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Associate professor

Supervisor of Master's Candidates


Date of Employment:2022-01-03


Administrative Position:学院外事联络员

Education Level:Postgraduate (Doctoral)

Business Address:逸夫楼603


Degree:Doctoral degree


Alma Mater:德国亚琛工业大学

Discipline:Power Electronics and Transmission

Zhiqing Yang



Education Level:Postgraduate (Doctoral)

Alma Mater:德国亚琛工业大学

Paper Publications

Wideband Dissipativity Enhancement of Grid-Following Inverters Using Virtual Element Design

Impact Factor:1.336
DOI number:10.24295/CPSSTPEA.2023.00026
Journal:CPSS Transactions on Power Electronics and Applications
Key Words:Control design, dissipativity, grid-following inverter, resonances, stability, virtual admittance
Abstract:Dissipativity provides a convenient approach to predict system stability, which explains the induced resonances from the perspective of damping. To mitigate potential resonances and improve stability, this work presents a design method to enhance the dissipativity of grid-following inverters over a wide frequency range. Based on the dq-domain admittances, the frequency-domain dissipativity affected by different control loops and the time delay are investigated. By designing virtual elements, the dissipativity in different frequencies can be flexibly enhanced. A model-based design criterion is proposed to tune the control parameters following a model-based approach. The design method is presented for a high-power inverter system. The effectiveness of the method is also proved with a down-scaled prototype, which includes simulations, experiments, and dissipativity analysis.
Indexed by:Journal paper
Document Type:J
Page Number:336 - 347
ISSN No.:2475-742X
Translation or Not:no
Date of Publication:2023-05-10
Included Journals:SCI
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