1. 中文
  • Li Jianbin

    Professor, Associate Dean
  • Subordinate unit

    Department of Supply Chain Management and Systems Engineering
  • Research Interests

    Healthcare Management、E-commerce、Logistics and Supply Chain Management
  • Telephone




Ph.D. (Majored in Applied Mathematics), Joint program between Wuhan University and University of Chinese Academy of Sciences, School of Mathematics and Statistics, Sept 2002 - Jul 2007.

B.S. (Majored in Applied Mathematics), School of Mathematics and Statistics, Wuhan University, Sept 1998 - Jul 2002.

Overseas Visiting and Training

Visiting Scholar, Wharton School of Business, USA, 2015 - 2016.

Courses Taught

Warehouse Management, Mathematical Modeling, Operations Management, E-commerce.

Work Experiences

Associate Dean, School of Management, Huazhong University of Science and Technology, May 2021 - Present

Visiting Scholar, Wharton School of Business, University of Pennsylvania, July 2015 - August 2016

Professor (Exceptional Promotion), School of Management, Huazhong University of Science and Technology, November 2012 - Present

Associate Professor (Exceptional Promotion), School of Management, Huazhong University of Science and Technology, February 2009 - November 2012

Postdoctoral Fellow, Industrial Engineering and Logistics Management, Hong Kong University of Science and Technology, December 2008 - October 2009

Postdoctoral Fellow, Systems Engineering and Engineering Management, Chinese University of Hong Kong, December 2007 - December 2008

Consulting (Training) Activities

1. Supply Chain Strategy Consultant, Shanghai 111, Inc

2. Project Lead, "Shanghai 111, Inc Supply Chain Optimization Project", Shanghai 1Pharm Network, June 2017 - Present

3. Project Participant, "Research on Outsourcing Risk Control System and Quota Calculation Model for Cigarette Factory Business", Hubei Tobacco Industrial Co., Ltd., September 2023 - September 2024

4. Project Lead, "Haogood Investment Development Planning Research Project", Haogood Investment Co., Ltd., April 2022 - Present

5. Project Participant, "Tobacco Leaf Raw Material Supply-Demand Balance Model and Procurement and Usage Strategy Research", Hubei Tobacco Industrial Co., Ltd., July 2021 - November 2022

6. Project Participant, "Research on Formulation Module Function Positioning and Digital Standards for Quality Standards", Hubei Tobacco Industrial Co., Ltd., July 2021 - September 2022

7. Project Lead, "Logistics Optimization Intelligent Decision-Making Cooperation Project", Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd., June 2021 - December 2021

8. Project Lead, "Optimization of Raw Material Storage Layout", Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd., June 2020 - December 2020

9. Project Lead, "Zhuozhi Supply Chain Optimization Project", Guangdong Zhuozhi Cross-Border E-commerce Supply Chain Services Co., Ltd., April 2018 - April 2022

10. Project Lead, "Inventory Management System", Shanghai Gangling Group, 2017 - 2018

11. Project Lead, "Internet+ Logistics Optimization Strategies and Algorithms Based on Big Data", Zall Holdings Zall Cloud Market, August 2016 - August 2018

12. Project Lead, "WMS Wave Picking, Slotting Recommendations, and Picking Route and Logistics Optimization Strategies", Shanghai Yihaodian, July 2011 - September 2011

13. Project Lead, "Multi-Warehouse Order Splitting Optimization and PO&TO Procurement Optimization Strategies", Shanghai Yihaodian, July 2012 - September 2013

14. Project Lead, "Inventory Optimization Control Decision Support System Based on (s, S) Strategy", Shanghai Wanglian International Group Project, April 2007 - July 2007

Research Interests

Healthcare Management、E-commerce、Logistics and Supply Chain Management

Representative Research Projects

1. Research on Manufacturing Service Integration in Supply Chain Theory (Key Project under the Ministry of Science and Technology)

2. Study on the Current Situation, Problems, and Countermeasures of High-Quality Development of the Consumer Goods Industry in Hubei Province (Hubei New Think Tank Topic and Hubei Social Science Fund Key Project)

