发布人:余波  发布时间:2019-08-16   浏览次数:12889

















QQ: 103510526


Your success is my biggest dream


余波,教授,硕士生导师,博士生导师2014年从大连理工大学计算力学专业博士毕业,现任应用力学研究所副所长,工程力学系副主任,3D打印增材制造和红外热成像缺陷检测实验室负责人。近年来致力于研究计算力学智能方法、反问题理论及应用。研究内容涉及如等几何边界元法、物理信息神经网络(PINN)、高性能拓扑方法的缺陷识别、基于多尺度缺陷识别的结构安全预警、时域声场模拟等。最近提出了SCTBEM,该方法可简单实现域积分的半解析转化。曾获安徽省力学学会科学技术进步二等奖(排名第一)、国际学术组织International Research Awards on New Science Inventions授予的Best Researcher Award (2022,ID number:18438)、长三角工科力学青年教师讲课比赛二等奖、合肥工业大学青年教师讲课比赛二等奖、合肥工业大学优秀博士后。2018年入选博士后外派交流计划(全国120名,当年合肥工业大学获批一项),远赴澳大利亚新南威尔士大学与比例边界有限元法(SBFEM)创始人Prof. C.M. Song进行为期2年的科研合作交流。主持国家自然科学基金(青年、面上)项目、省部级、国家重点实验室项目及校级等10余项,在国际国内重要主流学术期刊及会议上共发表论文60余篇,其中SCI论文50余篇,如多篇论文发表在计算力学旗舰期刊CMAMEIJNME传热传质Top期刊IJHMTICHMTATEIJTS;数学类Top期刊JCAMAMM;优化反问题主流期刊:SMOEOIPSEESI高被引论文3篇,热点论文1篇,Google学术引用1000余次。培养的研究生分布在国内多所重点高校和重点企业,如北京理工大学宇航学院、北京航空航天大学航空科学与工程学院、元计算(天津)科技发展有限公司、中联重科(长沙)股份有限公司、国轩高科(合肥)动力能源有限公司,多人获研究生国家奖学金。



























International Research Awards on New Science Inventions授予的Best Researcher Award (2022,ID number:18438)

团队名称:AI缺陷识别(artificial intelligence defect identification-AIDI-艾迪














4)主持 大连理工大学工业装备结构分析国家重点实验室基金编号:GZ15203201510-201710






(10)主持 结构疲劳应力分析模块测试项目 ,编号:W2021JSFW0305,2021.6-2022.6

(11)主持 工业装备结构分析国家重点实验室项目 瞬态热力耦合问题的比例边界有限元法分析及缺陷识别研究,批准号:GZ21109,2021.9-2023.8

(12)主持 工业装备结构分析国家重点实验室项目 内外声场问题的比例坐标转换边界元法 ,批准号:GZ23113,2023.9-2025.8





Ø  Bo Yu*, Pengmin Hu, Peng Wei, Geyong Cao, Baozheng Wang. (2022) The identification of voids and inclusions based on the parameter level set method using boundary data. Applied Mathematical Modelling. 112, 505-539. 

Ø Guo, L., Wang, X., Meng, Z., & Yu, B. (2022). Reliability-based topology optimization of continuum structure under buckling and compliance constraints. International Journal for Numerical Methods in Engineering.

Ø Yu, B., Hu, P., Wang, X., Meng, Z., & Wei, P*. (2022). Defect identification in heat transfer problems using boundary data. Numerical Heat Transfer, Part A: Applications, 82(8), 482-506. 

Ø  Ren, S., Cheng, C., Yu, B., Meng, Z., Huang, B., & Wu, Q. (2022). New refined higher-order shear deformation theories for functionally graded plates conforming to graded variations of material properties. European Journal of Mechanics-A/Solids, 94, 104621. 

Ø Yu, B.*, Cao, G., Ren, S., Gong, Y., & Dong, C. (2022). An isogeometric boundary element method for transient heat transfer problems in inhomogeneous materials and the non-iterative inversion of loads. Applied Thermal Engineering, 212,118600. 

Ø  Yu, B.*, Sun, W., Wei, P., Cao, G., Hu, Z., & Zhang, J. (2022). The pixel-based quadtree SBFEM    with the parameter level set method for identifying cracks and voids. Computational Mechanics


Ø  IG-DRBEM of three-dimensional transient heat conduction problems. Bo Yu, Geyong Cao, Yanpeng       Gong*, Shanhong Ren, Chunying Dong. Engineering Analysis with Boundary Elements, 128 (2021),       298-309.

