Research Projects
Release time: 2022-06-14Hits:
  • Leading Scientist:xuxiaoming
  • Status:在研
  • Supported by:国家自然科学基金委
  • Type of Project:纵向科研项目
  • Nature of Project:国家自然科学基金面上项目
  • Project level:National
  • Project Number:72071059
  • Classification of Disciplines:Engineering
  • First-Level Discipline:Traffic and Transportation Engineering
  • Date of Project Approval:2021-01-01
  • Scheduled completion time:2024-12-01
  • Date of Project Completion:2024-12-01
  • Date of Project Initiation:2021-01-01
  • Subsidy Amount(Ten thousand yuan):48.0

Doctoral degree

Hefei University of Technology
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