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2011年7月–今 合肥工业大学,副教授。
目前的研究方向:1. 介电和电磁屏蔽高分子复合材料;2. 可生物降解聚合物基复合材料
(1)校地合作产业创新引导资金项目“高温自成碳阻燃抗熔滴可生物降解聚乳酸材料的开发” (No. JZ2020YDZJ0334)
(2)国家自然科学基金青年项目“碳纳米管在PVDF/PA11共混物界面强化增容和调控、及协同介电增强机理研究” (No. 51603060)
(3)安徽省科技重大专项项目“核电站严酷电缆用高性能合成橡胶研发及产业化” (No. 17030901074)
(4)中央高校基本科研业务项目“耐腐蚀电磁屏蔽用的离子液体修饰石墨烯/水性聚氨酯复合乳液的研制” (No. JZ2017YYPY0250)
(5)安徽省科技攻关计划项目“高压交联聚乙烯绝缘电力电缆附件用硅橡胶绝缘材料的研发” (No. 1501021034)
(6)安徽省自然科学基金项目“离子液体/尼龙复合材料微观结构调控及其电荷存储输运性质研究” (No. 1308085QB40)
1. 2019年安徽省科技进步二等奖
2. 2016年江苏省双创博士证书
3. 指导2名硕士生获国家奖学金
4. 指导硕士生获科技标兵证书
5. 指导本科生获2018年首届万华杯青年新材料创新创业大赛三等奖
6. 指导本科生获2018年国家级大学生创新项目优秀证书
1. 徐佩, 付伟佳, 丁运生, 一种离子液体/聚乙二醇修饰的氨基化石墨烯/聚合物凝胶电解质及其制备方法, 2020, ZL201811209200.2.
2. 徐佩, 桑国龙, 丁运生, 一种具有电磁屏蔽功能的石墨烯纳米片/离子液体封端的水性聚氨酯复合乳液的制备方法, 2020, ZL201810401498.0.
3. 徐佩, 罗霄, 丁运生, 方华高, 魏海兵, 一种氨基咪唑离子液体修饰石墨烯纳米片/聚乙烯复合材料及其制备方法, 2018, ZL201610513784.7.
[1] Pei Xu*, Hanyang Chen, Xin Zhou, Hongfa Xiang*, Gel polymer electrolyte based on PVDF-HFP matrix composited with rGO-PEG-NH2 for high-performance lithium ion battery, Journal of Membrane Science, 2021, 617:118660.
[2] Ping Wang, Yiyang Zhou, Xianhai Hu, Feng Wang, Jianli Chen, Pei Xu*, Yunsheng Ding*, Improved mechanical and dielectric properties of PLA/EMA-GMA nanocomposites based on ionic liquids and MWCNTs, Composites Science and Technology, 2020, 200:108347.
[3] Guolong Sang, Jiawei Dong, Xiaotong He, Pei Xu*, Yunsheng Ding*, Electromagnetic interference shielding performance of polyurethane composites: A comparative study of GNs-IL/Fe3O4 and MWCNTs-IL/Fe3O4 hybrid fillers, Composites Part B, 2019, 164:467-475.
[4] Pei Xu*, Weijia Fu, Yadong Hu, Yunsheng Ding*, Effect of annealing treatment on crystalline and dielectric properties of PVDF/PEG-containing ionic liquid composites, Composites Science and Technology, 2018, 158:1-8.
[5] Pei Xu*, Haoguan Gui, Xiaoxi Wang, Yadong Hu, Yunsheng Ding*; Improved dielectric properties of nanocomposites based on polyvinylidene fluoride and ionic liquid-functionalized graphene, Composites Science and Technology, 2015, 117:282-288.
[6] Yadong Hu, Pei Xu*, Haoguan Gui, Xiaoxi Wang, Yunsheng Ding*, Effect of imidazolium phosphate and multiwalled carbon nanotubes on thermal stability and flame retardancy of polylactide, Composites Part A, 2015, 77:147-153.
[7] Pei Xu*, Weijia Fu, Zhaopei Cui, Yunsheng Ding*, Enhancement of polar phase and conductivity relaxation in PIL-modified GO/PVDF composites, Applied Physics Letters, 2018, 112:063904.
[8] Pei Xu*, Weijia Fu, Zhaopei Cui, Yunsheng Ding*, Synergistic promotion of polar phase crystallization of PVDF by ionic liquid with PEG segment, Applied Surface Science, 2018, 444:480-484.
[9] Guolong Sang, Pei Xu*, Chao Liu, Ping Wang, Xianhai Hu, Yunsheng Ding*, Synergetic effect of Ni@MWCNTs and hybrid MWCNTs on electromagnetic interference shielding performances of polyurethane-matrix composite foams, Industrial & Engineering Chemistry Research, 2020, 59:15233-15241.
[10] Ping Wang, Pei Xu*, Yiyang Zhou, Youwen Yang, Yunsheng Ding*, Effect of MWCNTs and P[MMA-IL] on the crystallization and dielectric behavior of PVDF composites, European Polymer Journal, 2018, 99:58-64.