1. 中文
  • Qin Hu

  • Subordinate unit

    Department of Information Management and Data Science
  • Research Interests

    Intelligent Optimization in Manufacturing and Logistics, Data-Driven Optimization, Deceision Intelligent Algorithm Design, OR Optimization and its Applications
  • Telephone




Ph.D. in Management Science, City University of Hong Kong, February 2009–February 2011.

M.E in Systems Engineering, Huazhong University of Science and Technology, September 2002–June 2005.

B.E in Automation, Huazhong University of Science and Technology, September 1998–June 2002

Courses Taught (2019-2023)

Undergraduate:Operations Research

Master: Advanced Operations Research

MBA:AI Applications In Industry

Working Experiences

Professor, November 2017 - Present, Department of Management Science and Information Management, School of Management, Huazhong University of Science and Technology

Associate Professor, November 2012 - October 2017 Department of Management Science and Information Management, School of Management, Huazhong University of Science and Technology

Assistant Professor, April 2011 - October 2012, Department of Management Science and Information Management, School of Management, Huazhong University of Science and Technology

Representative Consulting Projects

1. August 2021–August 2022: Research on Combinatorial Optimization Algorithms for Optical Networks, Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd., Principal Investigator.

2. November 2019–March 2020: Intelligent Transportation Scheduling Algorithm, Midea Refriger ation Equipment Co., Ltd., Principal Investigator.

3. July 2019–June 2020: Optimization Algorithm for Vehicle Routing Problem with 3D Loading, Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd., Principal Investigator.

4. July 2019–September 2019: Production Scheduling Optimization for Laundry Detergent, Guangzhou Blue Moon Group Holdings Ltd., Principal Investigator.

5. May 2018–September 2018: Production Scheduling Optimization for Toothpaste, Procter &Gamble (Guangzhou) Ltd., Principal Investigator.

6. May 2017–November 2017: Research on Real-time Weighing Supervision Method and Application for BDS(Beidou Navigation Satellite System)-enabled Vehicles, Shenzhen Urban Management Supervision and Command Center, Co-Principal Investigator.

7. May 2016–November 2016: Research on Big Data Analysis and Intelligent Decision-making Based on Digital Urban Management Cases, Shenzhen Urban Management Supervision and Command Center, Principal Investigator.

Research Interests

Intelligent Optimization in Manufacturing and Logistics, Data-Driven Optimization, Deceision Intelligent Algorithm Design, OR Optimization and its Applications

Representative Research Projects

1. October 2021–October 2023: Collaborative Planning and Autonomous Scheduling Methods for Military Resources in Complex Dynamic Environments, Defense Science and Technology Project Management Center of China, Subproject Principal Investigator (PI)

2. January 2020–December 2023: The Investigation of the Optimization Problems in the Line-haul Transportation of the Express Companies, National Natural Science Foundation of China (NSFC), Principal Investigator (PI).

3. January 2020–June 2023: Virtual Reconstruction Theory and Technology for Intelligent Production Lines, the National Key R & D Program of China, Subproject Principal Investigator (PI).

4. January 2016–December 2019: The Investigation of the Vehicle Routing Problems with Synchronization, National Natural Science Foundation of China (NSFC), RMB 493,000, Principal Investigator (PI).

5. January 2013–December 2015: The Study of the Complex Vehicle Routing Problems Under the Toll-by-weight Scheme, National Natural Science Foundation of China (NSFC), RMB 210,000, Principal Investigator (PI).

Representative Research Papers

(* denotes corresponding author, # denotes students)

1. Hongjian Hu#, Hu Qin, Gangyan Xu, Nan Huang*# and Peiyang He. Column Generation based Hybrid Optimization Method for Last-Mile Delivery Service with Autonomous Vehicles. Advanced Engineering Informatics, April 2024, accepted.

2. Hu Qin, Haocheng Zhuang#, Chunlong Yu* and Jiliu Li#. A Matheuristic Approach for the Multi-level Capacitated Lot-sizing Problem with Substitution and Backorder. International Journal of Production Research, October 2023, accepted.

3. E Su#, Hu Qin, Jiliu Li*#, and Kai Pan. An Exact Algorithm for the Crowd-shipping Problem with Transshipment in the Last-mile Delivery. Transportation Research Part B: Methodological, Volume 177, November 2023, 102831.

4. Xinxin Su#, Gangyan Xu, Nan Huang*# and Hu Qin. A Branch-and-Price-and-Cut for the Manpower Allocation and Vehicle Routing Problem with Staff Qualifications and Time Windows. Advanced Engineering Informatics, Volume 57, August 2023, 102093.

5. Wenbin Zhu, Zhuoran Ao#, Roberto Baldacci, Hu Qin* and Zizhen Zhang. Enhanced Solution Representations for Vehicle Routing Problems with Split Deliveries. Frontiers of Engineering Management, Volume 10, August 2023, Pages 483–498.

