董燕,现任华中科技大学电子信息与通信学院教授。1997年毕业于西安电子科技大学,获信号与信息处理专业工学硕士学位,2007年毕业于华中科技大学获通信与信息系统工学博士学位。2005年澳大利亚悉尼大学访问学者。2009年微软亚洲研究院青年访问教师。在无线通信系统、卫星通信网络、自适应传输、无线传感器网络等领域,近年来承担了包括国家自然科学基金重大研究计划、重点项目、十三五航天系统、十二五总装预研、科技部重点研发计划、装备预研教育部联合基金、国家863计划等在内的二十余项国家级课题。担任国家自然科学基金委、教育部、航天系统部等评审专家,电子学报、IEEE TCOM/TMC等学术期刊审稿专家以及多个国际会议的TPC成员或评审人。中国图象图形学学会高级会员,视频通信专委会理事。在国内外主要刊物上发表SCI和EI收录学术论文40多篇,授权国家技术发明专利15项。
[1] 联合基金、宽带高效调制技术,主持。
[2] 教育部联合基金、基于深度学习的复杂机电装备系统健康监测与管理,主持。
[3] 专用技术项目、大容量 MIMO传输技术。
[4] 国家自然科学基金重大研究计划重点项目、空地网络协同信息分发的传输模型与关键技术。
[5] 863计划、空天信息网络接入技术,主持。
[6] 重点项目、信道自适应编码调制、解调技术,主持。
[7] 国家自然科学基金重点项目、基于无线网络的应急搜救关键技术研究、主持。
[1] W. Chen, F. Lu and Y. Dong, “Improved Expression for Rank Distribution of Sparse Random Linear
Network Coding,“ in IEEE Communications Letters, vol. 25,
no. 5, pp. 1472-1476, May 2021.
[2] F. Lu, Y. Dong and C. W. Chen, "Layered
Decoding Algorithm and Two-Level Quasi-Cyclic Matrix Construction for Rate
Compatible Modulation," IEEE Trans.
Circuits Syst. I Reg. Papers, vol.66, pp. 3213 - 3226, Aug. 2019.
[3] W. Chen, F. Lu and Y. Dong, "The Rank
Distribution of Sparse Random Linear Network Coding," IEEE Access, vol. 7, pp. 43806-43819, March, 2019.
[4] K. Peng, J. Du, F. Lu, Q. Sun, Y. Dong,
"A Hybrid Genetic Algorithm on Routing and Scheduling for Vehicle-Assisted
Multi-Drone Parcel Delivery," in IEEE Access, vol. 7, pp.
49191-49200, 2019.
[5] L. Wen, Y. Dong and L. Gao, “A New Ensemble
Residual Convolutional Neural Network for Remaining Useful Life Estimation”, Mathematical Biosciences and Engineering,
16(2): 862-880, 2019.
[6] L. Wen, L. Gao, Y. Dong and Z. Zhu, “A
Negative Correlation Ensemble Transfer Learning Method for Fault Diagnosis
based on Convolutional Neural Network,” Mathematical
Biosciences and Engineering, 16(5):3311-3330, 2019.
[7] Feng Feng, Yuqiu Zhou, Yu Zhao, Fang Lu and Yan Dong, “An constant
envelope RCM signal,” 空间信息网络会议, 乌镇,Sept.
[8] Wengui Rao, Yan Dong, Shaoping Chen, Fang Lu and
Shu Wang, “Low- complexity rate compatible modulation with hybrid weight set,”
China Commun., Nov. 2019.
[9] F. Lu, Y. Dong, C. W. Chen,
"Fully-parallel stochastic decoder for rate compatible modulation", IEEE Trans. Circuits Syst. I Reg. Papers,
vol. 65, no. 10, pp. 3555-3567, Oct. 2018.
F. Lu,
Y. Dong, W. G. Rao, C. W. Chen, "Low complexity decoding algorithms for
rate compatible modulation", IEEE
Access, vol. 6, pp. 31417-31429, 2018.
Wengui Rao, Yan
Dong*, Shaoping Chen, Fang Lu, and Shu Wang. Rate
compatible modulation with variable weight sets. in IEEE Access, Vol 6,pp. 5064-5074, Dec. 2018.
[12] Jiang, G., Shen, Y., Chen, J. Yan, D., Fang,
L., “Wireless Network Egocentric network focused community aware multicast
routing for DTNs.” Wireless Netw (2018) 24: 1217.
[13] Run Zhe Hu, Fang
Lu, and Yan Dong, “Relaxed half-stochastic iterative decoding for rate
compatible modulation,” in APCCAS 2018.
[14] Lu, Fang, Yan Dong, and Wengui
Rao. "A Parallel Belief Propagation Decoding Algorithm for Rate Compatible
Modulation." IEEE Communications Letters, 21(8):1735-1738, 2017.
[15] Zeng, Bing; Dong, Yan; Li, Xinyu,IHSCR:
Energy-efficient clustering and routing for wireless sensor networks based on
harmony search algorithm,
International journal of distributed sensor networks, 11(13), 2017.
[16] Zeng, Bing, Yan Dong*. "An improved harmony
search based energy-efficient routing algorithm for wireless sensor
networks." Applied Soft Computing,Q1 41 (2016): 135-147. (2018年ESI 高被引)
[17] Wang, Chen, Hongbo Jiang, and Yan Dong*.
"Connectivity-Based Space Filling Curve Construction Algorithms in High
Genus 3D Surface WSNs." ACM Transactions on Sensor Networks (TOSN) 12.3
(2016): 22.
[18] Pan, Quan-Ke, and Yan
Dong*. "An improved migrating birds optimisation
for a hybrid flowshop scheduling with total flowtime minimisation." Information
Sciences 277 (2014): 643-655.
[19] Sun, Jingming, Shu
Wang, and Yan Dong. "Sparse block circulant matrices for compressed
sensing." IET Communications 7.13 (2013): 1412-1418.
[20] Sun, Jingming, Shu
Wang, Yan Dong, and Yuheng Huang. "Non-binary
sparse measurement matrices for binary signal recovery." Circuits,
Systems, and Signal Processing 33, no. 3 (2014): 895-908.
Wengui Rao,
Fang Lu, Shaoping Chen, Yan Dong* and Shu Wang, Low-Complexity Rate Compatible Modulation
via Variable Weight Sets, IEEE Globecom, Dec. 2014.
[22] F. Lu, W. G. Rao, Y. Dong, "FPGA-based
implementation of binary input compressive sensing decoder", Proc. MECO,
pp. 52-55, Jun. 2014.
[23] Yuheng Huang, *Yan Dong, *Minho Jo and Yingzhuang
Liu, "Selective Demodulation Scheme Based on Log-Likelihood Ratio
Threshold," KSII Transactions on Internet and Information Systems, vol. 7,
no. 4, pp. 767-783, 2013.
[24] Wengui Rao, Yan Dong, Fang Lu ,Shu Wang, Log-Likelihood
Ration Algorithm for Rate Compatible Modulation, IEEE ISCAS, April. 2013