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热烈祝贺 黄翔博士的论文“A Data-driven Bayesian Koopman Learning Method for Modeling Hysteresis Dynamics”被IEEE Transactions on Neural Networks and Learning Systems(IF=14.255)录用

【来源: | 发布日期:2023-06-20 】

Abstract—Exploring the mechanism of hysteresis dynamics may facilitate the analysis and controller design to alleviate detrimental effects. Conventional models, such as the Bouc-Wen and Preisach models consist of complicated nonlinear structures, limiting the applications of hysteresis systems for high-speed and high-precision positioning, detection, execution, and other operations. In this paper, a Bayesian Koopman learning algorithm is thereby developed to characterize hysteresis dynamics. Essentially, the proposed scheme establishes a simplified linear representation with time delay for hysteresis dynamics, where the properties of the original nonlinear system are preserved. Furthermore, model parameters are optimized via sparse Bayesian learning together with an iterative strategy, which both simplifies the identification procedure and reduces modeling errors. Extensive experimental results on piezoelectric positioning are elaborated to substantiate the effectiveness and superiority of the proposed Bayesian Koopman algorithm for learning hysteresis dynamics.

Index Terms—Hysteresis, modeling, Koopman operator, piezo-electric actuators