3. O2O Pharmaceutical Bilateral Platform Warehouse Optimization (Introduction Plan for High-end Foreign Experts, Ministry of Science and Technology)

4. Research on Technological Innovation Evaluation in the Tobacco Industry (Key R&D Project, China National Tobacco Corporation)

5. Research on Coordination and Supervision Mechanisms for Carbon Emissions during the Product Disposal Phase in Closed-loop Supply Chains (Major Original Achievement Cultivation Project, Huazhong University of Science and Technology)

6. Decision Optimization and Collaborative Distribution Research for O2O Pharmaceutical E-commerce Bilateral Platforms (General Project, National Natural Science Foundation)

7. Theory and Methods for Instant Delivery Service Operations Management in O2O Model (Key Project, National Natural Science Foundation)

8. Research on Optimization Strategies for Dual Supply and Multi-dimensional Competitive Mechanisms under Capacity and Demand Stochasticity (General Project, National Natural Science Foundation)

9. Research on Forward and Reverse Supply Chain Optimization Strategies under Customer Self-Pricing Behavior and Multi-channel Selection (New Century Excellent Talents Fund, Ministry of Education)

10. Supply Chain Rebate Optimization Strategy under Stochastic Demand with Risk-Aversion Behavior (General Project, National Natural Science Foundation)

11. Research on Theories and Methods for Optimized Management and Control of Compact Storage Systems (Key Project, National Natural Science Foundation)

12. Research and Application of RFID-based Storage and Logistics Optimization Technologies for Online Walmart (Yihaodian) (Technology Innovation Fund General Project, Innovation Research Institute, Huazhong University of Science and Technology)

13. Research on Multi-dimensional Game Strategies for Capacity Optimization Management under Innovative Product Dual-Layer Competition (Youth Fund, National Natural Science Foundation)

14. Research on Optimization Models and Strategies for Multi-warehouse Commodity Distribution in Retail E-commerce (Soft Science Project, 2014 Provincial Science and Technology Plan)

15. Research on Optimization Pricing and Inventory Strategies for Remanufactured Supply Chains under Customer Self-Pricing Behavior (Jointly Funded by the National Natural Science Foundation Committee and the Netherlands Organization for Scientific Research)

16. Smart Healthcare Services: Data-Driven Design and Management Optimization of Online Pharmaceutical Platforms (Huazhong University of Science and Technology - Toronto Seed Fund Project)

Representative Research Papers

1. Shu He, Jing Peng, Jianbin Li*, Liping Xu. "Impact of Platform Owner's Entry on Third-Party Stores." Information Systems Research, 2020, 31(4): 1467-1484.

2. Fangruo Chen, Jianbin Li, Hanqin Zhang. "Managing Downstream Competition via Capacity Allocation." Production and Operations Management, 2013,22(2):426-446.

3. Gangshu Cai, Xiuli Chao, Jianbin Li. "Optimal Reserve Prices in Name-Your-Own-Price Auctions with Bidding and Channel Options." Production and Operations Management, 2009,18(6):653-671.

4. Mengcheng Guan, Jianbin Li, Yicheng Zhang*, Yi liu. "Coparticipant effect in group buying: How coparticipant response speedsaffect consumer postpurchase regret?" Decision Support Systems, 2023, 171: 113980.

5. Zhuolin Yang, Yuting Zheng, Jianbin Li*, Stuart X. Zhu, Chao Yang. Delivery service for a service-oriented manufacturing supply chain with procurement and delivery time decisions. International Journal of Production Research, 2023: 1-17.

6. Jianbin Li, Lang Liu, Xiaomeng Luo*, Stuart X. Zhu. Interactive bundle pricing strategy for online pharmacies. Transportation Research Part E: Logistics and Transportation Review, 2023, 177: 103223.

7. Jianbin Li, Fangying Hu, Tingting Yan*, Xueyuan Cai, Xiangrong Song. "How to charge doctors and price medicines in a two-sided online healthcare platform with network externalities? " International Journal of Production Research, 2023, 61(9): 3052-3070.

