
    • 姓名:罗水忠
    • 职务:
    • 职称:教授/硕导
    • 所属系:食品科学与工程
    • 邮箱:luoshuizhong@hfut.edu.cn,luoshuizhong@163.com
    • 办公地点:翡翠湖校区食品楼805、815
  • 个人简介
  • 研究领域
  • 科研项目
  • 学术成果
  • 荣誉奖项


1994年9月-1998年7月南昌大学 本科

2000年9月-2003年7月南昌大学 硕士

2012年6月合肥工业大学生物与食品工程学院 博士



2003年7月-至今 合肥工业大学食品与生物工程学院 教授

职务: 职称: 教授/硕导
所属系: 食品科学与工程 邮箱: luoshuizhong@hfut.edu.cn,luoshuizhong@163.com
办公地点: 翡翠湖校区食品楼805、815 学术成果 <br>代表性论文
<br>1、Shui-Zhong Luo, Ye Sun, Xue Yuan, Li-Hua Pan*, Zhi Zheng, Yan-Yan Zhao, Xi-Yang Zhong. Infrared radiation blanching-inhibited browning and extended shelf life of pecan kernels. Journal of Food Science. 2023, 88(4):1566-1579.<br>
<br>2、Li-Hua Pan,Lu-Ping Chen,Cui-Ling Wu,Jian-Fei Wang,Shui-Zhong Luo*,Jian-Ping Luo,Zhi Zheng. Microencapsulation of blueberry anthocyanins by spray drying with soy protein isolates/high methyl pectin combination: Physicochemical properties, release behavior in vitro and storage stability. Food Chemistry ,395 (2022): 133626.<br>
<br>3、Li-Hua Pan, Cui-Ling Wu, Shui-Zhong Luo*, Jian-Ping Luo, Zhi Zheng, Shao-Tong Jiang, Yan-Yan Zhao, Xi-Yang Zhong. Preparation and characteristics of sucrose-resistant emulsions and their application in soft candies with low sugar and high lutein contents and strong antioxidant activity. Food Hydrocolloids, 129 (2022) :107619.<br>
<br>4、Shui-Zhong Luo, Xiang-Zhi Wu, Li-Hua Pan*, Zhi Zheng, Min Zhang. Pectin-peptide complexes ameliorated physicochemical stabilities and in vitro digestion abilities of β-carotene loaded emulsions. Food Chemistry ,340 (2021): 128209.<br>
<br>5、Yan-Yan Zhao*, Feng-Hong Cao, Xing-Jiang Li, Dong-Dong Mu, Xi-Yang Zhong, Shao-Tong Jiang, Zhi Zheng & Shui-Zhong Luo*.Effects of different salts on the gelation behaviour and mechanical properties of citric acid-induced tofu. International Journal of Food Science and Technology. 2020, 55, 785–794.<br>
<br>6、Li-Hua Pan, Xiao-ling Wu, Shui-Zhong Luo*, Hong-ying He, Jian-Ping Luo. Effects of tea polyphenol ester with different fatty acid chain length on camellia oil-based oleogels preparation and its effects on cookies properties. Journal of Food Science. 2020, 85(8):2461-2469.<br>
<br>7、Shui-Zhong Luo, Xiang-Fang Hu, Li-Hua Pan*, Zhi Zheng, Yan-Yan Zhao,Li-Li Cao, Min Pang, Zhi-Gang Hou, Shao-Tong Jiang. Preparation of camellia oil-based W/O emulsions stabilized by tea polyphenol palmitate: Structuring camellia oil as a potential solid fat replacer. Food Chemistry.2019, 276: 209~217.<br>
<br>8、Shui-Zhong Luo, Xiang-Fang Hu, Yong-Jing Jia, Li-Hua Pan*, Zhi Zheng,Yan-Yan Zhao, Dong-Dong Mu, Xi-Yang Zhong, Shao-Tong Jiang. Camellia oil-based oleogels structuring with tea polyphenol-palmitate particles and citrus pectin by emulsion-templated method: Preparation, characterization and potential application. Food Hydrocolloids. 2019,95: 76–87.<br>
