1. 中文
  • Tian Zhilong

  • Subordinate unit

    Department of Marketing
  • Research Interests

  • Telephone





Ph.D. (Majored in Management Science and Engineering), Huazhong University of Science and Technology, 1995-1998.

MBA(Majored in Business Administration), University of Toronto, 1987.9 - 1989.6.

M.S.(Majored in Management Engineering), Huazhong University of Technology, 1985.9 - 1987.7.

B.S. (Majored in Mechanical Engineering), Wuhan University of Technolog, 1978.10--1982.7.

Overseas Visiting and Training

1. 2011.1-2011.12 "A study on the employability and entrepreneurship in the Cross-cultural environment", UK Prime Minister Initiative Programs (PMI 2)

2. 2008.7-2008.8 "Program of case method and participant centered learning", Harvard Business School

3. 2006-2007"A comparative study of pharmaceutical industry development between India and China" (research conducted in India), ASIA fellows Awards (Cohort 8). Asian Scholarship Foundation (a branch of Ford Foundation) headquartered in Bangkok

4. 2006July 1-5, 2006, participated in the Orientation Program of Cohort 8 Asian Scholars and Annual Conference of Asian Scholars, Asian Scholarship Foundation, Bangkok, Thailand,

5. 2006, June 20-23, Fourth Marketing Scholars Forum, the University of Hong Kong

6. 2006, May 1-15, lecture at Chaoyang University of Science and Technology and Mingdao School of Management, Taiwan, and conduct academic activities

7. 2005, September 29 to October 10, Visit Central University of Taiwan and School of Management of Sun Yat-sen University for academic exchanges.

8. 2004, July to August, Visit the Business School, University of Otago, New Zealand, to conduct research on Sino-New Zealand cooperation in international trade

9. 2003, February to March, lecture at the School of International Business, Antilles-Guyane University, France, in the area of strategic management for MBA

10. 2001, March to May, Visit HEC Business School, University of Montreal, Canada, and collaborated with Prof. T. Hafsi in strategic management research and writing papers.

11. 2000, Feb., On behalf of the School of Management of Huazhong University of Science and Technology, he visited the Business School of University of Otago, New Zealand, to discuss cooperation in teaching and research.

12. 1999, July, two-week management seminar , the Business School, Hong Kong University of Science and Technology.

13. 1996, A research visit to the School of Management, University of Toronto, Canada (co-sponsored by the National Natural Science Foundation and the School of Management, University of Toronto, Canada) from January 1996 to July 1996, and co-authored academic papers with Prof. M. Gordon

Courses Taught

Undergraduate: Marketing, Market Research, Marketing Strategy

MBA & EMBA: Marketing Management, Strategic Management

PhD: Marketing Management Theory, Strategic Management Theory

Industrial Experience

1. 2018-2022, Vice-Chairman of the Teaching Steering Committee of Business Administration Specialty, Ministry of Education;

2. 2013-2017, Vice-Chairman of the Teaching Steering Committee of Business Administration Specialty, Ministry of Education;

3. Independent Director of Wuhan Liyuan Information Technology Company (2016-)

4. Independent Director of Wuhan Fiber Communication Technology Co. (2018-)

5. Independent Director of Wuhan Jianmin Pharmaceutical Co., Ltd. (2001-2007);

6. Independent Director of Beijing Dongfang Dao’e Information Technology Company (2010-2012);

7. Independent Director of Hubei United Tiancheng Anti-counterfeiting Technology Company (2013-)

8. President of the Fifth Council of Hubei Marketing Society (2010-2012); President of the Sixth Council (2013-2015)

9. Member of Expert Team on Wuhan Price Index of Wuhan Municipal Government (2010)-

10. Academy of Management (AOM) members; International Association of Chinese Management Researchers (IACMR) members

11. Deputy Editor of Journal of Chinese Management; Editorial Board of Journal of Marketing Science; Editorial Board of Strategic Management; Editorial Board of International Management

12. Member of the Teaching Steering Committee of Business Administration Specialty, Ministry of Education (2006-2010).

Consulting (Training) Activities

1. 2006.9-2009.12"Chinese-style management research: case studies of enterprises", a State Council project collaborated with the Enterprise Research Institute of the Development Research Center of the State Council, has carried out research on ZTE, Sany Heavy Industries, Zhenhua Heavy Industries, New Hope, Harbin Electric Power Group, and Vanke.