8. Zhiyuan Chen, Shaobo Sun, Jianbin Li*, Langlang Zhang, Hao Fan. "Optimal BOT contracts in a two-road transportation network." Transportation Research Part E: Logistics and Transportation Review, 2022, 164: 102733.

9. Xiyang Hou, Jianbin Li*, Zhixin Liu, Yongjiang Guo. "Pareto and Kaldor Hicks Improvements with Revenue-sharing and Wholesale-price Contracts under Manufacturer Rebate Policy." European Journal of Operational Research, 2022, 298(01): 152-168.

10. Jianbin Li, Yingying Wang, Zhixin Liu, Xueyuan Cai*, Wen Xie. "Joint optimal strategies on service investment and drug pricing for a two-sided online pharmaceutical platform." International Journal of Production Economics, 2022, 252: 108556.

11. Chen Hu, Yongbo Xiao*, Jianbin Li. "Immediate Sale or Stock-up: Value of Rent-to-own Contracts for Experience Goods." International Journal of Production Research, 2022, 60(5): 1709-1736.

12. Xueyuan Cai, Jianbin Li*, Xiangrong Song, Fang Yuan and Xiaomeng Luo. " Capacity Allocation with Minimum Order Quantity: Fixed Allocation and Turn-and-Earn Allocation ". Computers & Industrial Engineering, 2022, 172(A): 108507. (SCI检索,学院A期刊)

13. Qihuang Mei, Jianbin Li, EvrimUrsavas, Stuart X Zhu, Xiaomeng Luo*. "Freight Transportation Planning in Platform Service Supply Chain Considering Carbon Emissions." International Journal of Production Economics, 2021, 240: 108241.

14. Xiaomeng Luo, Ling Ge, Liwen Chen, Jianbin Li*. " Online Channels and Store Brands: Strategic Interactions." Journal of the Association for Information Systems, 2021, 22(2): 512-543.

15. Bin Dai, Yu Nu, Xia Xie, Jianbin Li*. "Interactions of Traceability and Reliability Optimization in a Competitive Supply Chain with Product Recall." European Journal of Operational Research, 2021, 290(1): 116-131.

16. Jianbin Li, Yuting Zheng, James B. Dai*, Jiang Yu. "Implications of Matching and Pricing Strategies for Multiple-delivery-points Service in a Freight O2O Platform." Transportation Research Part E: Logistics and Transportation Review, 2020, 136: 101871.

17. Jian Yang, Jianbin Li*. "Cooperative Game with Nondeterministic Returns." Journal of Mathematical Economics, 2020, 88(5), 123-140.

18. Mengping Zhu, Zhixue Liu, Jianbin Li*, Stuart X.Zhu. "Electric Vehicle Battery Capacity Allocation and Recycling with Downstream Competition." European Journal of Operational Research, 2020,283(1): 365-379.

19. Zhiyuan Chen, Jianbin Li*, Zhong Zheng, Zhixin Liu. "Incentive Contracts for Capacity Restoration under Risk of Supply Disruption." IEEE Transactions on Engineering Management, 2019, 66(4): 746-762.

20. Jianbin Li, Niu Yu, Zhixin Liu*, Xueyuan Cai. "Allocation with Demand Competition: Uniform, Proportional, and Lexicographic Mechanisms", Naval Research Logistics,2017, 64 (2): 85-107.

21. Jianbin Li, Xueyuan Cai, Zhixin Liu*. "Allocating Capacity with Demand Competition: Fixed Factor Allocation." Decision Sciences, 2017,48(3): 523-560.

22. Jianbin Li, Rihuan Huang, Bin Dai*. "Joint Optimisation of Order Batching and Picker Routing in the Online Retailer's Warehouse in China." International Journal of Production Research, 2017, 55(2): 447-461.

23. James B. Dai, Lei Fan, Neville K.S.Lee, Jianbin Li*. "Joint optimisation of tracking capability and price in a supply chain with endogenous pricing." International Journal of Production Research, 2017, 55(18): 5465-5484.