6. Li Wang#, Min Xu* and Hu Qin. Joint Optimization of Parcel Allocation and Crowd Routing for Crowdsourced Last-mile Delivery. Transportation Research Part B: Methodological, Volume 171, May 2023, Pages 111–135.

7. Faheng Deng#, Hu Qin, Jiliu Li# and Chun Cheng*. The Pickup and Delivery Problem with Time Windows and Incompatibility Constraints in Cold Chain Transportation. Transportation Science, Volume 57, Issue 2, March - April 2023, Pages 444–462.

8. Hu Qin, Xinxin Su#, Guoxin Li#, Xin Jin*# and Mingzhu Yu. A Simulation Based Metaheuristic Approach for the Inbound Container Housekeeping Problem in the Automatic Container Terminals. Maritime Policy & Management, Volume 50, Issue 4, 2023, Pages 515–537.

9. Hang Zhou#, Hu Qin, Chun Cheng* and Louis-Martin Rousseau. An Exact Algorithm for the Two-echelon Vehicle Routing Problem with Drones. Transportation Research Part B: Methodological, Volume 168, February 2023, Pages 124–150.

10. Jiliu Li#, Zhixing Luo, Roberto Baldacci, Hu Qin* and Zhou Xu. A New Exact Algorithm for Single Commodity Vehicle Routing with Split Pickups and Deliveries. INFORMS Journal on Computing, Volume 35, Issue 1, January-February 2023, Pages 31–49.

11. Jiliu Li#, Hu Qin, Huaxiao Shen*, Xialiang Tong and Zhou Xu. Exact Algorithms for the Multiple Depot Vehicle Scheduling Problem with Heterogeneous Vehicles, Split Loads and Toll-by-weight Scheme. Computers & Industrial Engineering, Volume 168, June 2022, 108137.

12. Hu Qin, E Su#, Yilun Wang# and Jiliu Li*#. Branch-and-price-and-cut for the Electric Vehicle Relocation Problem in One-way Carsharing Systems. Omega, June, 2022, Volume 109, 102609.

13. Nan Huang#, Jiliu Li#, Wenbin Zhu and Hu Qin*. The Multi-Trip Vehicle Routing Problem with Time Windows and Unloading Queue at Depot. Transportation Research Part E: Logistics and Transportation Review, Volume 152, August 2021, 102370.

14. Kai Wang, Hu Qin, Yun Huang*, Mengwen Luo and Lei Zhou. Surgery Scheduling in Outpatient Procedure Centre with Re-entrant Patient Flow and Fuzzy Service Times. Omega, Volume 102, July 2021, 102350.

15. Hu Qin, Xinxin Su#, Teng Ren and Zhixing Luo*. A Review on the Electric Vehicle Routing Problems: Variants and Algorithms. Frontiers of Engineering Management, Volume 8, Issue 3, May 2021, Pages 370–389.

16. Xin Jin#, Hu Qin, Zizhen Zhang*, MengChu Zhou and Jiahai Wang. Planning of Garbage Collection Service: An Arc-Routing Problem With Time-Dependent Penalty Cost. IEEE Transactions on Intelligent Transportation Systems, Volume 22, Issue 5, May 2021, Pages 2692–2705.

17. Hu Qin, Tao Li#, Yi Teng and Kai Wang. Integrated Production and Distribution Scheduling in Distributed Hybrid Flow Shops. Memetic Computing, Volume 13, April 2021, Pages 185–202.

18. Zhixing Luo, Hu Qin, T.C.E. Cheng, Qinghua Wu and Andrew Lim. A Branch-and-Price-andCut Algorithm for the Cable Routing Problem in Solar Power Plants. INFORMS Journal On Computing, Volume 33, Issue 2, Spring 2021, Pages 452 –476.

19. Jiliu Li#, Hu Qin*, Roberto Baldacci and Wenbin Zhu. Branch-and-Price-and-Cut for the Synchronized Vehicle Routing Problem with Split Delivery, Proportional Service Time and Multiple Time Windows. Transportation Research Part E: Logistics and Transportation Review, Volume 140, August 2020, 101955.

20. Zizhen Zhang, Hu Qin and Yanzhi Li*. Multi-objective Optimization for the Vehicle Routing Problem with Outsourcing and Profit Balancing. IEEE Transactions on Intelligent Transportation Systems, Volume 21, Issue 5, May 2020, Pages 1987–2001.

21. Mingzhu Yu, Xin Jin#, Zizhen Zhang*, Hu Qin and Qidong Lai#. The Split-Delivery Mixed Capacitated Arc-Routing Problem: Applications and a Forest-based Tabu Search Approach. Transportation Research Part E: Logistics and Transportation Review, Volume 132, December 2019, Pages 141–162.