2. 2006-2007 "A comparative study of pharmaceutical industry development between India and China" (research conducted in India), ASIA fellows Awards (Cohort 8). Asian Scholarship Foundation (a branch of Ford Foundation) headquartered in Bangkok

3. 2005.8-2006.7"Research on the Internationalization Model of Chinese Enterprises", a government-focused project in collaboration with the Enterprise Research Institute of the Development Research Center of the State Council

4. 2002-2006 "Research on the Cultivation of Practical and Innovative Ability of Management Undergraduates". The Teaching Reform Project of Hubei Province which was awarded the Second Prize for Excellent Teaching Achievements of Huazhong University of Science and Technology in 2008.

5. 2005.4-2005.12 "Research on the Strategic Transition of China Telecom Group, Hubei Company". for Hubei Branch of China Telecom Group Company

6. 2005.5-2005.12 "A Study of Chinese People traveling Abroad: Implication for New Zealand Tourism" (Research on Chinese Outbound Tourism), Tourism Bureau of New Zealand Government (New Zealand Government Tourism Bureau Project) (in cooperation with University of Otago)

7. 2004.5-2004.12 "A Study of Food and Beverage Market In China" (China Food and Beverage Market Research), Technology and Enterprise Bureau of New Zealand Government (New Zealand Government Science and Technology Enterprise Bureau Project) (in cooperation with University of Otago)

8. 2004.5-2004.12 "Strategies and Marketing Behavior of New Zealand Enterprises in the Market of China" (Research on the Behavior and Strategy of New Zealand Enterprises in Developing Chinese Market), Technology and Enterprise Bureau of New Zealand Government (New Zealand Government Science and Technology Enterprise Bureau Project) (in cooperation with University of Otago)

9. 2003-2004 "Study on the Price Management Model of Group Company". Project of Wuhan Iron and Steel (Group) Company

10. 2003-2004 "Marketing Audit and Market Orientation Realization of Jiangdian Joint Stock Company", Jiangdian Joint Stock Company

11. 2001.9-2002.6 "Research on the Standardized Management System of Wuhan Turbogenerator Group Company";

12. 2001.1---2002.12 Research on the Standardized Management System of Hubei Panther Sports Goods Co., Ltd.

13. 2002.1---2003.12 "Strategic management system research; marketing system and network marketing model research for Wuhan Jianmin Pharmaceutical Group Company ".

14. 1993 A study on “Research and Development Management Model of Haier Group Company”

15. 1996, Feasibility Study of Taihua Real Estate Project in Wuhan

16. 1994, Research on Wuhan Ice Cream Market for Wuhan Meadow Gold Food Company

17. 1992-1994, Research on Automobile Cost Analysis and Prediction Model for Dongfeng Automobile Company

Representative Research Projects

1. 2021.4-2023.4 "A Research on Optimizing the Business Environment and Constructing a Clean/ Amicable Government-Business Relationship", a key project funded by the National Social Science Fund of China (project No. 21AZD026).

2. 2016.1-2019.12 "Research on Strategic Response Mechanisms of Enterprises to Non-market Demands", National Natural Science Foundation of China, Project No. 71572064

3. 2012.1-2015.12 "Research on the Interaction Mechanism between Government and Enterprise in the Policy-making Process of Strategic Emerging Industries", National Natural Science Foundation of China, Project No. 71172089

4. 20101-2012.12 "Research on Corporate Social Responsibility Behavior from the Perspective of Social Restoration", a project funded by the National Natural Science Foundation of China, Project No 70972015

5. 2007.1-2009.12 "Research on Consumer Normative Rationality and Corporate Causative Behavior and Their Relevance". National Natural Science Foundation of China, Project No. 70672038.

6. 2005.1-2007.12 "Research on the Integration Model of Enterprise Market Strategy and Non-market Strategy". National Natural Science Foundation of China, Project No 70472058.