Ø   Three-dimensional transient heat conduction problems in FGMs via IG-DRBEM. Bo Yu*, Geyong Cao, Zeng Meng, Yanpeng Gong, Chunying Dong. Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering, 384 (2021), 113958 .  

Ø  A new general third-order zigzag model for asymmetric and symmetric laminated composite beams. Shanhong Ren, Changzheng Cheng, Zeng Meng, Bo Yu, Guozhong Zhao. Composite Structures, 260 (2021), 113523.

Ø   Robust topology optimization methodology for continuum structures under probabilistic and fuzzy uncertainties. Zeng Meng, Yang Wu, Xuan Wang, Shanhong Ren, Bo Yu. International Journal for Numerical Methods in Engineering, 2021. 

Ø   Isogeometric dual reciprocity boundary element method for solving transient heat conduction problems with heat sources. Bo Yu*, Geyong Cao, Wendong Huo, Huanlin Zhou, Elena Atroshchenko.Journal of Computational and Applied Mathematics, 385 (2021), 113197. 


Ø   The scaled boundary finite element method based on the hybrid quadtree mesh for solving transient heat conduction problems. Bo Yu*, Pengmin Hu, Albert A. Saputra, Yan Gu. Applied Mathematical Modelling, 89 (2021) 541–571.

Ø   A novel domain propulsion and adaptive modified inversion method for the inverse geometry heat conduction analysis of FGMs. Chuang Xu, Bo Yu*. Numerical Heat Transfer, Part A: Applications, 78:8, 392-422, 2020. 

Ø   A non-iterative identification method of dynamic loads for different structures. Bo Yu*, Yue Wu, Pengmin Hu, Junfeng Ding, Huanlin Zhou, Baozhen Wang. Journal of Sound and Vibration, 2020: 483, 115508. 

Ø  A novel inversion approach for identifying the shape of cavity by combining Gappy POD with direct inversion scheme. Bo Yu*, Yu Tong, Pengmin Hu, Qiang Gao. International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer, 2020: 150, 119365. 

Ø  Robust design optimization of imperfect stiffened shells using an active learning method and a hybrid surrogate model. Zeng Meng, Zhuohui Zhang, Huanlin Zhou, Hanshu Chen, Bo YuEngineering Optimization, 2020. 

Ø  Explicit multi-material topology optimization embedded with variable-size movable holes using moving morphable bars. Xuan Wang, Kai Long, Zeng Meng, Bo Yu, Changzheng Cheng. Engineering Optimization, 2020. 

Ø  Inversing heat flux boundary conditions based on precise integration FEM without iteration and estimation of thermal stress in FGMs. Chuanbao Nie, Bo Yu*. International Journal of Thermal Sciences, 2019: 140, 201-224. 

Ø  A novel non-iterative method for estimating boundary conditions and geometry of furnace inner wall made of FGMs. Bo Yu*, Chuang Xu, Huanlin Zhou, Miao Cui. Applied Thermal Engineering, 2019: 147, 251-271.

Ø  Improved Cuckoo Search Algorithm for Solving Inverse Geometry Heat Conduction Problems. Haolong Chen, Bo Yu, Huanlin Zhou, Zeng Meng. Heat Transfer Engineering, 2019: 40, (3-4) 362-374.

Ø  An importance learning method for non-probabilistic reliability analysis and optimization. Zeng Meng, Dequan Zhang, Gang Li, Bo Yu. Struct Multidisc Optim., 2019: 59, 1255–1271.

Ø  Identification of thermal conductivity for orthotropic FGMs by DT-DRBEM and LM algorithm. Huanlin Zhou, X. Xiao, H.L. Chen, Bo Yu . Inverse Problems in Science and Engineering, 2019,28(2),196-219.

Ø  Estimation of boundary condition on the furnace inner wall based on precise integration BEM without iteration. Bo Yu*, Chuang Xu, Weian Yao, Zeng Meng, International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer, 2018: 122, 823-845.

Ø  Identification of transient boundary conditions with improved cuckoo search algorithm and polynomial approximation. Haolong Chen, Bo Yu, Huanlin Zhou*, Zeng Meng, Engineering Analysis with Boundary Elements, 2018: 95, 124–141.

