion of coal, Fuel 112, 704-709,2013

  6. Guangqian Luo, Jingjing Ma, Jun Han ,Hong Yao, Minghou Xu , Cheng Zhang, Gang Chen,Rajenda Gupta, Zhenghe Xu, Hg occurrence in coal and its removal before coal utilization, Fuel, 104 ,70-76,2013

  7. Hui Wu, Hao Liu, Quanhai Wang, Guangqian Luo,Hong Yao, Jianrong Qiu, Experimental study of homogeneous mercury oxidation under O2/CO2 atmosphere, Proceedings of the Combustion Institute 34,2847-2854,2013

  8. Chao Chen, Jing Wang, Wei Liu, Sen Zhang, Jingshu Yin, Guangqian Luo,Hong Yao*, Effect of pyrolysis conditions on the char gasification with mixtures of CO2 and H2O, Proceedings of the Combustion Institute 34, 2453-2460,2013

  9. Chang Wen, Minghou Xu , Dunxi Yu, Changdong Sheng, Hongwei Wuc, Ping’an Zhang a, Yu Qiao,Hong Yao*, PM10 formation during the combustion of N2-char and CO2-char of Chinese coals, Proceedings of the Combustion Institute 34,2383-2492,2013

  10. Aiwu Fan, Jianlong Wan, Kaoru Maruta, Hisashi Nakamura,Hong Yao, Wei Liu, Flame dynamics in a heated meso-scale radial channel, Proceedings of the Combustion Institute 34,3351-3359,2013

  11. Ben Gui, Yu Qiao , Dan Wan, Shuai Liu, Zainan Han,Hong Yao,Minghou Xu,Nascent tar formation during polyvinylchloride (PVC) pyrolysis,Proceedings of the Combustion Institute 34, 2321-2329, 2013

  12. Aiwu Fan, Jianlong Wan, Kaoru Maruta,Hong Yao, Wei Liu. Interactions between heat transfer, flow field and flame stabilization in a micro-combustor with a bluff body. International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer. 66, 72-79, 2013

  13. Huan Liu, Guangqian Luo, Hongyun Hu, Qiang Zhang, Jiakuan Yang,Hong Yao*. Emission characteristics of nitrogen- and sulfur-containing odorous compounds during different sewage sludge chemical conditioning processes. Journal of Hazardous Materials, 2012, 235-236, 298-306. (SCI&EI)

  14. Huan Liu, Jiakuan Yang*, Yafei Shi, Ye Li, Shu He, Changzhu Yang,Hong Yao*. Conditioning of sewage sludge by Fenton’s reagent combined with skeleton builders. Chemosphere, 2012, 88(2), 235-239. (SCI&EI)


  1. Juan Chen,Hong Yao, Lian Zhang, A study on the calcination and sulphation behaviour of limestone during oxy-fuel combustion,Fuel, 2012, 102: 386-395

  2. Jianlong Wan, Aiwu Fan, Kaoru Maruta,Hong Yao, Wei Liu,Experimental and numerical investigation on combustion characteristics of premixed hydrogen/air flame in a micro-combustor with a bluff body, International Journal of Hydrogen Energy,37,19190-19197,2012

  3. Hong Tao Liu,Hong Yao, Kai Yao, Feng Chen, Guang Qian Luo,Characteristics of "Three Zones" during Underground Coal Gasification,Advanced Materials Research, 2012, 524-527: 56-62

  4. Jun Han, Linbo Qin, Wei Ye, Yuqi Li, Long Liu, Hao Wang,Hong Yao*, Emission of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons from coal and sewage sludge co-combustion in a drop tube furnace, Waste Management & Research,30(9) 875-882, 2012

  5. Zhengshun Ruan,Aihua Luo,Hong Yao*,The Multi-Objective Programming Model of the Structure of Energy Consumption on China,Research Journal of Applied Sciences, Engineering and Technology,2012,4(21): 4488-4491

  6. ]Li Xiao, Tao Zhou, Guangqian Luo, andHong Yao*, Removal of tar during pine sawdust fast pryolysis with catalysts, Advanced Materials Research, Vols. 512-515 (2012) 449-454

  7. Wei Ye, Jun Han, Linbo Qin, Yuqi Li, Furuuchi Masami,Hong Yao*, Emission Characteristics of PM10 during Sewage Sludge Combustion, Aerosol and Air Quality Research, 12: 416–421, 2012

  8. Liu Hao,Yao Hong,YuanXing, Xu Xiaojie,Fan Yibo, Ando Takashi, Okazaki Ken, Efficient Desulfurization in O-2/CO2 Combustion: Dependence on Combustion Conditions and Sorbent Properties, Chemical Engineering Communications, 199(8),991-1011,2012

  9. Yu Dunxi, Zhao Liang, Zhang Zuoyong, Wen Chang, Xu Minghou,Yao Hong*, Iron Transformation and Ash Fusibility during Coal Combustion in Air and O-2/CO2 Medium, Energy & Fuels 26 (6),3150-3155,2012

  10. Liu, Xiaowei, Xu Minghou, Si Junping, Gu Ying, Xiong Chao,Yao Hong*,Effect of Sodium on the Structure and Reactivity of the Chars Formed under N-2 and CO2 Atmospheres,Energy & Fuels 26 (1),185-192,2012

  11. Wu Le, Qiao Yu, Gui Ben, Wang Chao, Xu Jingying,Yao Hong, Xu Minghou,Effects of Chemical Forms of Alkali and Alkaline Earth Metallic Species on the Char Ignition Temperature of a Loy Yang Coal under O-2/N-2 Atmosphere,Energy & Fuels, 26 (1),112-117,2012

  12. Wu Le,Qiao Yu,Yao Hong*,Experimental and numerical study of pulverized bituminous coal ignition characteristics in O2/N2 and O2/CO2 atmospheres,Asia-Pacific Journal of Chemical Engineering, 7 (2), 195-200,2012

