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[科技创新和战略性新兴产业发展研究]An Ecosystem-Level Process Model of Business Model Disruption: The Disruptor's Gambit
发布日期:2018-04-18 21:05:44   来源:Journal of Management Studies    字体:  

An Ecosystem-Level Process Model of Business Model Disruption: The Disruptor's Gambit


作者:      Yuliya Snihur a, Llewellyn D. W. Thomas b, Robert A. Burgelman c

单位:      a       Toulouse Business School

      b       LaSalle Universitat Ramon Llull

      c       Stanford University

期刊:      Journal of Management Studies

      Volume55, Issue7, Special Issue: Managing in the Age of Disruptions,

      November 2018, Pages 1278-1316

摘要:      Based on a longitudinal case study, this paper presents an ecosystem-level process model of the interlocking key activities of the business model disruptor, other ecosystem participants (customers, partners, media, analysts), and the incumbent. Together these constitute a strategic process of ecosystem evolution from incumbent-centred to disruptor-centred. We identify the phenomenon of a ‘disruptor's gambit’, where the disruptor reveals its intentions early on through effective framing, followed by rapid adaptation of its business model to satisfy ecosystem needs. These processes generate a virtuous framing-adaptation cycle, where feed-forward and feedback enable rapid response to customers and partners, while engaging them as force multipliers during new ecosystem creation. Our findings suggest that framing constitutes a dynamic strategic process enabling disruptors to reduce uncertainty, dislodge powerful incumbents, and shape new ecosystems through business model innovation.

DOI:      https://doi.org/10.1111/joms.12343

链接:      An Ecosystem-Level Process Model of Business Model Disruption: The Disruptor's Gambit

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