1. 中文
  • Liu Zhiqiang

    Professor, Associate Dean
  • Subordinate unit

    Department of Human Resource and Organization Science
  • Research Interests

    Breakthrough Innovation/Creativity, Status competition in Organization, Sharing Leadership and LMX
  • Telephone




Ph. D. (Majored in Human Resource Management), Huazhong University of Science and Technology, 2003-2006.

M.S. (Majored in Human Resource Management), Wuhan University, 1999-2002.

B.S. (Majored in National Economic Management), Lanzhou University, 1991-1995.

Overseas Visiting and Training

2012/12-2014/01: Smith Business School, University of Maryland

2011/07-2011/12: School of Business, Hong Kong Baptist University

2010/02-2011/02: College of Business, City University of Hong Kong

2009/07-2009/09: Business School, Chinese University of Hong Kong

Courses Taught

Human Resource Management, Organizational Behavior and Management, Management, Compensation Management, Performance Management, Management Communication, Leader and Leadership, etc.

Research Interests

Breakthrough Innovation/Creativity, Status competition in Organization, Sharing Leadership and LMX

Representative Research Projects

1. PI: “Research on Chinese universities’ 0-1 basic research and innovation strategy”, Key Projects of Philosophy and Social Sciences Research, Ministry of Education of China (Grant No. 21JZD056), 2021-2024. RMB 800,000.

2. PI: “Research on the influence of organizational co-opetition on breakthrough innovation based on the perspective of boundary spanning”, Key Program of National Natural Science Foundation of China (Grant No. 71832004), 2019/01- 2023/12. RMB 2,880,000.

3. PI: “The influence of status distance between two core members on team outcomes: Perspective of third-party dependence”, General Program of National Natural Science Foundation of China (Grant No. 71672070), 2017/01- 2020/12. RMB 580,000.

4. PI: “Effect of high-status group’s status conflict on organizational effectiveness: Perspective of group differentiation and integration”, General Program of National Natural Science Foundation of China (Grant No. 71272123), 2013/01- 2016/12. RMB 600,000.

5. PI: “Study on the influence of Status Competition on Employee Creative Outcomes”, General Program of National Natural Science Foundation of China (Grant No. 70972017), 2010/01- 2012/12. RMB 250,000.

6. PI: “Research on Formation Mechanism and Governance Countermeasure of Career Stagnation on Knowledge Workers”, Humanities and Social Science Fund from China Ministry of Education (Grant No. 08JC630029), 2009/09-2011/12.

Representative Research Papers

Journal Publications (in English)

1. Liu, Z., Huang, Y., & Kim, T.-Y. (2024). Perceived Overqualification and Employee Outcomes: The Dual Pathways and the Moderating Effects of Dual-Focused Transformational Leadership. Human Resource Management. (In press).

2. Kim, T.-Y., Wang, X., Schuh, S. C. & Liu, Z. (2024). Effects of Organizational Innovative Climate within Organizations: The Roles of Managers’ Proactive Goal Regulation and External Environments. Research Policy. (In press).

3. Liu, Z., & Xu, Y. (2024). Stretch Goals and Radical Creativity: Cognitive Flexibility as a Key Contingency. Management and Organization Review. (In press).

4. Liu, Z., Zhou, K., & Wang, J. (2024). How Narcissism, Promotion Criteria, and Empowering Leadership Jointly Influence Creativity through Diverse Information Searching: An Expectancy Perspective. Human Relations. 1-20. (Online).

5. Liu, Z., Ozer, M., & Zhou, K. (2024). The Role of Status Diversity in the Innovative Performance of R&D Teams. R & D Management. 55(1), 60-75.

6. Schuh, S. C., Kim, T.-Y., Wang, X., & Liu, Z*. (2023). Effects of Entrepreneurial Orientation Within Organizations: The Role of Passion for Inventing and Organizational Identification. Journal of Management. 1-34. (Online).

7. Liu, Z., Ouyang, X., Kim, T.-Y., & Chen, Y. (2023). Workplace Status Difference and Proactive Behavior: The Role of Perceived Insider Status and Promotion Criteria. Journal of Occupational and Organizational Psychology. 1-20. (Online).

8. Lee, B., Kim, T.-Y., Kim, S., Liu, Z*., & Wang, Y*. (2023). Socially Responsible Human Resource Management and Employee Performance: The Roles of Perceived External Prestige and Employee Human Resource Attributions. Human Resource Management Journal. 33 (4), 828-845.

9. Cheng, Y., Kim, Y.-K., Liu, Z*., & Wang, G*. (2023). Predictors of Employees’ Strike Attitudes in Multinational Corporations in China: A Multilevel Relational Model. International Journal of Human Resource Management. 34 (1), 28-67.