  13. Han Jun,Qing Linbo,Xu Minghou,Yao Hong,Furuuchi, Masami,Hata Mitsuhiko,Effect of cooling rate on the partition of heavy and alkali metals during waste incineration,Asia-Pacific Journal Of Chemical Engineering, 7 (2), S229-S236,2012

  14. Hao Liu, Ying Yuan,Xing Yuan,Hong Yao, Takashi Ando, and Ken Okazaki,Scheme of O2/CO2 Combustion with Partial CO2 Removal from Recycled Gas. Part 1: Superlow NO Emission,Energy & Fuels,26(2), 829-834,2012

  15. Hao Liu,Hong Yao, Xing Yuan, Siwei Dong, Takashi Ando, and Ken Okazaki,Scheme of O-2/CO2 Combustion with Partial CO2 Removal from Recycled Gas. Part 2: High Efficiency of In-Furnace Desulfurization, Energy & Fuels,26(2), 835-841,2012

  16. Juan Chen,Facun Jiao,Lian Zhang,Hong Yao, and Yoshihiko Ninomiya,Use of Synchrotron XANES and Cr-Doped Coal to Further Confirm the Vaporization of Organically Bound Cr and the Formation of Chromium(VI) During Coal Oxy-Fuel Combustion, Environmental Science & Technology 46, 3567-3573,2012

  17. Huan Liu, Jiakuan Yang*, Nairuo Zhu, Hao Zhang, Ye Li, Shu He, Changzhu Yang,Hong Yao*. A comprehensive insight into the combined effects of Fenton’s reagent and skeleton builders on sludge deep dewatering performance. Journal of Hazardous Materials, 2013, 258-259, 144-150. (SCI&EI)

  18. Huan Liu, Hongyun Hu, Guangqian Luo, Aijun Li, Minghou Xu,Hong Yao*. Enhancement of hydrogen production in steam gasification of sewage sludge by reusing the calcium in lime-conditioned sludge. International Journal of Hydrogen Energy, 2013, 38(3), 1332-1341. (SCI&EI)

  19. HongYun Hu, Huan Liu, WenQing Shen, GuangQian Luo, AiJun Li, ZhaoLing Lu,Hong Yao*. Comparison of CaO's effect on the fate of heavy metals during thermal treatment of two typical types of MSWI fly ashes in China, Chemosphere, 2013, 93(4), 590-596. (SCI&EI)

  20. Hongyun Hu, Guangqian Luo, Huan Liu, Yu Qiao, Minghou Xu,Hong Yao*. Fate of chromium during thermal treatment of municipal solid waste incineration (MSWI) fly ash. Proceedings of the Combustion Institute, 2013, 34, 2795-2801. (SCI&EI)

  21. 刘鹏,刘欢,姚洪,李野,杨昌柱,杨家宽.芬顿试剂及骨架构建体对污泥脱水性能的影响.环境科学与技术, 2013, 36(10): 146~151

  22. 张强,邢智炜,刘欢,罗光前,姚洪.不同深度脱水污泥的热解特性及动力学分析.环境化学, 2013, 32(5): 839~846.


  1. Liu, Hao,Yuan, Ying,Yao, Hong, Dong, Siwei, Ando, Takashi, Okazaki, Ken, Factors Affecting NO Reduction during O-2/CO2 Combustion , Energy & Fuels,25 ( 6 ), 2487-2492, 2011

  2. Jiao Facun,Chen Juan,Zhang Lian, Wei Yajuan, Ninomiya Yoshihiko, Bhattacharya Sankar,Yao Hong, Ash partitioning during the oxy-fuel combustion of lignite and its dependence on the recirculation of flue gas impurities (H2O, HCl and SO2), Fuel, 90(6 ), 2207-2216, 2011

  3. Minghou Xu*, Dunxi Yu,Hong Yao, Xiaowei Liu, Yu Qiao, Coal combustion-generated aerosols: Formation and properties, Proceedings of the Combustion Institute 33, 1681-1697, 2011

  4. Guangqian Luo,Hong Yao, Minghou Xu,Rajenda Gupta, Zhenghe Xu, Identifying Modes of Occurrence of Mercury in Coal by Temperature Programmed Pyrolysis, Proceedings of the Combustion Institute33, 2763-2769, 2011

  5. Juan Chen,Hong Yao, Pingan Zhang, Li Xiao, Guangqian Luo and Minghou Xu,Control of PM1 by Kaolin or Limestone during O2/CO2 Pulverized Coal Combustion, Proceedings of the Combustion Institute33, 2837-2843, 2011


  1. Ke Zhou, Minghou Xu, Dunxi Yu, Xiaowei Liu, Chang Wen, Zhonghua Zhan, andHong Yao*, Formation and Control of Fine Potassium-Enriched Particulates during Coal Combustion, Energy & Fuels, 24(12): 6266-6274, 2010

  2. Ke Zhou, Minghou Xu, Dunxi Yu, Chang Wen, Zhonghua Zhan, andHong Yao*, The effects of coal blending on the formation and properties of particulate matter during combustion, Chinese Science Bulletin, 55(30), 3448-3455, 2010

  3. Jing-Jing Ma,Hong Yao, Guang-Qian Luo, Ming-Hou Xu, Jun Han,and Xuan-Ming He, Distribution of Hg, As, Pb, and Cr in a Coke Oven Plant, Energy & Fuels, 24, 5289–5290, 2010

  4. Dangzhen Lv, Minghou Xu , Xiaowei Liu, Zhonghua Zhan, Zhiyuan Li,Hong Yao*, Effect of cellulose, lignin, alkali and alkaline earth metallic species on biomass pyrolysis and gasification, Fuel Processing Technology,91,903-909, 2010

  5. Dangzhen Lv, Minghou Xu,Hong Yao, Xiaowei Liu, Wei Jiang, Huilong Cao, and Zhonghua Zhan, Effects of Indigenous and Added Minerals on Transformation of Organic and Inorganic Sulfur in Density Separated Coal Fractions during CO2-Pyrolysis, Energy & Fuels, 24, 123-130, 2010

