Meiqin Mao


Supervisor of Doctorate Candidates

Supervisor of Master's Candidates

Date of Employment:1988-06-01

School/Department:Hefei University of Technology

Administrative Position:Professor

Education Level:With Certificate of Graduation for Doctorate Study

Business Address:Room 115, Motor building


Degree:Doctoral Degree in Engineering


Alma Mater:Hefei University of Technology

Discipline:Power Electronics and Transmission

Social Affiliations

Current position: Home >Social Affiliations
  • IEEE Senior Member (2014-)

  • Member of IEEE William E. NEWELL POWER ELECTRONICS AWARD Committee (2017-2018)

  •  Member of IEEE Sustainable Energy Technology Committee(2010-)

  •  Member of International Microgrid Seminar Steering Committee

  • Member of  the Council for China Power Supply Society (2017-)

  • Executive Member of the Council for Anhui Renewable Energy Association

  • Member of China Renewable Energy Society Photovoltaic Special Committee(2016-)

  • Associated Editor of IEEE Journal of Emerging and Selected Topics on Power Electronics (2017-)

  • Editorial board member of Journal of Solar Energy(2016-)

  • Reviewers of IEEE Transactions on Power Electronics, IEEE Transactions on Smart Grid, Proceedings of the CSEE, Automation of Electric Power Systems, Transactions of China Electrotechnical Society , and Journal of Power Supply.

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