7. 2002.1-2004.12 "Theoretical Research on the Political Strategies and Behaviors of Chinese Enterprises and Their Impact on the Relations between Government and Enterprises", National Natural Science Foundation of China, Project No. 70172032

8. 2001.8-2002.7 "Case Study on Internalization of Market Legal System in Enterprises", National Natural Science Foundation of China (Annual Emergency Project, Grant No. 70141006);

9. 2002.1-2002.12"Research on the Evolution of China’s Electric Power Industry System in the Process of Economic Transition", co-sponsored by the National Natural Science Foundation (NSFC) and the Canadian-Chinese University Industrial Cooperation Project (CCUIPP) (Special Project, Grant No. 7014 2017);

10. 2001.1-2001.12 "Research on the Operational Strategies of China Telecom Enterprises in an Open and Competitive Environment", supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China (Special Project, Grant No. 70042009)

11. 2000.1-2000.12 "Research on the Competitive Mechanism of China’s Telecom Industry in the Period of Economic Transition", funded by the National Natural Science Foundation of China (Special Project, Grant No. 79942020)

12. 1998.1--2000.12 "Research on Management Model and Environment of Different Ownership Enterprises in China", National Natural Science Foundation of China, Project No. 79770035

13. 1995.1-1997.12 "Theoretical and Empirical Research on Share Control Mechanism and Organizational Management Structure of Joint Stock Companies", National Natural Science Foundation of China, Project No. 79400008).

Representative Research Papers

Papers in English Journals:

1. Tian, Zhilong, Jing Shi, Taieb Hafsi, Bowen Tian. How to Get Evidence? The Role of Government-Business Interaction in Evidence-based Policy Making for IOT Industry Development in China. Policy Study (SSCI), 2017 (1)

2. Deng, Xinming, Zhilong Tian, Jianfeng Li. The diversification effects of a firm's political connection and its performance implications: evidence from China. Chinese Management Studies, 2012, 6 (3): 462-487 (SSCI)

3. Tian, Zhilong, Rui Wang, Weng Yang. Consumer Responses to Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) in China, Journal of Business, 2011, iss1 (SSCI).Ethics

4. Tian, ZhilongAnd Taieb Hafsi, Wu Wei. Institutional determinism and political strategies: an empirical investigation. Business and Society, 2009, Vol. 48, Iss. 3:284-(SSCI)

5. Jundong Hou, Lanying Du, Zhilong Tian. The effects of nonprofit brand equity on individual giving intention: mediating by the self-concept of individual donor. International Journal of Nonprofit and Voluntary Sector Marketing. 2009. Vol. 14, Iss. 3: 215

6. He, Yuanqiang and Zhilong Tian. Government-oriented corporate public relations strategies in transitional China. Management and Organizational Review, Vol 4, ISS 3, 2008:367-392 (SSCI)

7. Tian, ZhilongAnd Shuai Fan. The Public Issue Life Cycle and Corporate Political Actions in Chinese Transitional Environment: A Case of Real Estate Industry. Journal of Public Affairs, 2008, 8:135-151

8. Tian, Zhilong andFan, Shuai. Competitive Interaction: A study of Corporate Market and Nonmarket Behaviors in Chinese Transitional Environment. Journal of China Business and Tradestudies, 2008, Vol. 1 (1): 36-48

9. Gao, Hai-tao and Zhilong Tian A Study on the Determinants of Chinese Corporate Non-Market Action. Frontiers of Business Research In China, 2008, Vol. (2): 303-321

10. Tian, ZhilongAnd Xingming Deng. The Determinants of Corporate Political Strategy in Chinese Transition. Journal of Public Affairs, issue 4, 2007 (Wiley Interscience)

11. Tian, ZhilongHaitao Gao, Malcolm Cone. The ethical issues in businessmen participating polictics "Journal of Business Ethics, 2008, Vol80 (3): 627-640 (SSCI)

12. He, Yuanqiong and Zhilong Tian. Performance implications of non-market strategy in China. Asia Pacific Journal of Management, 2007, Vol. 24 (2): 151-170

13. Gao, Yongqiang and Zhilong Tian. How firms influence government policy decision-making in China. Singapore Management Review, 2006, Vol 28, No 1:73-85 (ABI/Inform Global)