  6. Minghou Xu,Hong Yao,Advanced coal combustion and utilization part I – emission and control,Asia-Pacific Journal of Chemical Engineering,5,257-258, 2010

  7. Jun Han, Heejoon Kim, Yuhei Sakaguchi, Kim Cheol-ho andHong Yao*,The synergetic effect of plasma and catalyst on simultaneous removal of SO2 and Nox,Asia-Pacific Journal of Chemical Engineering,5 : 441-446, 2010

  8. Gong, Xun,Hong Yao, Dan Zhang, Yu Qiao, Lin Li and Minghou Xu, Leaching characteristics of heavy metals in fly ash from a Chinese coal-fired power plant, Asia-Pacific Journal of Chemical Engineering, 5 : 330-336, 2010

  9. Guangqian Luo,Hong Yao,Minghou Xu,Xinwei Cui,Weixing Chen, Rajender Gupta, and Zhenghe Xu,Carbon Nanotube-Silver Composite for Mercury Capture and Analysis,Energy & Fuels, 24, 419–426, 2010


  1. Hong Yaoand Naruse I., Using sorbents to control heavy metals and particulate matter emission during solid fuel combustion, Particuology,7, 477-482, 2009

  2. Hong Yaoand Naruse I., Behavior of Lead Compounds during Municipal Solid Waste Incineration, Proceedings of the Combustion Institute32(2), 2685–2691, 2009

  3. Zhang Lian, Yu Dunxi,Hong Yao, Xu, Minghou, Wang, Qunying, Ninomiya, Yoshihiko, Characterization of Combustion-Derived Individual Fine Particulates by Computer-Controlled Scanning Electron Microscopy, Aiche Journal, 55 (11): 3005-3016, 2009

  4. Luo Guang-Qian,Yao Hong, Xu Ming-Hou, Partitioning behavior of mercury during coal combustion: the influence of low-NOx burners and operation load of boiler, Asia-Pacific Journal of Chemical Engineering, 4 (4): 480-486, 2009

  5. LIU XiaoWei, XU MingHou,Hong Yao, YU DunXi, ZHANG ZhongHua & LÜ DangZhen, Characteristics and composition of particulate matter from coal-fired power plants, Science in China Series E: Technological Sciences 52(6): 1521-1526, 2009

  6. Yu Dunxi, XU Minghou,Hong Yao,LIU Xiaowei. Size distributions of major elements in residual ash particles from coal combustion. Chinese Science Bulletin 54(6): 958-964. 2009

  7. Yu Dunxi, XU Minghou,Hong Yao,LIU Xiaowei,Zhou Ke,Wen Chang, Li Lin, Physicochemical properties and potential health effects of nanoparticles from pulverized coal combustion. Chinese Science Bulletin 54(7): 1243-1250, 2009

  8. Dunxi Yu, Minghou Xu,Hong Yao, Xiaowei Liu, Ke Zhou, Lin Li, Chang Wen,Mechanisms of the central mode particle formation during pulverized coal combustion,Proceedings of the Combustion Institute, Volume 32(2), 2075-2082, 2009


  1. Xiaowei Liu, Minghou Xu,Hong Yao, Dunxi Yu, Dangzhen Lv, and Ke Zhou, The Formation and Emission of Particulate Matter during the Combustion of Density Separated Coal Fractions, Energy & Fuel,2008, 22(6), 3844-3851

  2. Han Jun, Heejoon Kim, Yuhei Sakaguchi andHong Yao,Reduction of NOx and SO2 in a non-thermal plasma reactor combined with catalyst and methanol,J. Phys. D: Appl. Phys. 41 doi:10.1088/0022-3727/41/20/205213, 2008

  3. YU DunXi, XU MingHou,Hong Yao, LIU XiaoWei & ZHOU Ke,Effective identification of the three particle modes generated during pulverized coal combustion,Chinese Science Bulletin, 53(10), 1593-1602,2008

  4. Dunxi Yu, Minghou Xu ,Hong Yao, Xiaowei Liu, Ke Zhou,A new method for identifying the modes of particulate matter from pulverized coal combustion,Powder Technology 183 105-114, 2008

  5. J. Han, M. Xu,Hong Yao, M. Furuuchi, H. J. Kim, The Effect of Chloride on Separation Temperature of Heavy and Alkali Metals During Sewage Sludge Incineration, Waste Management, 28: 833-839,2008


  1. Yu Qiao, Minghou Xu,Hong Yao, Chen Wang, Xun Gong, Modeling of homogeneous tin speciation using detailed chemical kinetics,Asia-Pacific Journal of Chemical Engineering 2(3): 158-164,2007

  2. Changdong Sheng, Yi Li, Xiaowei Liu,Hong Yao, Minghou Xu, Ash particle formation during O2/CO2 combustion of pulverized coals,Fuel Processing Technology, 88,1021–1028, 2007

  3. Dunxi Yu, Minghou Xu,Hong Yao, Jiancai Sui, Xiaowei Liu, Yun Yu, Qian Cao, Use of elemental size distributions in identifying particle formation modes, Proceedings of the Combustion Institute 31(2): 1921-1928,2007

  4. Yun Yu, Minghou Xu,Hong Yao, Dunxi Yu, Yu Qiao, Jiancai Sui, Xiaowei Liu and Qian Cao, Char Characteristics and Particulate Matter Formation during a Chinese Bituminous Coal Combustion, Proceedings of the Combustion Institute 31(2): 1947-1954,2007

  5. Quanbin WANG,Hong Yao, Dunxi YU, Li DAI, Minghou XU, Emission behavior of particulate matter during co-combustion of coal and biomass in a drop tube furnace, Energy & Fuels 21(2): 513-516,2007

  6. Dunxi Yu, Minghou Xu, Lian Zhang,Hong Yao, Qunying Wang, and Yoshihiko Ninomiya, Computer-Controlled Scanning Electron Microscopy (CCSEM) Investigation on the Heterogeneous Nature of Mineral Matter in Six Typical Chinese Coals, Energy & Fuels 21(2): 468-476,2007