<br>9、Shui-Zhong Luo, Xiang-Zhi Wu, Pei-Lin Xu, Li-Hua Pan*, Zhi Zheng, Li-Li Cao, Yan-Yan Zhao and Shao-Tong Jiang. Enzyme-Resistant Dextrin from Chinese Yam Starch for Potential Application in Beverage Industry: Preparation, Physicochemical Properties and In Vitro Digestion. CURRENT TOPICS IN NUTRACEUTICAL RESEARCH . 2019, 17(2): 140–147.<br>
<br>10、Li-Hua Pan, Fei Liu, Shui-Zhong Luo*, Jian-ping Luo. Pomegranate juice powder as sugar replacer enhanced quality and function of set yogurts: Structure, rheological property, antioxidant activity and in vitro bioaccessibility. LWT - Food Science and Technology. 115 (2019) 108479:1-8.<br>
<br>11、Li-Hua Pan, Shui-Zhong Luo*, Fei Liu, Xue-qiang Zha and Jian-Ping Luo. Effects of oat β-glucan on characteristics of Chinese steamed bread flour and Chinese steamed bread. CURRENT TOPICS IN NUTRACEUTICAL RESEARCH. 2018,16(1): 97-104.<br>
<br>12、Li-Hua Pan,Shui-Zhong Luo*,Fei Liu, Jian-ping Luo. Comparison of rheological properties of dough and antistaling characteristics of Chinese Steamed Bread containing β-glucan from yeast or oat. Cereal Chemistry. 2018,95:149–157.<br>
<br>13、Shui-Zhong Luo*, Xiao-Yu Shen,Li-Hua Pan,Zhi Zheng,Yan-Yan Zhao,Xi-Yang Zhong, Shao-Tong Jiang. Effect of grape seed extract on sensory, textural, and anti-staling properties of Chinese steamed bread. Journal of Food Processing and Preservation.2018, 42,e13497:1-7.<br><br>14、Shui-Zhong Luo*, Sa-Sa Chen, Li-Hua Pan, Xin-Sheng Qin, Zhi Zheng, Yan-Yan Zhao, Min Pang & Shao-Tong Jiang. Antioxidative capacity of crude camellia seed oil:Impact of lipophilization products of blueberry anthocyanin. International Journal of Food Properties. 2017,20(S2), S1627–S1636.<br>
<br>15、Sa-Sa Chen, Shui-Zhong Luo*, Zhi Zheng*, Yan-Yan Zhao, Min Pang and Shao-Tong Jiang. Enzymatic lipophilization of epicatechin with free fatty acids and its effect on antioxidative capacity in crude camellia seed oil. Journal of the Science of Food and Agriculture.2017, 97: 868–874.<br>
<br>16、Xin-Sheng Qin, Qiao-Qiao Sun, Yan-Yan Zhao, Xi-Yang Zhong, Dong-Dong Mu, Shao-Tong Jiang,Shui-Zhong Luo*, Zhi Zheng*.Transglutaminase-set colloidal properties of wheat gluten with ultrasound pretreatments. Ultrasonics– Sonochemistry. 2017,39,137–143.
<br>1、一种低热量功能重构菜籽油的制备方法,专利授权号:ZL 201110327046.0.<br>
<br>3、一种茶油的低温脱水方法,专利授权号:ZL 201410408129.6.<br>
<br>4、一种富含多酚的固态状茶油及制备方法,专利授权号: ZL201811215343.4<br>

<br>1.《食品保藏学》,郑州大学出版社 编委<br>
<br>2.《现代食品分离技术》,科学出版社 编委
研究领域 <br>粮油健康食品加工技术基础;食品发酵技术。 科研项目 <br>1、安徽省科技重大专项:“油性坚果产品提质增效产业化关键技术研究及智能化生产应用”(202003a06020025);
荣誉奖项 <br>1.“双低油菜籽低温压榨制油新技术及副产物综合利用”.安徽省科技进步奖,一等奖
“ “研、培、展、用”四位一体教师发展体系”.安徽省教学成果奖,二等奖

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