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热烈祝贺胡斌斌博士、丁佳宁、徐亦凡、骆传尚、曹浩森论文“Coordinated Navigation Control of Cross-Domain Unmanned Systems via Guiding Vector Fields ”被国际控制应用顶刊IEEE Transactions on Control Systems Technology以长文录用

【来源: | 发布日期:2023-10-09 】

Abstract—This paper proposes a distributed guiding-vector-field (DGVF) controller for cross-domain unmanned systems(CDUSs) consisting of heterogeneous unmanned aerial vehicles(UAVs) and unmanned surface vehicles (USVs), to achieve coordinated navigation whereas maneuvering along their prescribed paths. In particular, the DGVF controller provides a hierarchical architecture of an upper-level heterogeneous guidance velocity controller and a lower-level signal tracking regulator. Therein, the upper-level controller is to govern multiple heterogeneous USVs and UAVs to approach and maneuver along the prescribed paths and coordinate the formation simultaneously, whereas the low-level regulator is to track the corresponding desired guidance signals provided by the upper-level module. Significantly, the heterogeneous coordination among neighboring UAVs and USVs is achieved merely by the lightweight communication of a scalar (i.e., the additional virtual coordinate), which substantially decreases the communication and computational costs. Sufficient conditions assuring asymptotical convergence of the closed-loop system are derived in presence of the exponentially vanishing tracking errors. Finally, real-lake experiments are conducted on a self-established cross-domain heterogeneous platform consisting of three M-100 UAVs, two HUSTER-16 USVs, a HUSTER-12C USV, and a WiFi 5G wireless communication station to verify the effectiveness of the present DGVF controller.

Index Terms—Cross-domain coordination, path navigation, unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs), unmanned surface vehicles(USVs), guiding vector fields