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1. Luo, Ani; Liu, Heping : Analysis for feasibility of the method for bars driving the ball tensegrity robot. Journal of Mechanisms and Robotics, 2017, 9(5). (SCI)
2. Liu, Heping; Geng, Jinsong; Luo, Ani: Tensegrity configuration method for connecting tensegrity units along their axes .Composite Structures, 2017, 162: 341-350. (SCI)
3. Gonzalez, Andres; Luo, Ani. Use of the SVD method for the stability analysis of tensegrity structures. REVISTA INTERNACIONAL DE METODOS NUMERICOS PARA CALCULO Y DISENO EN INGENIERIA, 2018, 34(1). (SCI)
4. Ani Luo, Heping Liu. Study of a flowerlike deployable structure, Journal of Mechanical Engineering, 2013, 4. (SCI)
5. 罗阿妮,刘贺平,SKELTONRE,车士俊.张拉整体基本形体稳定构型理论.机械工程学报,2017,53(23):62-73.(EI)
6. 罗阿妮,伍承旭,刘贺平.三杆张拉整体的结构刚度分析.哈尔滨工程大学学报,2017,38(09):1450-1455.(EI)
7. 罗阿妮,王龙昆,刘贺平,王媛媛,李全贺,曹鹏飞.张拉整体三棱柱构型和结构稳定性分析.哈尔滨工业大学学报,2016,48(07):82-87.(EI)
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9. 罗阿妮,张庆华,刘贺平,王媛媛,王龙昆.圆柱形张拉整体结构质量最小化方法.哈尔滨工业大学学报,2016,48(01):120-125.(EI)
10. 罗阿妮,程建军,李全贺,李旭,刘贺平.附加索对三杆张拉整体结构的影响分析.大连工业大学学报,2017,36(01):71-75.
12. 罗阿妮,刘贺平,王勇帆,李程.空间可展天线索网反射面形面偏差分析[J].海军工程大学学报,2013,25(03):44-49+108.
1. Luo Ani, Yang Haoyu, Liu Heping, Liu Yuxuan. Compression process research of 6-bars tensegrity structure. 2017 IEEE International Conference on Mechatronics and Automation(ICMA 2017), 2017, p1337-1341.(EI)
2. Luo Ani, Wang Jiandong, Liu Heping. Four-bar tensegrity robot based on ADAMS simulation. 2017 IEEE International Conference on Mechatronics and Automation(ICMA 2017), 2017, p1463-1468.(EI)
3. Luo Ani, Li Quanhe, Xiao Te, Kong Lingying, Zhang Qinghua, Wang Yuanyuan, Liu Heping. Cylindrical tensegrity deployable structure. ASME International Mechanical Engineering Congress and Exposition(IMECE), 2015.(EI)
4. Luo Ani, Liu Heping, Liu Yuxuan. Analyzing the driving method for the ball tensegrity robot. 2016 IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Biomimetics(ROBIO 2016), 2016, p2069-2074.(EI)
5. Luo Ani, Xin Hao, Cao Pengfei, Hao Xiaodong, Yu Yue, Sun Penghao, Tian Wei. Motion simulation of six-bar tensegrity robot based on Adams. 2016 IEEE International Conference on Mechatronics and Automation(ICMA 2016), 2016, p264-269.(EI)
6. Luo Ani, Zhou Kun, Song Jian Hua, Liu He Ping, Xiao Te, Kong Ling Ying. Analysis of equilibrium and carrying capability of the octahedral truss structure. Applied Mechanics and Materials, 2014, 672-674, p1797-1801.(EI)
7. Luo Ani, Skelton, R.E., Liu Heping, Liu Rongqiang, Guo Hongwei, Wang Longkun. Structure of the ball tensegrity robot. 2014 IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Biomimetics(IEEE ROBIO 2014), 2014, p 1781-1786.(EI)
8. Luo Ani, Liu Heping, Wang Yongfan, Song Jianhua, Ma Wentao. Researching on finding form and instability of the radial string-net structure on deployable antenna. ASME International Mechanical Engineering Congress and Exposition, Proceedings (IMECE), 2013.(EI)