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  • Yuan Jianguo

  • Subordinate unit

    Department of Accounting
  • Research Interests

    Accounting standards, Corporate Finance police, Accounting Information Disclosure, Corporate Innovation, etc.
  • Telephone





Ph.D. (Majored in Management Science and Engineering), HUST, 2003

M.E. (Majored in Accounting), Zhongnan University of Economics and Law, 1991

B.E. (Majored in Financial), Hubei University of Economics, 1982

Overseas Visiting and Training

Visiting Professor, the City College of New York, USA, 2013-Aug.

Industrial Experiences

Independent Director, Tian Feng Securities Co., Ltd., 2019

Independent Director, Pearl Electric Co., Ltd., 2015-Present

Independent Director, Wuhan Zhong Yuan Hua Dian Science Technology Co., Ltd., 2014-Present

Executive vice president, School of management, Wuhan Institute of Technology, 2012-2014

Advanced Consultant, Neimeng Lixin Dahua CPA Co. Ltd., 2008-Present

Executive member of the council, Accounting Association of Wuhan, 2008-Present

Member of the council, Auditing Association of Hubei Province, 2007-Present

Independent Director, Baoshang Bank Co., Ltd., 2007-2013

External supervisor, Baoshang Bank Co., Ltd., 2007-2013

Vice chairman, Hubei Textile Industry Development Research Association, 2004-Present

Executive member of the council, Accounting Association of Hubei Province., 2004-Present

Research Interests

Accounting standards, Corporate Finance police, Accounting Information Disclosure, Corporate Innovation, etc.

Research Projects

[1]National Social Science Foundation, Research on accounting information quality measurement and regulation innovation in China, 10BG L15

[2]Humanities and Social Sciences planning fund of the Ministry of Education, Research on accounting information quality measurement and regulation innovation of listed company, 08JA790051

[3] Key accounting research topics of Hubei Accounting Association, Research on the evaluation system of accounting information quality, 2006-2007

[4] Key accounting research topics of Hubei Accounting Association, An empirical study on the operation effect of accounting standards system, 2008-2009

Representative Research Papers

【1】The incentive effect of replace business tax with value-added tax to enterprise technological innovation, Taxation Research, 2018(3): 50-56. (with Hu M. & Tang Q.) (in Chinese)

【2】The trend and reference of foreign personal income tax reform, Taxation Research, 2017(7): 41-46. (with Hu M. & Tao W.) (in Chinese)

【3】Application of Big Data in China's Tax Field: Prospects and Challenges, Taxation Research, 2017(2): 114-116. (with Yu Y.) (in Chinese)

【4】Tax preferences and technological innovation of enterprises: An Empirical Study Based on Chinese Listed companies, Taxation Research, 2016(10): 28-33. (with Fan W. & Cheng C.) (in Chinese)

【5】Research on Individual Income Tax Payment Unit Based on Microdata Simulation, Taxation Research, 2016(7): 34-39. (with Yu Y.) (in Chinese)

【6】Does Corporate Tax Avoidance Behavior Affect Bank Debt Contract? An Empirical Research Using China's Listed Company Data, Nankai Business Review, 2016, 19(4): 122-134. (with Hou Q. & Zhang P.) (in Chinese)

【7】Unemployment Governance, Labor Cost and Firm Earnings Management, Journal of Management Science, 2016(4): 1-12. (with Cheng C. & Hou Q.) (in Chinese)

【8】Does CFO Serving as a Director Improve Investment Efficiency?——Evidence from Chinese listed Firms, Management Review, 2016(3): 60-69. (with Fan W. & Cheng C.) (in Chinese)

【9】The Rise of Labor Cost and Firm Growth: Substitution Effect of Technological Innovation, Forecasting, 2016(1): 8-13. (with Cheng C. & Wang M.) (in Chinese)

【10】Environment Uncertainty and Firm Technological Innovation: Evidence from Chinese Listed Firms, Management Review, 2015(10): 60-69. (with Cheng C. & Hou Q.) (in Chinese)

【11】An empirical study on the factors influencing the effective tax rate of listed companies' income tax, Taxation Research, 2015(7):114-117. (with Hou Q. & Fan W.) (in Chinese)

【12】The curse effect of enterprise's Political Resources: Investigation based on political connection and technological innovation of enterprise. Management world , 2015(1): 139-155. (with Hou Q. & Cheng C.) (in Chinese)

【13】The design of carbon tax system in the adjustment of industrial organization, Taxation Research, 2013(5):31-34. (with Song W. & Zhao K.) (in Chinese)

【14】Website information disclosure by 80 public hospitals in China and the analysis, Chinese Journal of Hospital Administration, 2011(12): 916-920. (with Bai P. &Song W.) (in Chinese)

【15】Discussion on Establishing Information Disclosure System of Public Hospitals in China , Chinese Hospital Management, 2011, 31(9): 22-23.