10. Ouyang, X., Liu, Z., & Gui, C. (2023). The Interactive Effects of Intragroup Cooperation and Competition: Toward the Paradox Perspective. Management Decision. 61(3), 655-672.

11. Abbas, S. M., Liu, Z*., & Khushnood, M. (2023). When Human Meets Technology: Unlocking Hybrid Intelligence Role in Breakthrough Innovation Engagement via Self-Extension and Social Intelligence. Journal of Computer Information Systems. 63(5), 1183-1200.

12. Li, J., Liu, Z., Tao, X., Chen, S., & Chen, S. (2023). Abusive Supervision, Power Distance, and Creative Process Engagement: A Moderated Mediation Model in Confucian Societies. Current Psychology. (Online).

13. Nabi, M. N., Liu, Z., & Hasan, N. (2023). Investigating the Effects of Leaders’ Stewardship Behavior on Radical Innovation: A Mediating Role of Knowledge Management Dynamic Capability and Moderating Role of Environmental Uncertainty. Management Research Review. 46 (2), 173-195.

14. Nabi, M. N., Liu, Z., Hasan, N. (2023). Examining the Nexus between Transformational Leadership and Follower's Radical Creativity: The Role of Creative Process Engagement and Leader Creativity Expectation. International Journal of Emerging Markets. 18(10), 4383-4407.

15. Liu, Z., Ouyang, X., & Pan, X. (2023). Experiencing Tensions, Regulatory Focus and Employee Creativity: The Moderating Role of Hierarchical Level. Chinese Management Studies. 17(1), 178-196.

16. Kumar, N., Jin, Y., & Liu, Z. (2023). The Nexus between Servant Leadership and Employee's Creative Deviance for Creativity Inside Learning and Performance Goal-oriented Organizations. Management Decision. (Online).

17. Liu, Z., Zhou, R., Wei, L., Ouyang, X., & Zhou, K. (2023). How and When does Leader Narcissism Hinder Team Radical Creativity?The Role of Team Information Elaboration and Inter-team Competition. Chinese Management Studies. 17(1), 46-63.

18. Dong, M. C., Huang, Q., & Liu, Z*. (2022). Adjusting Supply Chain Involvement in Countries with Politician Turnover: A Contingency Framework. Journal of Operations Management. 68(8), 824-854.

19. Kim, T., Y., Liden, B., Liu, Z*., & Wu, B. (2022). The Interplay of Leader–Member Exchange and Peer Mentoring in Teams on Team Performance via Team Potency. Journal of Organizational Behavior. 43 (5), 932-945.

20. Liu, Z., Huang, Y., Huang, Y., Song, Y., & Kumar, A. (2022). How Does One-sided versus Two-sided Customer Orientation Affect B2B Platform's Innovation: Differential Effects with Top Management Team Status. Journal of Business Research. 141(2022), 619-632.

21. Ouyang, X., Liu, Z., & Zhang, Y. (2022), Firm Size and Innovation: A Meta-analysis Based on the Awareness-motivation-capability Perspective. International Journal of Innovation Management. 26 (6), 1-27.

22. Liu, Z., Yan, M., Fan, Y., & Chen, L. (2021). Ascribed or Achieved? The Role of Birth Order on Innovative Behaviour in the Workplace. Journal of Business Research. 134(2021), 480-492.

23. Ouyang, X., Liu, Z. & Gui, C. (2021). Creativity in the Hospitality and Tourism Industry: A Meta-analysis. International Journal of Contemporary Hospitality Management, 33(10), 3685-3704.

24. Kim, T.-Y., David, E. M., & Liu, Z*. (2021). Perceived Cognitive Diversity and Creativity: A Multilevel Study of Motivational Mechanisms and Boundary Conditions. Journal of Creative Behavior. 55(1), 168-182.

25. Liu, Z., Pan, X., & Zhu, T. (2021). Striving Orientation, Creative Deviance Engagement and Employee Creativity: Perspective of Structural Strain. Chinese Management Studies. 15(4), 821-842.

26. Gong, Y., Kim, T.-Y., Liu, Z*. (2020). Diversity of Social Ties and Creativity: Creative Self-Efficacy as Mediator and Tie Strength as Moderator. Human Relations. 73(12), 1664-1688.

27. Zeng, F., Ye, Q., Dong, M. C., Huang, Z., & Liu, Z*. (2020). Legitimizing Actions in Dependence-Asymmetry Relationships: A Comparison between Chinese and Western Firms. Industrial Marketing Management. 88 (7), 163-172.

28. Chen, Y., Kim, Y.-K., Liu, Z., Wang, G., & Zhao, G. (2018). Can HPWS and Unions Work Together to Reduce Employee Turnover Intention in Foreign MNCs in China? Advances in Industrial and Labor Relations. 24(1), 213-242.