14. Hafsi, Taieb and Zhilong Tian. Towards a Theory of Large Scale Institutional Change Management: The Chinese Electricity Industry from 1980 to 2002. Long Range Planning, Vol. 27, Iss 4, 2005: 555-(SSCI)

15. Tian, ZhilongAnd Yuanqiang He. The pricing behavior of firms in Chinese iron and steel industry. Asia Pacific Journal of Marketing and Logistics, Vol 17, No 4, 2005

16. Stark, Anna and Kim-Shyan Fam, David S Waller, Chinese negotiation Practice: A Perspective from New Zealand Exporters. Cross Cultural Management. 2005. Vol. 12, Iss. 3; P. 85Zhilong Tian

17. Cone, Malcolm and Zhilong Tian, Andre Evertt. Property right in common, from communes to town and village enterprises in rural China. Journal of International Business and Economy, Fall, 2002: 87-104

18. Chinese Journal Papers (Chinese)

19. Liu Juan, Tian Zhilong, Cheng Pengpu and Zhao Hui. Community Mobilization, Cooperation Model and Performance of Enterprise Deep Community Participation in Chinese Context. Journal of Chinese Management, 2017-6

20. Tian Zhilong, Liu Changhua. Asset specificity, product competitive advantage and enterprise performance: the regulatory role of technological innovation. Forecast, 2016-1

21. Tian Zhilong, Wang Zhigang and Ge Zhiqiong. Implementation of large cross-border charitable projects. Management Review, 2015-12

22. Xie Qing, Tian Zhilong. Institutional entrepreneurship comparison of new energy automobile business model innovation in different situations. China Science and Technology Forum, 2015-10

23. Tian Zhilong, Liu Changhua. Customer Concentration, Key Customer Bargaining Power and SME Performance: An Empirical Study Based on SME Board Manufacturing Listed Companies. Forecast, 2015-4

24. Tian Zhilong, Tian Bowen, Huang Yu. Application and Business Model of Internet of Things Technology in Real Estate. China Real Estate, 2015-18

25. Tian Zhilong; Xie Qing; Chen Xiaohong; Ma Jun; Wang Hao; Shi Jun. Decentralized initiative and collective institutional entrepreneurship. Scientific Research, 2015-6

26. Xie Qing; Tian Zhilong. How to Promote the Development of China's New Energy Automobile Industry by Innovation Policy. Science and Technology Management, 2015-6

27. Tian Zhilong; Shi Jun. Research on Interactive Oriented Decision-making Process of Emerging Industrial Policies. Scientific Research Management, 2015-5

28. Tian Zhilong; Shi Jun; Tian Bowen; Chen Xiaohong; Ma Jun. Research on Uncertainty Management in the Policy Decision-Making Process of Emerging Industries: A Case Study Based on the Macro Policy Decision-Making Process of Internet of Things Industry. Journal of Chinese Management, 2015-2

29. Shi Jun; Tian Zhilong; Xie Qing. How to Make Strategic Emerging Industry Policy by the Government - Take Internet of Things Industry as an Example. China Science and Technology Forum, 2015-1

30. Tian Zhilong; Shi Jun; Tian Bowen. Research on the Institutional Entrepreneurs of Emerging Industries - Based on the Case of Internet of Things Industry. Scientific and Technological Progress and Countermeasures, 2015-14

31. Tian Zhilong, Cheng Pengfan. Formation and Evolution of Legitimacy in the Process of Enterprise Community Participation: Bai Buting and Vanke Case. Management World, 2014 (12)

32. Zhao Hui, Tian Zhilong. Partnership, Structural Embeddedness and Performance: A Multi-Case Study of Public Welfare CSR Project Implementation. Management World, 2014 (6)

33. Tian Zhilong, Xiong Qi and others. Cross-cultural communication challenges and application strategies faced by Chinese employees in multinational corporations. Journal of Chinese Management, 2013 (7):

34. Tian Zhilong, Yang Wen and Huang Yu. Real estate enterprises how to promote social integration of housing security residents. China Real Estate, 2013 (16)

35. Tian Zhilong, Tian Bowen. The Law of Market Orientation Connotation and Implementation Evolving with the Growth Stage of Enterprises: A Case Study Based on ZTE Communications. Journal of Management 2011 (09)

36. Tian Zhilong, Yang Wen. Consumer Normative Rationality: Extension, Connotation and Their Relations with Consumer Behavior. Journal of Marketing Science, 2011, 7 (1).