  7. Xiaowei Liu, Minghou Xu,Hong Yao, Dunxi Yu, Xiangpeng Gao, Qian Cao, and Youmin Cai, Effect of Combustion Parameters on the Emission and Chemical Composition of Particulate Matter during Coal Combustion, Energy & Fuels, 21, 157-162,2007

  8. Jun Han, Minghou Xu,Hong Yao, Masami Furuuchi, Takeo Sakano and Hee Joon Kim “Simulating the transformation of heavy metals during coal or sewage sludge combustion”, Journal of Environmental Science and Health Part A, 42, 217-224,2007

  9. Changdong Sheng, Yuhong Lu, Xiangpeng Gao andHong Yao,Fine Ash Formation during Pulverised Coal Combustion- A Comparison of Air Combustion Vs O2/CO2 Combustion,Energy & Fuels 21(2): 435-440,2007


  1. Hong Yao, Guangqian Luo, Minghou XU, T. Kameshima, and Naruse I, Mercury Emission and Species During Combustion of Coal and Waste, Energy & Fuels,1946-1950, 20(5), 2006

  2. Jun Han, Minghou Xu,Hong Yao, Partition of Heavy and Alkali Metals During Sewage Sludge Incineration, Energy & Fuels 20, 583-590, 2006

  3. Hong Yaoand Naruse I., Combustion Characteristics of Dried Sewage Sludge and Control of Trace Metal Emission, Energy & Fuels, 19(6),2298-2303, 2005

  4. Hong Yaoand Naruse I., Control of Trace Metal Emissions by Sorbents during Sewage Sludge Combustion, Proceedings of the Combustion Institute30, 3009-3016, 2005

  5. Naruse I.,Hong Yao, Hirofumi M., Saito N. and Kohama T., Fundamentals on Emission and Control of Trace Metal Compounds in Combustion Processes, Clean Air: International Journal on Energy for a Clean Environment, Vol.5, No.3 pp130-138, 2004

  6. Hong Yao, Iddi S.N. Mkilaha and Naruse I., Screening of sorbents and Capture of Lead and Cadmium Compounds by Sorbents during Sewage Sludge Combustion, Fuel, Vol. 83, 7-8, 1001-1007, 2004

  7. Naruse I.,Hong Yao, and I.S.N. Mkilaha, Sorbent Control of Trace Metals in Sewage Sludge Combustion and Incineration, J. Phys.IV, France, 107, 917-920, 2003

  8. Hong Yaoand I. Naruse, Optimization and Utilization of Sorbents to Control Trace Metal Emissions in Combustion Processes, Coal Combustion Facing the 21st Century(ISBN:7-81089-377-7),427-431, 2003



  1. Xiuju Zhang,Huan Liu*, Haoxuan Xing, Geyi Wang, Haiyan Li, Xian Li,Hong Yao. Investigation of potassium vapor time-resolved adsorption and potassium-sodium competitive adsorption by modified kaolinite, The 44th International Technical Conference on Clean Energy. Clearwater, Florida USA, June 16 – 21, 2019 (Oral Report)

  2. Haoxuan Xing, Huan Liu*, Xiuju Zhang, Yongda Huang, Haiyan Li, Ben Huang, Hongyun Hu,Hong Yao*. In-furnace control of arsenic vapor emissions using kaolinite during coal combustion: influence of gaseous sodium compounds, 12th Asia-Pacific Conference on Combustion. Fukuoka, Japan. July 1-5, 2019 (Oral Report)


  1. Linlin Yi, Huan Liu*, Kangxin Xiao, Geyi Wang, Qiang Zhang, Hongyun Hu,Hong Yao*. In situ upgrading of bio-oil via CaO catalyst derived from organic precursors, 37th International Symposium on Combustion. Dublin, Ireland. July 28- August 3, 2018 (Oral Report)

  2. Yongda Huang; Yuhan Yang; Hongyun Hu; Mian Xu; Huan Liu; Xian Li; Xinye Wang;Hong Yao. A deep insight into arsenic adsorption over γ-Al2O3 in the presence of SO2/NO, 37th International Symposium on Combustion. Dublin, Ireland. July 28- August 3, 2018 (Oral Report)

  3. Yuhan Yang, Hongyun Hu*, Kang Xie, Yongda Huang, Huan Liu, Xian Li,Hong Yao*, Ichiro Naruse. Insight of arsenic transformation behavior during high-arsenic coal combustion, 37th International Symposium on Combustion. Dublin, Ireland. July 28- August 3, 2018 (Oral Report)

  4. Mian Xu, Hongyun Hu*, Yuhan Yang, Yongda Huang, Kang Xie, Huan Liu, Xian Li, Kai Xu andHong Yao. Novel Mechanism Of Tar Conversion During Molten Salt Pyrolysis/Gasification Of Solid Waste And Biomass. Hongcheon, Korea, June 10-13, 2018 (Oral Report)


  1. Linlin Yi, Huan Liu*, Geng Lu, Qiang Zhang, Jiaxing Wang, Hongyun Hu,Hong Yao*. Effect of Mix-Fe/Ca Additives on Nitrogen Transformation during Protein and Amino Acids Pyrolysis. 5th International Symposium on Gasification and its Application. Busan, Korea, November 29 – December 2, 2016 (Oral Report)

  2. Qiang Zhang, Huan Liu, Geng Lu, Linlin Yi, Hongyun Hu, Hetian Chi,Hong Yao, Mechanism of conditioner CaO on NOx precursors evolution during sludge steam gasifcation, 36th International Symposium on Combustion. Seoul, Korea. July 31- August 5, 2016 (Oral Report)


  1. Huan Liu, Qiang Zhang, Hetian Chi, Hongyun Hu,Hong Yao*. Combined Effects of Fenton Peroxidation and CaO Conditioning on Sewage Sludge Pyrolysis. 10th Asia-Pacific Conference on Combustion. Beijing, China. 19-22 July, 2015 (Oral Report)