29. Kim, T.-Y., & Liu, Z*. (2017). Taking Charge and Employee Outcomes: The Moderating Effect of Emotional Competence, International Journal of Human Resource Management, 28(5), 775-793.

30. Dong, M. C., Liu, Z*., Yu, Y., & Zheng, J.-H. (2015). Opportunism in Distribution Networks: The Role of Network Embeddedness and Dependence. Production and Operations Management. 24 (10), 1657-1670.

31. Liu, Z., Yang, Z., Zeng, F., & Waller, D. (2015). The Developmental Process of Unethical Consumer Behavior: An Investigation Grounded in China. Journal of Business Ethics, 128(2), 411-432.

32. Kim, T.-Y., Liu, Z*., & Diefendorff, J. (2015). Leader-Member Exchange and Job performance: The Effects of Taking Charge and Organizational Tenure. Journal of Organizational Behavior. 36(2), 216-231.

33. Tang, G., Cai, Z., Liu, Z*., Zhu, H., Yang, X., & Li, J. (2015). The Importance of Ethical Leadership in Employees’ Value Congruence and Turnover. Cornell Hospitality Quarterly. 56(4), 397-410.

34. Chen, Y., Chen, Z., Zhong, L., Son, J., Zhang, X., & Liu, Z. (2015). Social exchange spillover in leader-member relations: A multilevel model. Journal of Organizational Behavior. 36(5), 673-697.

35. Liu, Z., Zhu, H., Li, J., Cai, Z., & Wang, L. (2014). Chinese Firms’ Sustainable Development ---the Role of Future Orientation, Environmental Commitment and Employee Training. Asia Pacific Journal of Management. 31(1), 195-213.

36. Liu, Z., Cai, Z., Li, J., Shi, S., & Fang, Y. (2013). Leadership Style and Employee Turnover Intentions: A social Identity Perspective. Career Development International. 18(3), 305-324.

37. Moran, C. M., Diefendorff, J. M., Kim, T-Y., & Liu, Z. (2012). A Profile Approach to Self-determination Theory Motivations at Work. Journal of Vocational Behavior. 81(3), 354-363.

38. Li, J., Huang, J., Liu, Z*., Zhu, H., & Cai, Z. Y. (2012). The Effect of Employee Training on the Relationship between Environmental Attitude and Firm Performance in Sustainable Development. International Journal of Human Resource Management. 23 (14), 2995-3008.

39. Jian, Z. Q., Kwan, H. K., Qiu, Q., Liu, Z.., & Yim, F. H. (2012). Abusive Supervision and Frontline Employees’ Service Performance. Service Industries Journal, 32 (5), 683-698.

40. Li, J., Tang, G., Wang, X., Yan, M. & Liu, Z. (2012). Collectivistic –HRM, firm strategy and firm performance: An empirical test. International Journal of Human Resource Management. 23(1), 190-203.

41. Liu, Z., Zeng, F. E, & Su, C. T. (2009). Does Relationship Quality Matter in Consumer Ethical Decision-Making? Evidence from China. Journal of Business Ethics, 88, 483-496.

(*Corresponding author)

Journal Publications (in Chinese)

More than 60 papers.

Conference Papers

42. Academy of Management Annual Conference (Chicago, Illinois, USA, Aug. 9-13, 2024). “Cognitive DA fit and employee creativity: The moderating effect of task idiosyncratic deals”.

43. Academy of Management Annual Conference (Boston, Massachusetts, Aug. 7 - August 11, 2023). “Stretch Goals and Radical Creative Engagement: Cognitive Flexibility as a Key Contingency”.

44. Academy of Management Annual Conference (Boston, Massachusetts, Aug. 7 - August 11, 2023). “Trickle-Down Effects of Corporate Social Responsibility on Employee Outcomes: Leader Role Modeling”.

45. Academy of Management Annual Conference (online, July 29 - August 4, 2022). “Exploring the Flow of Entrepreneurial Orientation Within Firms: A Cross-Level, Cascading Effects”.

46. Academy of Management Annual Conference (online, July 29 - August 4, 2021). “How narcissism, promotions criterion, and empowering leadership jointly influence radical creativity”.

47. Academy of Management Specialized Conference in Bled, Slovenia (October 23 - 25, 2019). “Influencing Mechanism of Relational Leadership towards Employee Voluntary Green Behavior-A Multi-theory Perspective”.

48. Academy of Management Annual Conference in Boston, Massachusetts (August 9-13, 2019). “Based on the Theory of Territoriality: How Employees Respond to Status Distance”.

49. Academy of Management Annual Conference in Boston, Massachusetts (August 9-13, 2019). “The Incentive and Sorting Effects of Pay-for-Performance and Punishment-for-Underperformance”.

