1. 中文
  • Xu He

  • Subordinate unit

    Department of Supply Chain Management and Systems Engineering
  • Research Interests

    Logistics and Supply Chain Management, Production Planning and Inventory Control, Marketing-Operations Interface, IS-Operations Interface
  • Telephone




Ph.D. (Majored in Operations Management), Hong Kong University of Science & Technology, Sept. 2000 - Nov. 2005.

B.S. (Majored in Automatic Control), Huazhong University of Science and Technology, Sept.1996 - Aug.2000.

Overseas Visiting and Training

PhD study, Hong Kong University of Science and Technology, Sept. 2000 - Nov. 2005.

Visiting Scholar, U.C. Berkeley, USA, Dec. 2012- Dec. 2013.

Courses Taught

Undergraduate:Fundamental of Logistics Management, Logistics Management, Logistics Network Planning and Designing

Graduate:Logistics Management

Consulting (Training) Activities

China Tobacco Hubei Industrial Corporation, Wuhan Steel Company, etc.

Research Interests

Logistics and Supply Chain Management, Production Planning and Inventory Control, Marketing-Operations Interface, IS-Operations Interface

Representative Research Projects

1. PI, National Natural Sciences Foundation of China under Grants (72371108): “Research on joint optimization of a UGC ecosystem”, RMB$430,000, four years (Jan 2024-Dec 2027).

2. PI, National Natural Sciences Foundation of China under Grants (71871099): “Optimization of supply chains with consideration of By-Product Synergy”, RMB$480,000, four years (Jan 2019-Dec 2022).

3. PI, National Natural Sciences Foundation of China under Grants (71271092): “Joint production, substitution and pricing strategies under supply uncertainty”, RMB$550,000, four years (Jan 2013-Dec 2016).

4. PI, National Natural Sciences Foundation of China under Grants (70801029): “Optimal control policies for products with both customer-driven and firm-driven substitution features”, RMB$180,000, three years (Jan 2009-Dec 2011).

Representative Research Papers

1. Meng, MY., Deng SM., Xu, H.*, Zhu, S. X. (2024). Strategic contract selection of an online retailer when implementing store branding, Naval Research Logistics, 71(4), 609-623.

2. Meng, MY., Deng SM., Zhou, P., Xu, H.* (2023). The effects of subsidy programs in byproduct synergy operations, Transportation Research Part E: Logistics and Transportation Review, 175,103141.

3. Xu, H., Zhou, P. (2021). Balancing product differentiation and cost saving in the presence of consumer deliberation. International Transactions in Operational Research, 28(6), 3577-3594.

4. Chen, TX., Gong, XT., Li, Q., Xu, H. (2021). Multiseason production planning under export quotas. Naval Research Logistics, 68(3), 279-294.

5. Zhou, P., Xu, H. *, Wang H.W. (2020). Value of by-product synergy: A supply chain perspective, European Journal of Operational Research, 285, 941-954.

6. Zhou, P., Xu, H., Chen J.G. (2020). Value of down-conversion policy in a vertical differentiated co-production system, International Journal of Production Economics, 228, 107739-107744.

7. Chen J.G., Xu, H., Zhou, P. (2020). Delegation vs. direct sourcing revisited: contract types under correlated supply risks and asymmetric cost information, International Journal of Production Research, 58, 7005-7022.

8. Liu L.M., Xu, H. *, Zhu, S. X. (2020). Push verse Pull: Inventory-leadtime tradeoff for managing system variability, European Journal of Operational Research, 287, 119-132.

9. Li, Q, Tang, CS, Xu, H. * (2020). Mitigating the double-blind effect in opaque selling: Inventory and information, Production and Operations Management, 29(1), 35-54.

10. Lu, F., Xu, H., Chen, P. Y., Zhu, S. X. (2018). Joint pricing and production decisions with yield uncertainty and downconversion, International Journal of Production Economics, 197,52-62.

11. Chen, P. Y., Xu, H. *, Li, Y. Q., Z, L. (2017). Joint product variety, pricing and scheduling decisions in a flexible facility, International Journal of Production Research, 55(2), 606-620.

12. Chen, P. Y., Xu, H., Zou, X. X. (2017). The effects and incentive of vertical mergers: An analysis from the view of OM, European Journal of Operational Research, 263 (1),158-172.

13. Xu, H., Yao, D. D., Zheng, S. (2016). Optimal policies for a two-product inventory system under a flexible substitution scheme. Production and Operations Management, 25(6),1088-1105.

14. Yang, J., Lu, W., Xu, H. * (2016). Positive implications of market valuation under asymmetric quality information. International Journal of Production Research, 54(7), 2057-2074.

15. Xu, H., Zuo, X. L., Liu, Z. X. (2015). Configuration of flexibility strategies under supply uncertainty. Omega, the International Journal of Management Science, 51, 71-82.

16. Xu, H., Yao, N., Tong, S. L. (2013). Sourcing under cost information asymmetry when facing time-sensitive customers. International Journal of Production Economics, 144(2), 599-609.

17. Xu, H., Yao, D.D., Zheng, S. H. (2011). Optimal control of replenishment and substitution in an inventory system with nonstationary batch demand. Production and Operations Management, 20(5), 727-736.

18. Xu, H. (2010). Managing production and procurement through option contracts in supply chains with random yield, International Journal of Production Economics, 126(2), 306-313.

19. Xu, H., Shi, N., Ma, S. H., Lai, K. K. (2010). Contracting with an urgent supplier under cost information asymmetry, European Journal of Operational Research, 206(2), 374-383.

20. Li, Q., Xu, H., Zheng, S. H. (2008). Periodic review inventory systems with random yield: bounds and heuristics, IIE Transactions, 40(4), 434-444.