  1. Huan Liu, Qiang Zhang, Hongyun Hu, Peng Liu, Xiaowei Hu, Aijun Li,Hong Yao*. Catalytic role of conditioner CaO in nitrogen transformation during sewage sludge pyrolysis. 35th International Symposium on Combustion. San Francisco, USA. 3-8 August, 2014 (Oral Report)


  1. Huan Liu, Qiang Zhang, Hongyun Hu, Guangqian Luo, Aijun Li,Hong Yao*. Influences of bound and free water on deep dewatered sludge pyrolysis. International Symposium on EcoTopia Science. Nagoya, Japan, 13-15 December, 2013 (Oral Report)

  2. Huan Liu, Qiang Zhang, Hongyun Hu, Guangqian Luo, Aijun Li,Hong Yao*. A comprehensive insight into the effects of residual moisture on deep dewatered sludge pyrolysis. Proceedings of the International Conference on Power Engineering-13 (ICOPE-13). Wuhan, China, 24-27 October, 2013 (Oral Report)


  1. Huan Liu, Hongyun Hu, Guangqian Luo, Minghou Xu,Hong Yao*. Enhanced hydrogen content of syngas in steam gasification of sewage sludge by reusing the calcium in lime-conditioned sludge. 3th International Symposium on Gasification and its Application. Vancouver, Canada, 14-17 October, 2012 (Oral Report)



  1. 李爱军; 张桐; 易琳琳; 黄永达; 胡红云; 姚洪. 一种针对医疗废弃物的热解产物的高值化利用系统. 国家发明专利. 申请号:


  2. 姚洪; 李帅; 胡红云; 黄永达; 董璐; 朱晶晶. 一种飞灰中砷形态的分析系统及方法. 国家发明专利. 申请号: CN116223470A

  3. 刘欢; 金明灏; 胡航; 满高智; 刘金鑫; 陈思懿; 姚洪. 一种利用污泥制备低灰有机炭的方法. 国家发明专利. 申请号:


  4. 姚洪; 刘雨豪; 李爱军; 胡红云; 张桐; 曹承阳. 一种熔盐热解系统及方法. 国家发明专利. 申请号: CN116286044A

  5. 罗光前; 方灿; 邹仁杰; 张浩宇; 邱文聪; 吕敏; 孙瑞泽; 肖逸; 王莉; 余鸣宇; 李显; 姚洪. 一种适用于氨法碳捕集的脱氨装置

    及其应用. 国家发明专利. 申请号: CN116272329A

  6. 罗光前; 方灿; 邹仁杰; 张浩宇; 邱文聪; 吕敏; 孙瑞泽; 肖逸; 王莉; 余鸣宇; 李显; 姚洪. 一种高精度低温气态重金属发生装

    置及方法. 国家发明专利. 申请号: CN116298128A

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  8. 罗光前; 方灿; 邹仁杰; 余鸣宇; 王莉; 肖逸; 孙瑞泽; 吕敏; 张浩宇; 邱文聪; 李显; 姚洪. 一种基于鼓泡单元的湿法烟气脱硫

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  10. 胡红云; 赵培轩; 姚洪; 刘慧敏. 一种固废焚烧飞灰的处理系统. 国家发明专利. 申请号: CN116213406A

  11. 邹仁杰; 罗光前; 方灿; 张浩宇; 孙瑞泽; 余鸣宇; 李明达; 陈凌轩; 孙春辉; 李泽华; 李显; 姚洪. 一种烟气痕量重金属半连续

    快速采样装置. 国家发明专利. 申请号: CN116296632A


  1. 胡红云,王绎成,徐斯华,刘慧敏,姚洪. 一种高氯灰渣中含氯组分的固定方法. 国家发明专利. 申请号: 202210240022.X。已申请

  2. 胡红云;邓雨婷;姚洪.一种物料动态干燥特性曲线的测量系统及测量方法. 国家发明专利.申请号:202210598877.X。已申请

  3. 李爱军, 张桐, 吴扬威, 姚洪, 胡红云. 一种热解三态产物的分析系统[P]. 国家发明专利:CN202210793883.0。已申请

  4. 罗光前, 石祥, 姚洪. 一种引射式自身预热的多孔介质燃烧器系统[P]. 国家发明专利:CN202211049134.3。已申请

  5. 胡红云 , 王华生 , 姚洪 , 董璐 , 刘慧敏. 一种固废焚烧烟气的处理方法和系统[P]. 国家发明专利:CN202210917854.0。已申请

  6. 刘欢, 许莹莹, 金明灏, 孙志远, 郭欣杰, 姚洪. 一种污泥改性固磷及基于焚烧灰酸浸回收磷的方法和系统[P]. 国家发明专利:CN202210833674.4。已申请

  7. 付彪, 姚洪, 罗光前, 王娇, 张浩宇. 一种同时测定焚烧灰渣中多种稀有金属元素含量的方法[P]. 国家发明专利:CN202210553697.X。 已申请

  8. 胡红云, 张笑凡, 刘志杰, 姚洪, 邹潺.  一种热解装置及热电一体化处理系统[P]. 国家发明专利:CN202210527536.3。 已申请

  9. 胡红云, 黄金鹏, 郭欣杰, 姚洪, 邹潺. 一种热电一体化处理系统及方法[P]. 国家发明专利:CN202210528332.1。 已申请

  10. 胡红云 , 邹潺 , 姚洪. 一种生物质热解气的处理方法[P]. 国家发明专利:CN202210527668.6。 已申请

  11. 胡红云, 杨宇涵, 邹潺, 姚洪. 一种生物质热解气的处理系统[P]. 国家发明专利:CN202210527140.9。 已申请

  12. 姚洪, 程烨涛, 胡红云, 李爱军. 固体废弃物热解过程中的温度场数值模拟方法和装置[P]. 国家发明专利:CN202210392555.X。 已申请

  13. 罗光前, 吕敏, 邹仁杰, 孙瑞泽, 方灿, 兰萍, 李显, 姚洪. 一种脱汞吸附剂及其制备方法[P]. 国家发明专利:CN202210031722.8。 已申请


