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Business Administration

English - Faculty & Research - Faculty - Business Administration - Content

  • Yang Yanwu

  • Subordinate unit

    Department of Business Administration
  • Research Interests

    E-Commerce, internet marketing, search personalization, internet advertising
  • Telephone




PhD: ENSAM, Paris, 2006

Master: Chinese Academy of Sciences, 2003

Bachelor: Northwest University, 2000

Research Interests

E-Commerce, internet marketing, search personalization, internet advertising

Social services

Information Processing and Management, Editorial Board Member(2019-)

IEEE Intelligent Systems (IS), Guest Editor (2016)

The Journal of Finance and Data Science (JFDS), Associate Editor (2015-)

Research Projects

Natural Science Foundation of China

Representative Research Papers

[1]Yang, Y., Jansen, B. J., Yang, Y. C., Guo, X., & Zeng, D., (2019). Keyword Optimization in Sponsored Search Advertising: A Multi-Level Computational Framework. IEEE Intelligent Systems, 34(1), 32 - 42. (SCI)

[2]Yang, Y., Li, X., Zeng, D., & Jansen, B. J., (2018). Aggregate Effects of Advertising Decisions: A Complex Systems Look at Search Engine Advertising via an Experimental Study, Internet Research, 28(4), 1079-1102. (SCI)

[3]Yang, Y., Yang, Y. C., Jansen, B. J., & Lalmas, M. (2017). Computational Advertising: A Paradigm Shift for Advertising and Marketing? IEEE Intelligent Systems, 32(3), 3-6. (SCI)

[4]Zeng, F., Tao, R., Yang, Y.*, & Xie, T. (2017). How Social Communications Influence Advertising Perception and Response in Online Communities? Frontiers in Psychology, 8, 1349. (Corresponding author) (SCI)

[5]Ortiz-Cordova, A., Yang, Y. and Jansen, B. J. (2015). External to Internal Search: Associating Searching on Search Engines with Searching on Sites, Information Processing & Management, 51(5): 718-736. (SCI)

[6]Yang, Y., Zeng, D., Yang, C.Y., & Zhang, J. (2015). Optimal budget allocation across search advertising markets. INFORMS Journal on Computing, 27(2), 285-300. (UTD,SCI)

[7]Qi, J., Z. Chao, Y. Yang, (2014) Recommendations based on Social Relationships in Mobile Services, Systems Research and Behavioral Science, Vol. 31, No. 3, pp. 424–436, May/June 2014. (SCI)

[8]Yang, Y., R. Qin, B.J. Jansen, J. Zhang, D. Zeng, (2014) Budget Planning for Coupled Campaigns in Sponsored Search Auctions, International Journal of Electronic Commerce, Vol. 18, No. 3, pp. 39–66, Spring 2014. (SCI)

[9]Zhang, J., Y. Yang*, X. Li, R. Qin, D. Zeng, (2014) Dynamic Dual Adjustment of Daily Budgets and Bids in Search Auctions, Decision Support Systems, 57: 105-114, January 2014. (Corresponding author) (SCI)

[10]Yang, Y., J. Zhang, R. Qin, J. Li, B. Liu, Z. Liu (2013). Budget Optimization Strategies in Uncertain Environments of Search Auctions: A Preliminary Investigation. IEEE Transactions on Services Computing, 6 (2): 168-176, April-June 2013. (SCI)

[11]Yang, Y., J. Zhang, R. Qin, J. Li, F. Wang, W. Qi (2012). A Budget optimization framework for search advertisements across markets, IEEE Transactions on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics. Part A: Systems and Humans, 42(5): 1141-1151 (2012). (SCI)

[12]Yang, Y., Personalized search strategy for spatial information on the Web, IEEE Intelligent Systems, 27(1): 12-20 (2012). (SCI)

[13]Xiarong Li, Daniel D. Zeng, Yong Liu, Yanwu Yang, Click Fraud and the Adverse Effects of Competition, IEEE Intelligent Systems, vol. 26, no. 6, pp. 31-39, Nov./Dec. 2011. (SCI)

[14]Yang, Y., C. Claramunt, M.-A. Aufaure, User-centric Similarity and Proximity Measures for Spatial Personalization, International Journal of Data Warehousing and Mining, 6(2):59-78, 2010. (SCI)

[15]Xia, F., Yang, Y., F. Li, J. Wang, A Closed-Form Reduction of Multi-class Cost-Sensitive Learning to Weighted Multi-class Learning, Pattern Recognition, Vol.42, No.7, 2009:1572-1581. (SCI)

[16]Xia, F., W. Zhang, F. Li and Y. Yang, Ranking with Decision Tree, Knowledge and Information Systems, vol.17, no. 3, pp.381-395, 2008. (SCI)

[17]Xia, F., L. Zhou, Y. Yang and W. Zhang, Ordinal Regression as Multiclass Classification. The Internal Journal of Intelligent Control System, Vol. 12 (3), Sep 2007, 230-238.

[18]Yang, Y. and Claramunt, C., 2003, A process-based multi-representation of gradual changes, Journal of Geographical Decision Analysis, 7 (1), 1-13.

Teaching (2014-2018)


Social Network Analysis, 92 Teaching Hours

Marketing Research, 80 Teaching Hours

Marketing, 32 Teaching Hours


Social Network Analysis, 96 Teaching Hours