37. Tian Zhilong, Wang Hao. Path of Management Practice Research in China. Journal of Management 2011 (02)

38. Tian Zhilong, Wang Rui, et al. Study on Product Category Differences and Group Characteristics of Consumer CSR Responses, Nankai Management Review, 2011 (2).

39. Wang Rui, Tian Zhilong, Yang Wen, et al. Study on Group Segmentation and Influencing Mechanism of Consumer CSR Response in Chinese Context, Management Review, 2012 (8)

40. Tian Zhilong, Wang Rui, et al. Industry comparison of CSR response of consumers in Chinese context, Management Science, 2011 (2)

41. Tian Zhilong, Li Chunrong, Jiang Qian, et al. Business strategy of the weak Underachievers in China's automobile market. Management World, 2010 (8)

42. Fan Shuai, Tian Zhilong. Strategic management model of integrating market strategy and non-market strategy. Journal of Management, 2010 (9)

43. Tian Zhilong, Jiang Qian. Vision of China's Top 500 Enterprises: Connotation, Effectiveness and Influencing Factors. Management World, 2009 (7): 103-114

44. Tian Zhilong, Deng Xinming and Fanshuai. Viewing the Internationalization Process of Chinese Enterprises from Top 500 Enterprises. Industrial Economy, 2008 (2): 45-53

45. Tian Zhilong, Deng Xinming. Market Behavior, Non-Market Behavior and Competition Interaction. Management World, Issue 8, 2007: 116-128

46. Tian Zhilong, Deng Xinming. The Internationalization Process of Chinese Enterprises - An Exploratory Study. China Soft Science, Issue 9, 2007

47. Tian Zhilong, Deng Xinming. Study on the Influencing Factors of Corporate Political Strategies. Nankai Management Review, No. 1, 2007

48. Tian Zhilong, Gao Haitao. Research on lobbying behavior and ethical norms of Chinese enterprises. Management Review, No. 5, 2006

49. Tian Zhilong, Wang Dong. Ideas and Misunderstandings of Rapid Growth of Enterprises. Peking University Business Review, No. 1, 2006

50. Tian Zhilong, Gao Haitao. Non-market Strategy of Chinese Enterprises: Pursuing Legitimacy. Soft Science, No. 6, 2005: 56-59

51. Tian Zhilong, He Yuanqiong, et al. Price behavior of oligopoly industries. Management World, 2005 No. 4: 65-74

52. Tian Zhilong, Dai Xin, et al. A review of service marketing research. Journal of Management, No. 2, 2005

53. Tian Zhilong, Gao Yongqiang. Brave Game: Digging for Policy. Peking University Business Review, No. 4, 2005

54. Tian Zhilong, He Yuanqiong. Research on Non-market Strategies and Behaviors of Chinese Enterprises. China Industrial Economy, Issue 9, 2005

55. Tian Zhilong, He Yuanqiong. Winning stakeholder support through cause-based marketing. Marketing Guide, 4 issues, 2005

56. Gao Yongqiang, Tian Zhilong. Corporate Political Strategies and Tactics. Xinhua Digest, No. 4, 2004 (reprinted in Foreign Economy and Management, 2003.8)

57. Tian Zhilong, He Yuanqiong. Corporate Political Behavior: A Review and Evaluation of Western Relevant Research. China Soft Science, Issue 8, 2003

58. Tian Zhilong, Gao Yongqiang, Wei Wu. Research on Chinese Corporate Political Strategies and Behaviors. Management World, Issue 12, 2003

59. Tian Zhilong, Dai Xin. Marketing Upgrade, Sales and Market, Issue 12, 2003

60. Tian Zhilong, Zhang Yong, T. Hafsi. Evolution of China’s Electric Power Industry: An Analysis Based on Institutional Theory. Management World, No. 12, 2002

