1. 中文
  • Guan Xu

  • Subordinate unit

    Department of Supply Chain Management and Systems Engineering
  • Research Interests

    Game Theory, Supply Chain Management, Information Asymmetry, Information Disclosure and Acquisition
  • Telephone




Ph.D. (Majored in Management Science and Engineering), Huazhong University of Science and Technology, Sept 2007 - Jul 2013.

B.A. (Majored in Logistic Management), Huazhong University of Science and Technology, Sept 2003 - Jul 2007.

Overseas Visiting and Training

2011-2013: National Joint PhD Program (Majored in Department of Industrial Engineering and Operations Research), University of California, Berkeley

2015-2018: Visiting Scholar, Hong Kong University of Science and Technology

2014-2018: Visiting Scholar, Hong Kong Polytechnic University

2015-2016: Visiting Scholar, City University of Hong Kong

Courses Taught

Undergraduate: Urban Logistics, Game Theory and Supply Chain Management

Graduate: Advanced Supply Chain Management, Advanced Game Theory

Work Experiences

February 2019 - Present: Professor, Huazhong University of Science and Technology, Department of Logistics and Operations Management

January 2017 - January 2019: Professor, Wuhan University, Department of Management Science and Engineering

January 2016 - December 2016: Associate Professor, Wuhan University, Department of Management Science and Engineering

July 2015 - December 2015: Lecturer, Wuhan University, Department of Management Science and Engineering

June 2013 - June 2015: Postdoctoral Fellow, Wuhan University, Department of Management Science and Engineering

Consulting (Training) Activities

Conduct technical training and management consulting services for middle and senior management of enterprises and institutions, including: ZTE Corporation, Xiaotiancai, Meituan, Hubei Provincial Department of Transportation, and Hubei Provincial Postal Industry, etc.

Research Interests

Game Theory, Supply Chain Management, Information Asymmetry, Information Disclosure and Acquisition

Representative Research Projects

1. 2024-2028: National Natural Science Foundation of China Outstanding Young Scholars Program (72325005): Supply Chain Information Acquisition, Disclosure, and Operational Strategies, Principal Investigator

2. 2020-2022: National Natural Science Foundation of China Excellent Young Scholars Program (71922010): Supply Chain Management under Asymmetric Information, Principal Investigator

3. 2020-2023: International (Regional) Cooperation and Exchange Project (NFSC-RGC) Research Project (7191101004): Research on Supply Chain Collaboration and Service Models Driven by Consumer Information in the New Retail Era, Principal Investigator (Joint PI: Ying-Ju Chen, Hong Kong University of Science and Technology)

4. 2019-2021: Huazhong University of Science and Technology Talent Introduction Fund: Several Issues in Supply Chain Management in the New Retail Era, Principal Investigator

5. 2019-2022: National Natural Science Foundation of China General Program (71871167): Supply Chain Competition and Cooperation Strategies Based on Information Transmission and Channel Construction, Principal Investigator

6. 2019-2022: Ministry of Education Humanities and Social Sciences Planning Fund Project (18YJA63002): Research on Product Information Transmission Strategies Based on Quality Disclosure and Consumer Reviews, Principal Investigator

7. 2015-2017: National Natural Science Foundation of China Youth Program (71402126): Research on Linked Decision-making of Product Information Acquisition and Disclosure Based on Consumer Feature Recognition, Principal Investigator

8. 2015-2017: Ministry of Education Humanities and Social Sciences Youth Fund Project (14YJC630041): Research on Collaborative Supply Decision Models and Methods for Assembly Systems under Asymmetric Information, Principal Investigator

9. 2014-2015: China Postdoctoral Science Foundation Funded Project (2014T70741): Game and Cooperation Strategies for Assembly Systems under Asymmetric Channel Power, Principal Investigator

10. 2014-2015: Wuhan Soft Science Project, Investigation and Research on Key Technical Demands of High-Tech Service Industry in Wuhan, Principal Investigator

Representative Research Papers

1. Xu Guan, Baoshan Liu, Ying-ju Chen, Hongwei Wang, Inducing Supply Chain Transparency through Supplier Encroachment, Production and Operations Management, 2020.3, 29(3): 725-749

2. Xu Guan, Yulan Wang, Zelong Yi, Ying-Ju Chen, Inducing Consumer Online Reviews Via Disclosure, Production and Operations Management, 2020.8, 29(8): 1956-1971

3. Yao Tang, Xu Guan, Seller Organization and Percentage Fee Design in the Daily Deal Market, Information Systems Research, 2022, 33(4): 1287-1302

4. Baoshan Liu, Xu Guan, Yulan Wang, Supplier Encroachment with Multiple Retailers, Production and Operations Management, 2021.10, 30(10): 3523-3539

5. Huan Cao; Xu Guan; Tijun Fan; Li Zhou ; The Acquisition of Quality Information in a Supply Chain with Voluntary vs. Mandatory Disclosure, Production and Operations Management, 2020.3, 29(3): 595-616

6. Xu Guan, Ying-Ju Chen, The Interplay between information acquisition and quality disclosure, Production and Operations Management, 2017, 26(3): 389-408

7. Song Huang, Xu Guan, Ying-Ju Chen, Retailer information sharing with supplier encroachment, Production and Operations Management, 2018.6, 27(6): 1133-1147

8. Yiwen Bian, Shuai Yan, Zelong Yi, Xu Guan, Ying-Ju Chen, Quality Certification in Agricultural Supply Chains: Implications from Government Information Provision, Production and Operations Management, 2021, 31(4): 1456-1472

9. Xu Guan, Hao Wu, Jin Xu, Jianghua Zhang, Privatization Reform in Public Healthcare System: Competition vs. Collaboration, IISE Transactions, 2023, 55(3): 217-228

10. Xu Guan; Murali Mantrala; Yiwen Bian ; Strategic Information Management in a Distribution Channel, Journal of Retailing, 2019.3, 95(1): 42-56

Representative Grants and Awards

1. 2023 Huazhong University of Science and Technology Top Ten Young Faculty Member, Huazhong University of Science and Technology

2. 2024 Huazhong University of Science and Technology May Fourth Youth Medal, Huazhong University of Science and Technology

Selected Academic Service

1. Service Science, Associate Editor

2. Management Science, Manufacturer and Service Operations Management, Production and Operations Management, Information Systems Research, Journal of Management Sciences in China, Chinese Management Science, and other authoritative international and domestic academic journals, peer reviewer

3. Council Member of the Chinese Society for Systems Engineering

4. Executive Council Member and Deputy Secretary-General of the Service Science and Operations Management Branch of the Institute of Dual Methods

5. Committee Member of the Logistics Systems Engineering Specialized Committee of the Chinese Society for Systems Engineering

6. Executive Council Member of the Management Systems Engineering Research Association of the Chinese Society for Management Science and Engineering

7. Executive Council Member of the Supply Chain and Operations Management Branch