22. Jiliu Li#, Hu Qin, Huaxiao Shen* and Kwok Leung Tsui. The Unilateral Transportation Problem. Transportation Research Part E: Logistics and Transportation Review, Volume 132, December 2019, Pages 1–29.

23. Zhenzhen Zhang, Zhixing Luo*, Hu Qin and Andrew Lim. Exact Algorithms for the Vehicle Routing Problem with Time Windows and Combinatorial Auction. Transportation Science, Volume 53, Issue 2, March-April 2019, Pages 319–622.

24. Tian Liu#, Zhixing Luo*, Hu Qin and Andrew Lim. A Branch-and-cut Algorithm for the Twoechelon Capacitated Vehicle Routing Problem with Grouping Constraints. European Journal of Operational Research, Volume 266, Issue 2, 16 April 2018, Pages 487–497.

25. Zizhen Zhang, Hu Qin, Kai Wang*, Huang He# and Tian Liu#. Manpower Allocation and Vehicle Routing Problem in Non-emergency Ambulance Transfer Service. Transportation Research Part E: Logistics and Transportation Review, Volume 106, October 2017, Pages 45–59.

26. Qian Hu, Wenbin Zhu*, Hu Qin and Andrew Lim. A Branch-and-Price Algorithm for the Twodimensional Vector Packing Problem with Piecewise Linear Cost Function. European Journal of Operational Research, Volume 260, Issue 1, 1 July 2017, Pages 70 –80.

27. Zhixing Luo, Hu Qin*, Wenbin Zhu and Andrew Lim. Branch-and-price-and-cut for the Splitdelivery Vehicle Routing Problem with Time Windows and Linear Weight-related Cost. Transportation Science, Volume 51, Issue 2, May 2017, Pages 668–687.

28. Andrew Lim, Zhenzhen Zhang* and Hu Qin. Pickup and Delivery Service with Manpower Planning in Hong Kong Public Hospitals. Transportation Science,Volume 51, Issue 2, May 2017, Pages 688–705.

29. Hu Qin, Zizhen Zhang*, Andrew Lim and Xiaocong Liang. An Enhanced Branch-and-bound Algorithm for the Talent Scheduling Problem. European Journal of Operational Research, Volume 250, Issue 2, 16 April 2016, Pages 412–426.

30. Zhixing Luo, Hu Qin*, Wenbin Zhu and Andrew Lim. Branch-and-Price-and-Cut for the Manpower Routing Problem with Synchronization Constraints. Naval Research Logistics, Volume 63, Issue 2, March 2016, Pages 138–171.

31. K. Wang, W.Q Ma, H. Luo and Hu Qin. Coordinated Scheduling of Production and Transportation in a Two-Stage Assembly Flowshop. International Journal of Production Research, Volume Issue 22, 2016, Pages 6891–6911.

32. Zhixing Luo, Hu Qin*, Dezhi Zhang and Andrew Lim. Adaptive Large Neighborhood Search Heuristics for the Vehicle Routing Problem with Stochastic Demands and Weight-related Cost. Transportation Research Part E: Logistics and Transportation Review, Volume 85, January 2016, Pages 69–89.

33. Hu Qin, Wei Ming, Zizhen Zhang*, Yubin Xie and Andrew Lim. A Tabu Search Algorithm for the Multi-period Inspector Scheduling Problem. Computers & Operations Research,Volume 59, July 2015, Pages 78–93.

34. Zhixing Luo, Hu Qin*, Andrew Lim and Chanhou Che. On Service Consistency in Multi-period Vehicle Routing. European Journal of Operational Research, Volume 243, Issue 3, 16 June 2015, Pages 731–744.

35. Zhixing Luo, Hu Qin* and Andrew Lim. Branch-and-Price-and-Cut for the Multiple Traveling Repairman Problem with Distance Constraints. European Journal of Operational Research,Volume 234, Issue 1, 1 April 2014, Pages 49–60.

36. Hu Qin, Andrew Lim and Zizhen Zhang*. The Freight Consolidation and Containerization Problem. European Journal of Operational Research, Volume 234, Issue 1, 1 April 2014, Pages 37–48.

37. Kai Wang*, S.H. Choi and Hu Qin. An Estimation of Distribution Algorithm for Hybrid Flow Shop Scheduling under Stochastic Processing Times. International Journal of Production Research, Volume 52, Issue 24, 2014, Pages 7360–7376.

38. Zizhen Zhang, Oscar Che, Brenda Cheang, Andrew Lim and Hu Qin*. A Memetic Algorithm for the Multiperiod Vehicle Routing Problem with Profit. European Journal of Operational Research, Volume 229, Issue 3, 16 September 2013, Pages 573–584.