61. Tian Zhilong. Kono Localized Marketing Model and Its Analysis. Sales and Marketing, Issue 7, 2000

62. Tian Zhilong, Yang Ping, Ma Zhao. Differences in Management Operation between State-owned Enterprises and Foreign Enterprises. Modernization of Management, Issue 6, 1999

63. Wang Aiwu, Tian Zhilong. On Enterprise Management Model. China Soft Science, No. 6, 1999

64. Tian Zhilong, Yang Hui and Li Yuqing. Study on the Basic Characteristics of Corporate Governance Structure of China’s Share Companies. Management World, 1998: 135-142

65. Tian Zhilong, Cai Xixian. Thoughts on the Effective Operation of Internal Monitoring Mechanism of Corporate Governance in China. Economic System Reform, 1997:82-87

66. Tian Zhilong. A comparative study of the concurrent and separate roles of chairman and general manager. Modernization of management, 1997 6 issues: 25-28; National People’s Congress Duplicated Materials Industrial Enterprise Management, 1998(2 ): 103-106

67. Tian Zhilong, Li Yuqing. A method for evaluating corporate wealth based on book value and future earnings. Accounting Research, No. 5, 1997: 47-49

Representative Monographs/Textbooks/Cases

1. Chen Xiaohong, Tian Zhilong and Wu Xiaobo. Ways to success of Zhenhua Heavy Industry. Beijing: Machinery Industry Press, 2011

2. Chen Xiaohong, Wu Xiaobo and Tian Zhilong. Ways to New Hope for Success. Beijing: Machinery Industry Press, 2011

3. Tian Zhilong, Zhang Jing. Market Research Theory and Method. Huazhong University of Science and Technology Press, July 2009

4. Tian Zhilong, Gao Haitao. Communication Creates Value - Government Public Relations Strategies and Cases of Enterprises. Tsinghua University Press, December 2007

5. Tian Zhilong, Gao Yongqiang, He Yuanqiong. Expanding the Operation Space of Enterprises - Theoretical Research on Corporate Political Strategies and Behaviors. Tsinghua University Press, December 2007

6. Tian Zhilong, Han Rui. Basics of Marketing Research. Higher Education Press, March 2007

7. Tian Zhilong. Manager Supervision and Motivations - Theory and Practice of Corporate Governance. China Development Publishing House, June 1999, won the Third Prize for Excellent Achievements in Humanities and Social Sciences of the Ministry of Education, 2003

8. Tian Zhilong, Lu Xin. Joint Venture Strategy of Modern Company. Huazhong University of Technology Press, February 1997

9. Tian Zhilong. Company Marketing Organization and Marketing Planning. Huazhong University of Technology Press, May 1996

10. Tian Zhilong, Wang Jinsong. Methods and Skills of Corporate Strategic Planning. Huazhong University of Technology Press, June 1996

11. Tian Zhilong. Marketing Research - Basic Methods, Applications and Cases. (Taiwan) Wunan Book Publishing Company, 1998

12. Tian Zhilong (Editor). Modern Enterprise Strategic Management. Huazhong University of Technology Press, January 1998

13. Tian Zhilong. Market Research - Basic Methods, Applications and Cases (MBA Graduate Textbooks). Huazhong University of Technology Press, March 1993 (1995 won the Second Prize for Excellent Textbooks of the State Education Commission)

14. Tian Zhilong, ZTE’s Organizational Change, China Management Case Sharing Center, 2010

15. Tian Zhilong, Long Xiaofeng. Hubei ZhouHei Duck Food Company: To prepare for the national expansion. China Management Case Sharing Center, 2012

16. Tian Zhilong, Liu Juan. Bai Buting Group: "Community Real Estate" Business Model How to Sustain? China Management Case Sharing Center, 2015

17. Liu Juan, Tian Zhilong. Bai Buting Group: How to Create Value and Practice Community Integrated Service Providers? China Management Case Sharing Center, 2016

18. Tian Zhilong, Wu Jian. The Story of " Making Tea in Cool Water ": The Later’s Catch-up of Dongfeng Fengshen Auto Brand, China Management Case Sharing Center, 2017