  1. 刘欢,李海燕,陈同舟,张秀菊,唐文博,胡红云,俞云,姚洪.一种耐高温腐蚀合金涂层及制备方法.发明专利.申请号:202110622541.8

  2. 刘欢, 邓红苹,金明灏,肖涵,汪家兴,姚洪.一种污泥综合处置及磷资源回收的方法及产物.国家发明专利.申请号;202110516641.2

  3. 罗光前;孙瑞泽;邹仁杰;方灿;余鸣宇;李显;姚洪.一种高活性脱汞吸附剂及其制备方法.申请号:202011377905.2

  4. 刘欢, 金明灏, 邓红苹, 肖涵, 汪家兴,  姚洪. 污泥有机无机分离与资源化利用方法及系统, 国家发明专利. 申请号: 202110516649.9

  5. 刘欢, 吴扬威, 易琳琳, 姚洪. 一种双缸交替式焦油冷凝及自清洗装置与方法, 国家发明专利. 申请号: 202110740963.5

  6. 刘欢,曹承阳,刘金鑫,姚洪.一种基于综合热管理的森林可燃物自供能燃烧小车集成装置,国家发明专利.申请号:202110513154.0

  7. 刘欢,李海燕,陈同舟,张秀菊,唐文博,胡红云,俞云,姚洪.一种耐高温腐蚀合金涂层及制备方法.国家发明专利.申请号:202110622541.8

  8. 胡红云, 姚洪, 刘慧敏, 徐斯华, 李爱军, 董璐, 曹承阳. 一种飞灰的处理系统. 国家发明专利. 申请号: 202110699265.5

  9. 胡红云, 刘慧敏, 姚洪, 徐斯华, 李爱军, 曹承阳, 董璐. 一种飞灰的处理系统. 国家发明专利. 申请号: 202110700724.7

  10. 刘慧敏, 姚洪, 赵培轩, 胡红云, 曹承阳, 徐斯华. 一种盐碱地高盐废水的处理系统. 国家发明专利. 申请号: 2021110700723.2

  11. 姚洪, 刘慧敏, 李爱军, 李永昭, 满高智, 胡红云, 曹承阳. 一种医疗废物的处理系统和方法. 国家发明专利. 申请号: 202110700713.9

  12. 胡红云,任阳,邹潺,高强,李爱军,姚洪.一种利用固体废弃物制备活性炭的方法.国家发明专利.申请号:202111205998.5

  13. 胡红云,任阳, 姚洪,程烨涛,邹潺.一种固废的热处理系统及方法. 国家发明专利.申请号:202111390511.5

  14. 刘欢, 李海燕, 张秀菊, 李鉴全, 陈同舟, 姚洪. 一种模拟固体燃料燃烧中多元介质冲蚀-腐蚀的试验装置. 申请号:202111628908.3

  15. 刘欢,李鉴全,张秀菊,李海燕,陈同舟,姚洪.一种锅炉受热面抗冲蚀-腐蚀原位试验系统.申请号:2021233596251

  16. 赵培轩; 胡红云; 姚洪; 刘慧敏; 徐斯华. 一种暗管脱盐碱装置. 实用新型专利. 申请号: 202120261267.1


  1. 罗光前, 邹仁杰, 方灿, 张浩宇, 吉庆钰, 胡红云, 李显, 姚洪. 一种基于硒脱除模型的颗粒物投入量计算方法及其应用. 国家发明专利. 申请号: 202011052282.1

  2. 姚洪, 程沫涵, 刘慧敏, 李世琦, 刘欢, 李爱军. 基于蒸汽内循环辅助微波热解的医疗废弃物原位处理装置, 实用新型专利. 申请号:202021783797.4

  3. 胡红云, 王艺程, 姚洪, 黄永达, 龚泓宇, 袁兵, 罗光前. 一种快速鉴定固体颗粒中重金属浸出特性的高效浸提系统. 实用新型专利.  申请号: 202020593542.5

  4. 胡红云, 黄永达 ,姚洪, 邓雨婷, 谢康, 杨福, 刘欢, 罗光前. 一种飞灰和脱硫废水协同处理固化重金属的方法. 国家发明专利. 申请号: 201910362753.X

  5. 胡红云高强,姚洪,李爱军,杨福,杨宇涵,邓雨婷,徐凯. 一种固废热解液相产物熔盐梯级处理除杂提质装置.  国家发明专利. 申请号: 202010310979.8

  6. 胡红云, 高强, 姚洪, 李爱军, 杨福, 杨宇涵, 邓雨婷,徐凯. 一种固废热解液相产物除杂提质方法及产物.  国家发明专利. 申请号: 202010314267.3

  7. 胡红云, 唐华, 李爱军, 谢康, 杨宇涵, 杨福, 姚洪. 一种废旧轮胎热解焦经熔盐热处理制备炭黑的方法及产品. PCT国际申请. 申请号: PCT/CN2020/090588

  8. 胡红云, 徐斯华, 姚洪, 李爱军, 杨宇涵, 杨福. 一种基于熔盐的固体废弃物连续热处理系统. 国家发明专利. 申请号: 202010337712.8

  9. 胡红云, 龚泓宇, 姚洪, 付彪, 黄永达, 李帅, 罗光前. 一种飞灰分级与重金属尺度分布分析方法及装置.  国家发明专利. 申请号: 202010676644.8

  10. 胡红云, 唐华, 陈思懿, 易宝军, 吴家豪, 李爱军, 姚洪. 一种基于热调理的有机泥渣制备蚯蚓饲料的方法及其产品. 国家发明专利. 申请号: 202010519126.5

  11. 曹承阳, 胡红云, 刘金鑫, 陈思懿, 邬凡, 李爱军, 王琳玲, 姚洪. 熔盐换热的旋转式连续热解反应炉和热解方法. 国家发明专利. 申请号: 202010519384.3