24. Hai Li, Zhu, Stuart X Zhu, Nanfang Cui, Jianbin Li*. "Analysis of Gray Markets in Differentiated Duopoly." International Journal of Production Research, 2016, 54(13): 4008-4027.

25. Qifei Wang, Jianbin Li*, Hong Yan, Xiang Zhu. "Optimal Remanufacturing Strategies in Name-your-own-price Auctions with Limited Capacity." International Journal of Production Economics, 2016, 181: 113-129.

26. Hongyan Dai, Jianbin Li*, Nina Yan, Weihua Zhou. "Bullwhip effect and supply chain costs with low-and high-quality information on inventory shrinkage."European Journal of Operational Research, 2016, 250(2): 457-469.

27. Cao Ping, Jianbin Li*, Hong Yan. "Optimal Dynamic Pricing of Inventories With Stochastic Demand and Discounted Criterion." European Journal of Operational Research, 2012, 217(3): 580-588.

28. Lei D., Jianbin Li*,Z.Li. "Supply chain contracts under demand and cost disruptions with asymmetric information." International Journal of Production Economics, 2012, 139(1): 116-126.

29. Caliskan Demirag Ozgun, Youhua Chen, Jianbin Li*. "Customer and Retailer Rebates under Risk Aversion." International Journal of Production Economics, 2011, 133(2): 736-750.

30. Caliskan-Demirag Ozgun, Youhua Chen, Jianbin Li*. "Channel Coordination under Fairness Concerns and Nonlinear Demand."European Journal of Operational Research, 2010, 207(3): 1321-1326.

Representative Monographs/Textbooks/Cases

1. Inventory Control and Supply Chain Management Research - From a Demand Forecasting Update Perspective, Science Press, 2018.

2. Capacity Allocation Mechanisms and Coordination in Supply Chain Under Demand Competition, Springer Nature, 2022.

3. Theory of Recall Supply Chain Management Based on Product Traceability, Science Press, October 2022.

4. Smart Warehouse Management, Higher Education Press, 2023.

5. From "Manufacturing" to "Smart Manufacturing": The Digital Transformation Journey of Assembly Building Enterprise Huagou Technology, China Management Case Sharing Center, 2024.

6. 111 Group: Envisioning the Future of Pharmaceutical Health, China International Business Management Case Library, 2021.

7. 111 INC.: Envisioning the Future of Healthcare, Ivey Business School Case Library, Canada, 2021.

8. From Traditional Foreign Trade to Cross-Border E-commerce: Zhuozhi's Glamorous Transformation, China Management Case Sharing Center, 2021.

9. The Growing Pains of Yihaodian: Exploring the Path to Self-operated Logistics, China Management Case Sharing Center, 2018.

10. From "DiDi Model" to Supply Chain Strategy: Company Z's Internet+ Logistics Evolution Path, China Management Case Sharing Center, 2017.

Representative Grants and Awards

1. Twentieth China Graduate Mathematical Modeling Competition, Mathematical Modeling Talent, 2023

2. First Prize and Best Individual Service Award at the Fourth National Supply Chain and Operations Management Academic Conference (ISCOM), Cedar Tech Practice-Driven Research Competition, 2023

3. Second Outstanding Graduate Advisor Team, Huazhong University of Science and Technology, 2023

4. First Prize for Outstanding Paper at the 11th Hubei Regional Mechanical and Logistics Engineering Graduate Academic Forum, 2023

5. Second Prize for Outstanding Paper at the 11th Hubei Regional Mechanical and Logistics Engineering Graduate Academic Forum, 2023

6. Nominee for the Operations Research Application Award at the 8th Chinese Operations Research Society Science and Technology Award, 2022

7. First Prize, 18th Wuhan City Social Sciences Excellent Achievement Award, 2022

8. Excellent Teacher and Class Director (Logistics Classes 2001 & 2002) for the 2020-2021 Academic Year, Huazhong University of Science and Technology, 2021

9. Ministry of Education Young Yangtze Scholar, 2020