【16】Overview and Prospect of Foreign Accounting Information Quality Theory Research. Social Sciences Abroad, 2011(6): 90-94.(with Luan S. & Bai P.) (in Chinese)

【17】The Sources of Debt, Accounting Information Quality and Firms' Investment , Research on Economics and Management , 2011(5): 78-84. (with Jiang Y. ) (in Chinese)

【18】Research on the Relation between Accounting Information Quality and Over-investment, Chinese Journal of Management, 2009, 6(3): 368-372. (with Jiang Y. & Cai Y.) (in Chinese)

【19】Accounting Information Quality, Free Cash Flow and Overinvestment: A Chinese Study. The Business Review, Cambridge.2008, 11(1): 159-166. (with Jiang Y.) (ABI/INFORM(ProQuest))

【20】The Effects of Managerial Compensation and Market Competition on Financial Fraud in Public Companies: An Empirical Study in China. International Journal of Management, 2008, 25(2): 322-334. (with Yuan C.) ( ABI/INFORM Global)

【21】Firm Value, Managerial Confidence, And Investments: The Case of China. JOURNAL OF LEADERSHIP STUDIES, 2008, 2(3): 26-36. (with Ye B.)

【22】Managerial Confidence, Corporate Investment and Firm Value: Evidence from Chinese Listed Companies, China Soft Science, 2008(2): 97-108. (with Ye B. ) (in Chinese)

【23】How to Improve China's Enterprise Internal Control System: Based on the Perspective of Corporate Governance. The Business Review, Cambridge, Summer 2007, 7(2): 91-97. (with Yuan C.)(ABI/INFORM Global)

【24】The Joint Effect of Competition and Managerial Ownership on Voluntary Disclosure: The Case of China. Journal of American Academy of Business, Cambridge, 2007, 11(2): 83-90. (with Xiao H.) (ABI/INFORM Global)

【25】Ownership structure, board composition and corporate voluntary disclosure: Evidence from listed Companies in China. Managerial Auditing Journal, 2007, 22(6): 604-619. (with Xiao H.) (ABI/INFORM(ProQuest))

【26】Behavioral Study on Corporate Investment: A Survey, Accounting Research, 2007, 12: 76-81. (with Ye B. ) (in Chinese)


【1】National Twelfth Five-Year Plan Textbooks, Financial Management (6th Edition), Northeast University of Finance and Economics Press, 2017.

【2】National Twelfth Five-Year Plan Textbooks, Financial Management (5th Edition), Northeast University of Finance and Economics Press, 2014.

【3】National Eleventh Five-Year Plan Textbooks, Financial Management (4th Edition), Northeast University of Finance and Economics Press, 2011.

【4】Fundamentals of accounting, Huazhong University of Science and Technology Press, 2009.

【5】Principles of Accounting, Tsinghua University press, Beijing Jiaotong University Press, 2008.

【6】National Eleventh Five-Year Plan Textbooks, Financial Management (3rd Edition), Northeast University of Finance and Economics Press, 2008.

【7】Financial management, Northeast University of Finance and Economics Press, 2001.

【8】Special Study on Accounting and Auditing, Wuhan Industrial University Press, 1996.

【9】Accounting of stock companies, Northeast University of Finance and Economics Press, 1996.

【10】Industrial Accounting, China Statistics Press, 1993.

【11】General Accounting Standards, China finance and Economics Press, 1992.

【12】Financial management, Northeast University of Finance and Economics Press, 1992.

【13】Introduction to accounting of stock company, Hubei Science and Technology Press, 1991.

Grants and Awards

【1】Second Prize for Excellent Books of China University Press, 2013

【2】Principles of Accounting was awarded a top-quality course in Hubei Province, 2009

【3】Grand Prize for Excellent Textbooks of Huazhong University of Science and Technology, 2008

【4】First Prize for Excellent Textbooks of the Ministry of Finance, 1996

【5】State Council Special Allowance, 1994

【6】Third Prize for Excellent Social Science Achievements in Hubei Province, 1991

Teaching (2014-2018)


Accounting, 336 Teaching Hours


Theory and Practice of Financial Accounting, 584 Teaching Hours

Advanced Financial Accounting Theory and Practice, 144 Teaching Hours

Accounting, 472 Teaching Hours

Decision Oriented Accounting, 32 Teaching Hours