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Big Data Research – Old Wine in a New Bottle?
发布日期:2015-06-25  来源:超级管理员   查看次数:

报告题目Big Data Research – Old Wine in a New Bottle?



Prof.Patrick Y.K. Chau




    Prof. Patrick Y.K. Chau is Director of the School of Business and Padma and Hari Harilela Professor in Strategic Information Systems at the Faculty of Business and Economics of the University of Hong Kong. He conducts research in areas including management of information systems, e-commerce, knowledge management and IT outsourcing and has over 80 journal publications in these areas with many of them appeared in leading information systems journals such as MIS Quarterly, Journal of MIS, JAIS, Decision Sciences, Decision Support Systems, Information & Management, International Journal of Electronic Commerce, and others. His work has over 10,500 citation counts with the top article with more than 1,350 citations on Google Scholar. He was ranked No. 8 worldwide in terms of research publication productivity in major IS/IT journals (CAIS, April 2005).

    He has been on the editorial boards of many journals including MIS Quarterly, JAIS, Decision Sciences, International Journal of Electronic Commerce, etc. He is currently the Editor-in-Chief of Information and Management and was the Co-Editor of Electronic Commerce Research & Applications and Database in 2007-2011. He has also been very active in the IS academic community. He was Vice-President of the Association for Information Systems (AIS) (2006-2008), President of the Chinese AIS (2005-2007), Founding President of the Hong Kong AIS (2006), and was elected as President of the Information Systems Academic Heads International (2014-2015). He has been more than ten times as track co-chair/associate editor/program committee member of ICIS/ECIS and has been five times as conference/program/doctoral consortium co-chair of PACIS.

    He was appointed as Chang-Jiang Scholar (Chair Professor) by the Ministry of Education of China in 2010. In 2013, he received the AIS Fellow Award. He was also appointed as Qiushi Chair Professor at Zhejiang University, China in September 2014.


上一条:管理学院各支部开展"三严三实"专题教育 迎接党的94岁生日