  12. 罗光前; 邹仁杰; 方灿; 张浩宇; 吉庆钰; 胡红云; 李显; 姚洪. 利用磁性介质强化脱硫塔中重金属捕集的方法及其应用.国家发明专利.申请号: 202011052284.0

  13. 罗光前; 吉庆钰; 邹仁杰; 方灿; 李显; 姚洪. 一种改性碳基/非碳基脱汞吸附剂及其制备方法. 国家发明专利.申请号: 202010474009.1

  14. 李显; 孙一鸣; 童珊; 胡振中; 汪峰; 孙铭跃; 姚洪; 罗光前; 刘欢; 胡红云. 一种生物质废弃物气压烘焙系统. 实用新型专利. 申请号: 202022851340.9


  1. 刘欢,汪家兴,邓红苹,肖涵,金明灏,肖康鑫,李杨,姚洪. 一种基于计算机控制的机械压滤脱水试验装置,国家发明专利. 申请号:201910437466.0

  2. 刘欢,肖涵,金明灏,刘旺,李美勇,肖康鑫,李杨,姚洪. 一种餐厨垃圾快速预处理的方法与设备,国家发明专利. 申请号:201910420354.4

  3. 刘欢, 肖康鑫, 李杨, 汪家兴, 姚洪. 一种有机固体废弃物掺氮水热及活化制备高性能多孔碳材料的方法, 国家发明专利. 专利号:201910629785.1 已授权

  4. 刘欢,王阁义,陈同舟,张秀菊,李海燕,胡红云,姚洪. 气固两相高温冲蚀试验装置及冲蚀试验方法,国家发明专利. 申请号:201910794808.4

  5. 刘欢,王阁义,陈同舟,张秀菊,李海燕,胡红云,姚洪. 一种气固两相高温冲蚀试验装置,实用新型专利. 专利号:201921399831.5 已授权

  6. 胡红云,黄永达,姚洪,邓雨婷,谢康,杨福,刘欢,罗光前. 一种飞灰和脱硫废水协同处理固化重金属的方法,国家发明专利. 申请号:201910362753.X

  7. 胡红云,唐华,李爱军,谢康,杨宇涵,杨福,姚洪.一种废旧轮胎热解焦经熔盐热处理制备炭黑的方法及产品.国家发明专利,201910417723.4

  8. 胡红云, 杨福, 许勉,姚洪, 杨宇涵, 唐华, 刘欢. 一种焦油熔盐重整定向制备高品质油的方法及产品. 国家发明专利,201910416801.9

  9. 胡红云, 章鹏超, 谢康 邓雨婷 杨宇涵, 杨福, 唐华,姚洪. 一种基于虾蟹基壳体热解制备高值橡胶填料的方法及产品. 国家发明专利,201910285297.3

  10. 胡红云, 马彤彤, 黄永达, 袁兵, 罗光前, 姚洪. 一种同步测量飞灰中硒总量和硒价态的方法. 国家发明专利. 申请号: 201910574310.7

  11. 刘慧敏, 胡红云, 姚洪, 付彪, 王艺程. 一种应急处理阀门. 国家发明专利. 申请号:201911300694.X

  12. 陈同舟; 姚洪; 高名传; 余斯亮; 袁振南; 张岩. 一种液压支架立柱表面复合热喷涂修复方法. 国家发明专利. 申请号: 201910445284.8

  13. 罗光前; 方灿; 邹仁杰; 史梦婷; 孙瑞泽; 胡红云; 李显; 姚洪. 一种烟气脱硫系统中的多孔除雾器. 国家发明专利. 申请号: 201911157117.X

  14. 刘欢; 肖涵; 金明灏; 刘旺; 李美勇; 肖康鑫; 李扬; 姚洪. 一种餐厨垃圾快速预处理的方法及设备. 国家发明专利. 申请号: 201910420354.4


  1. 刘欢,易琳琳,王阁义,胡红云,卢更,姚洪.一种生物质热解过程中生物油在线脱氧的方法.国家发明专利.申请号:201810309843.8.

  2. 刘欢,张秀菊,邢浩轩,胡红云,姚洪,成濑一郎.一种多路螺旋式给粉装置.国家发明专利.申请号:201810181156.2

  3. 刘欢,邓红苹,胡红云,李海燕,汪家兴,姚洪.一种污泥水分脱除同时制备固体燃料的方法及产品.国家发明专利.专利号:ZL 201810107019.4

  4. 刘欢,金明灏,胡红云,李竑毅,汪家兴,姚洪.基于多级热利用的污泥低温干化系统.国家发明专利.专利号:ZL 201810217212.3

  5. 刘欢, 汪家兴, 金明灏, 胡红云, 李竑毅, 姚洪. 基于碳基骨架辅助热水解的污泥衍生燃料制备方法及产品. 国家发明专利. 申请号:201811256039.4

  6. 胡红云, 杨宇涵,姚洪,谢康, 唐华, 杨福.一种基于熔盐多级提质混合有机固体废弃物的方法. 国家发明专利. 申请号:2018102401904180

  7. 胡红云, 王艺程, 刘欢, 杨宇涵, 高亮, 王禹贤, 周哲宇, 宋海,姚洪. 一种基于温湿调控快速干燥含湿物料的系统. 国家发明专利. 申请号: 201810073806.1


  1. 胡红云,谢康,姚洪,刘欢,杨宇涵,许勉,申俊豪,黄永达.一种垃圾焚烧飞灰熔盐处理系统.国家发明专利.申请号:201710940210.2

  2. 胡红云,章鹏超,姚洪,刘欢,杨宇涵,许勉,申俊豪,唐华.一种生活垃圾热解制备活性焦的装置及方法.国家发明专利.申请号:201710940231.4

  3. 胡红云,申俊豪,姚洪,谢康,许勉,刘欢,杨宇涵.一种基于熔盐资源化回收硫化氢、羰基硫的方法.申请号:201710791711.9

  4. 胡红云,杨宇涵,姚洪,黄永达,刘欢,申俊豪,许勉,石梦雅,曹金秀.一种通过快速降解畜禽废弃物来制备生态有机粗肥的方法.国家发明专利.申请号:201710266771.9


