讲座题目:Information Acquisition with Uncertain Signal Structure
主办单位:华中科技大学经济学院 华中科技大学创新发展研究中心
内容提要:An agent repeatedly chooses between a familiar source and an unfamiliar source to learn a persistent fundamental. When the signal structure of the unfamiliar source is also uncertain, the learning problem is two-dimensional. Moreover, the two dimensions become naturally correlated as the agent chooses the unfamiliar source over time. This paper makes a novel observation that it is the correlation, instead of the marginal belief over the uncertain signal structure, that determines the informativeness of the unfamiliar source. Based on this observation, this paper characterizes the agent's asymptotic choice of source. Under appropriate conditions, the agent settles on the familiar source with probability one for any joint prior, even if the true signal structure of the unfamiliar source Blackwell dominates that of the familiar source. As an implication, this result explains the well-documented preference towards familiarity from a rational perspective.