39. Brenda Cheung, Xiang Gao, Andrew Lim, Hu Qin* and Wenbin Zhu. Multiple Pickup and Delivery Traveling Salesman Problem with Last-in-first-out Loading and Distance Constraints. European Journal of Operational Research, Volume 223, Issue 1, 16 November 2012, Pages 60–75.

40. Wenbin Zhu, Hu Qin*, Andrew Lim and Huidong Zhang. Iterative Deepening A* Algorithms for the Container Relocation Problem. IEEE Transactions on Automation Science and Engineering, Volume 9, Issue 4, October 2012, Pages 710–722.

41. Wenbin Zhu, Hu Qin*, Andrew Lim and Lei Wang. A Two-stage Tabu Search Algorithm with Enhanced Packing Heuristics for the 3L-CVRP and M3L-CVRP. Computers & Operations Research, Volume 39, Issue 9, September 2012, Pages 2178–2195.

42. Hu Qin, Meifeng Luo*, Xiang Gao and Andrew Lim. The Freight Allocation Problem with Allunits Quantity-based Discount: A Heuristic Algorithm. Omega, Volume 40, Issue 4, August 2012, Pages 415–423.

43. Zizhen Zhang, Hu Qin*, Wenbin Zhu and Andrew Lim. The Single Vehicle Routing Problem with Toll-by-Weight Scheme: a Branch and Bound Approach. European Journal of Operational Research, Volume 220, Issue 2, 16 July 2012, Pages 295–304.

44. Andrew Lim, Hu Qin* and Zhou Xu. The Freight Allocation Problem with Lane Cost Balancing Constraint. European Journal of Operational Research, Volume 217, Issue 1, 16 February 2012, Pages 26–35.

45. Yongquan Li, Andrew Lim, Wee-Chong Oon, Hu Qin* and Dejian Tu. The Tree Representation for the Pickup and Delivery Traveling Salesman Problem with LIFO Loading. European Journal Operational Research, Volume 212, Issue 3, 1 August 2011,Pages 482–496.

Representative Grants and Awards

1. Second Prize, The 3rd International Supply Chain Modeling and Design Competition, 2023

2. Best Innovation Practice Award, The 5th Conference on Intelligent Optimization and Scheduling, 2022

3. Second Prize for Excellent Paper, The 5th Conference on Intelligent Optimization and Scheduling,2022

4. Best Paper Award First Prize, The 5th Conference on Intelligent Manufacturing Systems Engineering, 2022

5. First Prize, The 2nd International Supply Chain Modeling and Design Competition, 2022

6. First Prize, IJCAI2021-WholsWho Task: Name Disambiguation from Scratch to the Author, 2021

7. Best Innovation Practice Award, The 4th Conference on Intelligent Optimization and Scheduling, 2021

8. Third Prize, Huawei Cloud National Industrial Internet Application Innovation Contest, 2021

9. Second Prize for Excellent Paper, The 3rd Conference on Intelligent Optimization and Scheduling,2020

10. Excellent Mentor Teacher, Alibaba Cloud Intelligent Service Innovation Challenge, 2020

11. Outstanding University Collaboration Project Award, Huawei Noah’s Ark Laboratory, 2020

12. First Place, JD.COM Global Optimization Challenge (Urban Truck Routing and Scheduling) , 2018

13. Academic Newcomer Award, Huazhong University of Science and Technology, 2013

Selected Academic Service

1. Co-Chair, The 2023 Workshop on Operations Research Optimization and Artificial Intelligence, Yi Chang, 2023.

2. Co-Chair, The 2023 Workshop on Practical Applications of Intelligent Optimization,Wu Han, 2023.

3. Corresponding Expert, Journal “Frontiers of Engineering Management” (2022 – Present).

4. Initiator & Co-Chair, The 2021 Workshop on Operations Research Optimization and Artificial Intelligence, Wu Han, 2021.

5. Initiator & Co-Chair, The 2021 Workshop on Practical Applications of Intelligent Optimization, Cheng Du, 2021.

6. Committee Member, Intelligent Simulation Optimization and Scheduling Professional Committee of China Simulation Society (October 2020 – Present).

7. Co-Chair, The Second Symposium on Artificial Intelligence in Logistics, Chong Qing, 2020.

8. Executive Director, China Society of Logistics (November 2019 – Present).

9. Committee Member, Intelligent Manufacturing Systems Engineering Professional Committee of Systems Engineering Society of China (May 2019 – Present).

10. Initiator & Co-Chair, The First Symposium on Artificial Intelligence in Logistics, Wu Han, 2019.

11. Session Chair, The 9th Multidisciplinary International Scheduling Conference: Theory and Applications, Ning Bo, 2019.

12. Session Chair,The First National Conference on Supply Chain and Operation Management, Da Lian, 2019.

13. Secretary-General, Management System Engineering Branch of Society for Management Science and Engineering (November 2016 – Present).