  1. 胡红云,曹金秀,姚洪,谢康,刘欢,许勉,申俊豪,杨宇涵.一种垃圾焚烧飞灰熔盐热处理方法.国家发明专利.申请号:201611028901.7

  2. 朱贤青,李显,姚洪,刘华强,方圆,童珊,高亚新,吴超. 一种气煤及其制备方法. 国家发明专利.专利号:ZL 201610035651.3

  3. 朱贤青,李显,姚洪,徐凯,胡振中,任杰,王睿. 一种耦合热溶萃取和热解制备高品质生物油和气体的方法. 国家发明专利.专利号: ZL 201610834375.7

  4. 罗光前,邹仁杰,方园,李进,曹良,李凯迪,曾晓波,姚洪,李显,袁浩然. 一种原位快速采样热重分析仪. 国家发明专利.专利号: ZL201610450158.8


  1. 刘欢,张秀菊,姚洪,邢浩轩,付禹,胡红云.一种燃煤过程中抑制碱金属释放的改性添加剂及制备方法.国家发明专利.专利号: ZL 201510989077.0

  2. 胡红云,曹金秀,姚洪,刘欢,杨宇涵,申俊豪,许勉.一种多污染物协同脱除吸附剂及其制备方法.国家发明专利.申请号:201510999099.5

  3. 姚洪,陈敦奎,胡红云,徐章,刘欢.一种流化床反应器及其应用.发明专利,专利号: ZL 201510204920.X

  4. 罗光前,方园,李凯迪,李进,姚洪,朱贤青,段然,赵洪. 一种两段式固体燃料分级反应动力学分析设备. 国家发明专利.申请号:ZL201510242635.7

  5. 李显,张小勇,朱贤青,李宇航,张宗,罗光前,姚洪,吴超. 一种将生物质萃取产物作为添加剂应用于配煤炼焦的方法. 国家发明专利.申请号:ZL 201510081203.2

  6. 李显,薛毅,王文慧,张宗,姚洪,朱贤青,肖黎. 一种煤的脱碱方法. 国家发明专利.申请号:CN201510638511.0


  1. 姚洪,胡红云,徐章,陈敦奎,曹金秀,刘欢.一种砷价态的测定方法.发明专利,专利号:ZL 201410665262.X

  2. 姚洪,刘欢,胡红云,胡晓炜,张强.一种易于三态产物分离的高升温速率热处理反应器.国家发明专利.专利号: ZL201410200556.5

  3. 陈超,姚洪,徐凯,张森,胡晓炜,肖黎,罗光前. 一种控制流量的水蒸气发生方法及装置. 国家发明专利.专利号: ZL201410695912.5


  1. 姚洪,罗光前,方园,陈超,尹静姝,余桥. 微型双床固体燃烧解耦燃烧反应动力学分析仪. 国家发明专利.专利号: ZL ZL201310438571.9

  2. 刘欢,姚洪,胡红云,张强,刘鹏,罗光前.一种污泥同时制备清洁气体燃料和吸附剂的方法.国家发明专利.专利号: ZL 201310273025.4

  3. 罗光前,姚洪,张璧,姚宇欣. 一种含烃类气体中汞的连续测量方法及装置. 国家发明专利.专利号: ZL201310407296.4


  1. 姚洪,罗光前,刘欢,岳良,袁蓓,谢淼.一种用于烟气脱硫脱汞的污泥基吸附剂及其制备方法.国家发明专利.专利号: ZL 201210231697.4


  1. 刘伟,姚洪,罗光前,陈超,王静,方欣,李园. 一种切向引射式连续微量给料装置. 国家发明专利.申请号:CN201110134062.8

  2. 陈超,姚洪,罗光前,刘伟,王静,李园,方欣. 一种流化态连续微量给料装置. 国家发明专利.申请号:CN201110134050.5

  3. 刘伟,姚洪,罗光前,陈超,王静,方欣,李园. 一种切向引射式连续微量给料装置. 国家发明专利.申请号:CN201110134062.8

  4. 陈超,姚洪,罗光前,刘伟,王静,李园,方欣. 一种连续微量给料装置. 国家发明专利.申请号:CN201120457451.X


  1. 姚洪,徐明厚,王泉斌,于敦喜,王晟孚. 一种可控快速升温热天平反应炉. 国家发明专利.申请号:CN201010104591.9

  2. 姚洪,罗光前,韩军. 一种燃烧产物中铅和锌的湿化学回收方法. 国家发明专利.申请号:CN201010182203.9

  3. 姚洪,岳良,罗光前,张森,杜一庆,徐明厚. 一种脱硫用Ca(OH)2的制备方法. 国家发明专利.申请号:CN201010563909.X

  4. 姚洪,罗光前,韩军. 一种燃烧固体产物中铅和锌的湿化学回收方法. 国家发明专利.申请号:CN201010182203.9

  5. 姚洪,岳良,杜一庆,罗光前,徐明厚. 一种节流阀. 实用新型专利.申请号:CN201020630028.0

  6. 姚洪,徐明厚,于敦喜,乔瑜,刘小伟. 一种连续和脉冲式微量给料装置. 国家发明专利.申请号:CN200610019052.9


  1. 政府特殊津贴,2018年

  2. 国际燃烧学会杰出论文奖(35届国际燃烧会议),2014年

  3. 澳大利亚亚洲领导力奖(ALA FELLOW),2011年

  4. 国际燃烧学会杰出论文奖(33届国际燃烧会议),2010年

  5. 日本燃烧学会优秀论文奖,2007年

  6. 日本学术振兴会(JSPS)特别研究员及奖励基金,2002-2004年

  7. 美国Pittsburgh国际煤燃烧大会优秀论文奖,2002年

  8. 日本(文部省)政府奖学金,1998-2002年


  1. 指导本科生(汪家兴)获得“华中科技大学优秀毕业设计(论文)奖”,2016

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