19. Tian Zhilong, Yang Ling. From "Distributor" to "System Solution Provider": Extension and Connotation Growth of Liyan Information Co.. China Management Case Sharing Center, 2018

Representative Grants and Awards

1. Excellent Teachers of School of Management, Huazhong University of Science and Technology, School of Management, Huazhong University of Science and Technology, 2016

2. Excellent Bachelor’s Degree Thesis Instructor of Hubei Province (Student: Gu Jialin; Thesis: Research on the Support Mechanism of Government Innovation Policy for Small and Medium-sized Science and Technology Enterprises), Degree Committee, Education Burea, of Hubei provincial Government, December 2015

3. Excellent Society Workers in Hubei Province, Hubei Social Sciences Federation, 2015

4. Excellent Teachers of School of Management, Huazhong University of Science and Technology , School of Management, Huazhong University of Science and Technology, 2015

5. Excellent Papers at the 10th Anniversary of the Founding of the Journal of Management, "Hot Points and Development of Service Marketing Research", Journal of Management, November 2014

6. Best Paper Award: Formation and Evolution of Corporate Legitimacy in CCI Process: A Longitudinal Case Study of Bai Buting and Vanke CCI, China Business Management Case and Qualitative Research Forum in 2013 (7th Management Forum of Renmin University of China)

7. Third Prize of Teaching Achievement Award of Higher Institutions in Hubei Province, “Training mode of practical innovation ability for Marketing Majors Based on project research”, 2013

8. "Three Educational Awards" for Excellent Teachers of Huazhong University of Science and Technology. Huazhong University of Science and Technology, 2013

9. The Second National Hundred Excellent Cases "Zhou Hei Duck in Hubei: Preparing for the Nation", National Steering Committee for MBA Teaching, 2012

10. Honorary title, Postgraduate Tutor of Huazhong University of Science and Technology in 2011, Huazhong University of Science and Technology, 2011

11. The First 100 Excellent Cases in China, "Organizational Change of ZTE", National Teaching Steering Committee for MBA, 2010

12. Excellent Instructors for Scientific and Technological Innovation Activities of College Students Huazhong, University of Science and Technology in 2009

13. Excellent Tutor of Undergraduate Thesis in Hubei Province, "Research on the Vision of China’s Top 500 Enterprises",.

14. My Favorite Teacher" Honorary Title, 2009, Huazhong University of Science and Technology 2009

15. First Prize for Excellent Achievements in Social Sciences of the 11th Wuhan Municipal Congress: A Study of Corporate Political Strategies and Behaviors, Wuhan Municipal Government, 2009

16. Third Prize for Excellent Achievements in Social Sciences of the Sixth Hubei Province: Series of Papers on the Study of the Relations between Enterprises and Government, Government of Hubei Province, 2009

17. Second Prize for Excellent Teaching Achievements of Huazhong University of Science and Technology: "Research on Cultivating Practical and Innovative Ability of Management Undergraduates", 2008

18. Excellent Doctoral Dissertation Tutor of Huazhong University of Science and Technology , 2008.

19. Excellent Doctoral Dissertation Tutor in Hubei Province, by Government in Hubei Province, 2007

20. Excellent Doctoral Dissertation Tutor of Huazhong University of Science and Technology, 2006.

21. Excellent Undergraduate Thesis Tutor of Hubei Province, by Government in Hubei Province 2006.

22. Academy of Management Annual Conference Best Paper: Government-oriented corporate public relation strategy in transitional China, a paper collaborated with He Yuanqiong, was selected as the best paper by the Academy of Management Annual Conference 2006 (August 11-16, in Atlanta, Georgia, USA) through anonymous review.

23. "Excellent Instructor for Graduate Students" title: respectively in 2000, 2002, 2004, Huazhong University of Science and Technology

24. Third prize for outstanding achievements in Humanities and social sciences (The monograph “Monitoring and Motivating Managers” (China Development Press, 1999)) , by the Ministry of Education, 2003

25. Second Prize for Excellent Textbooks,(Market Research - Basic Methods, Applications and Cases (MBA Textbook, Huazhong University of Science and Technology Press), by Ministry of Education,December 1995