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Fan Yebin

Professor of Computer Science




Academic Areas: Computer system structure, streaming media computing, network, real-time web application



Personal Profile

Doctor, professor, doctoral supervisor, talents introduced by School of Computer Science and Technology of Huazhong University of Science and Technology in 2008, Wuhan

Academic Degrees

2005 - 2012

Huazhong University of Science and Technology - Doctor


1999 - 2002

Huazhong University of Science and Technology - Master


1995 - 1999 

Huazhong University of Science and Technology - Bachelor 

Professional Experience


Courses Taught


Awards and Honors


Selected Projects Funded


Selected Publications

[1] Hualong Zhao, Hongshi Sang, Yebin Fan, Tianxu Zhang. GEMI: A High Performance and High Flexibility Memory Interface Architecture for Complex Embedded SOC. International Conference on Computer Science and Software Engineering, 2008, 4:62-65(EI)

[2] Yebin Fan, Shengsheng Yu, Hualong Zhao. A novel line based connected component labeling algorithm. IEEE International Conference on Computer Science and Information Technology (ICCSIT), 2010, 2:168-172(EI)

[3] Hualong Zhao, Yebin Fan, Tianxu Zhang, etal. Stripe-based connected components labeling, Electronics Letters, 2010, 46(21): 1434-1436(SCI)

[4] Yebin Fan, Hualong Zhao, Double-row cascade labeling algorithm for hyper-scale issue. Proceed Engineering, 2011,15:4047-4051(EI)

[5] Yebin Fan, Hualong Zhao. Anovelhigh-resolution image connected components labeing method. MIPPR2011: Pattern Recognition and Computer Vision, 2011,8004(EI)



Professional Affiliations


Research Group


Enrollment Information


Personal Homepage

Web: /hust/mu_faculty/fanyebin/en/index.htm

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