50. Academy of Management Annual Conference in Chicago, Illinois, USA (August 10 - 14, 2018). “Employees’ Attitudes Toward Strike in Multinational Corporations in China”.

51. Academy of Management Annual Conference in Atlanta, Georgia, USA (August 4-8, 2017). “Workplace Conflict, Status-conferral Criteria and Job Performance: Status Competition Perspective”.

52. Academy of Management Annual Conference in Anaheim, California, USA (August 5-9, 2016). "Horizontal Meets Vertical Social Exchange: The Interplay of Peer Mentoring network and Leader-member Exchange on Team Potency and Team Effectiveness"

53. Academy of Management Annual Conference in Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada (August 7-11, 2015), “Cognitive Diversity and Creativity: A Multilevel Investigation”.

54. Academy of Management Annual Conference in Orlando, Florida, USA. (August, 2013). “Linking Influence Centrality and Employee Outcomes: The Effects of Trust Centrality”.

55. Academy of Management Annual Conference in Boston, Massachusetts, USA. (August, 2012). “Leader-Member Exchange and Employee Outcomes: The Effects of Taking Charge”.

56. Academy of Management Annual Conference in San Antonio, Texas, USA. (August, 2011). “A Cross-Level Investigation of the Trust-Creativity Relationship”.

57. Academy of Management Annual Conference in Montreal, Canada. (August, 2010). “Career Self-Efficacy, Skill Development and Career Outcomes: A Social Cognitive Approach”.

58. Academy of Management Annual Conference in Montreal, Canada. (August, 2010). “High-Performance Work Systems and Employee Creativity”.

Representative Monographs/Textbooks/Cases

1. Liu, Z., Liu, R., Zhao, J. Compensation Management Cases, Wuhan: Wuhan University Press. 2023.

2. Liu, Z. Compensation Management, Beijing: Higher Education Press. 2022.

3. Liu, Z. & Guan, P. L. Organizational Behavior (5th Edition), Beijing: China Renmin University Press. 2020.

4. Liu, Z. Leadership Lessons from West Point (Diamond Edition), Beijing: Publishing House of Electronics Industry. 2020. (Translation works from English “Collins, J. Leadership Lessons from West Point, Wily” to Chinese).

5. Liu, Z. Measurement and Governance of Professional Stagnation of Knowledge Workers, Wuhan: Hubei People’s Press. 2008.

6. Liu, Z. & Yan, R. X. (2019). Social Contract Theory. In Li, C. P., & Xu, S.Y. (Eds.), Management and Organization Theories(pp.379-386). Beijing: Peking University Press.

7. Liu, Z. (2017). Absorptive capacity theory. In Management and Organization Theory (Li, C. P., & Xu, S.Y, Trans.). Beijing: Peking University Press.

Representative Grants and Awards

1. Liu, Z., Wei, L. H., Zhou, K., & Liao, S. “Double Sides of Status Conflict and Team Innovation” was awarded the third prize of the 13th Hubei Province Social Science Excellent Achievements by Hubei Provincial People’s Government in 2022.

2. Liu, Z., Wei, L. H., Wang, F. J., & Tang, S. S. “Growth Need Strength of Supervisors & Subordinates, Incentive Structure and Employee Creative Outcomes” was awarded the third prize of the 12th Hubei Province Social Science Excellent Achievements by Hubei Provincial People’s Government in 2020.

3. Liu, Z., Liao, J. Q., Long, L. R. & Deng, C. J. “Status-striving Motivation, Criteria for Status Promotion and Employees’ Innovative Behavior Choice” was awarded the third prize of the 10th Hubei Province Social Science Excellent Achievements by Hubei Provincial People’s Government in 2016.

4. Liu, Z., Yu, Z. Y., Pan, X. Q., & Shao, Y. F. “The Evolution and Frontiers of Breakthrough Innovation Research: Visual Analysis Based on SSCI and CSSCI Journals” was awarded the First Prize of Hubei Human Resource Association Annual Meeting in 2021.

5. Shao, Y. F., Wang, J. T., & Liu, Z. the paper “A Game Research on the Choice of Enterprise Breakthrough Innovation Strategy and Government Subsidies” was awarded the third prize of the 27th Chinese Society of Technical Economics Annual Meeting in 2020.

6. Yuan, C. Y., & Liu, Z. the paper “Research on the Influence Mechanism of Team Learning Goal Orientation on Team Creativity: the Mediating Role of Team Innovation Self-efficacy and the Moderating Role of Leadership Implementation Support” was Awarded the First Prize of Hubei Human Resource Association Annual Meeting in 2019.

7. Deng, C. J., Liu, Z., & Qiu H. H. “Formal Status, Leader-member Exchange and Individual Work Performance” was awarded the best paper award of the 5th Chinse Human Resource Management Annual Meeting in 2016.