Ø  An accurate and efficient reliability-based design optimization using the second order reliability method and improved stability transformation method. Meng, Z., Yang, D., Zhou, H., & Yu, B. Engineering Optimization, 2018: 50: 5,749-765.

Ø  A novel non-iterative inverse method for estimating boundary condition of the furnace inner wall. Bo Yu*, Weian Yao, Qiang Qao, Huanlin Zhou,Chuang Xu.International Communications in Heat and Mass Transfer, 2017: 87, 91-97.

Ø  Shape identification for inverse geometry heat conduction problems by FEM without iteration. Huanlin Zhou*, Yushu Li, Bo Yu**, Haolong Chen. Numerical Heat Transfer, Part A: Applications, 2017: 1-14.

Ø  A differential transformation boundary element method for solving transient heat conduction problems in functionally graded materials. Bo Yu*, Huan-Lin Zhou, Jun Yan, Zeng Meng. Numerical Heat Transfer, Part A: Applications, 2016: 70, 293-309.

Ø  Geometry boundary identification of the furnace inner wall by BEM without iteration. Bo Yu *, Huan-Lin Zhou, Qiang Gao, Jun Yan. Numerical Heat Transfer, Part A: Applications: 2016, 69, 1253-1262.

Ø  The natural boundary integral equation of the orthotropic potential problem. Huan-Lin Zhou*, Yu Tian, Bo Yu, Z. R. Niu. Engineering Analysis with Boundary Elements: 2016, 62, 186-192.

Ø  Firefly algorithm combined with Newton method to identify boundary conditions for transient heat conduction problems. Huan-Lin Zhou*, Xing-Hang Zhao, Bo Yu*(Co-corresponding author), Hao-Long Chen, Zeng Meng. Numerical Heat Transfer, Part B: Fundamentals: 2016: 71(3), 253-269.

Ø  The Calculation of Potential Derivatives by Using NBIE for Anisotropic Potential Problems. Huan-Lin Zhou*, Bu-Xi Bian, Yu Tian, Bo Yu, Z. R. Niu. Journal of Mechanics, 2016: 1-9.

Ø  Precise time-domain expanding dual reciprocity boundary element method for solving transient heat conduction problems. Bo Yu*, Huan-Lin Zhou, Hao-Long Chen, Yu Tong. International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer: 2015, 91, 110-118.

Ø  Precise time-domain expanding BEM for solving non-fourier heat conduction problems. Bo Yu*, Weian Yao, Huanlin Zhou, Hao-Long Chen. Numerical Heat Transfer, Part B: Fundamentals:2015, 68, 511-532.

Ø  Radial integration BEM for solving non-Fourier heat conduction problems. Weian Yao, H. X. Yao, Bo Yu*. Engineering Analysis with Boundary elements: 2015, 60, 18-26.

Ø  A time-domain precise BEM for solving transient heat conduction problems with variable heat conductivities. Bo Yu, Weian Yao*, Xiaowei Gao. Boundary Elements and Other Mesh Reduction Methods XXXVI, WIT Press:2013.

Ø A precise time-domain expanding boundary-element method for solving three-dimensional transient heat conduction problems with variable thermal conductivity. Bo Yu, Weian Yao*. Numerical Heat Transfer, Part B: Fundamentals: 2014, 66, 422-445.

Ø  A combined approach of RIBEM and precise time integration algorithm for solving transient heat conduction problems. Bo Yu, Weian Yao, Xiaowei Gao, Qiang Gao*.Numerical Heat Transfer, Part B: Fundamentals: 2014, 65, 155-173.

Ø  A precise integration boundary element method for solving transient heat conduction problems with variable thermal conductivity. Bo Yu, Weian Yao, Qiang Gao*.Numerical Heat Transfer, Part B: Fundamentals: 2014, 65, 472-493.

Ø  A precise integration boundary element method for solving transient heat conduction problems. Weian Yao (Tutor), Bo Yu, Xiaowei Gao, Qiang Gao*. International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer: 2014, 78, 883-891.

Ø  Radial integration BEM for one-phase solidification problems. Bo Yu, Weian Yao, Xiaowei Gao, Sheng Zhang*.Engineering Analysis with Boundary Elements: 2014, 39, 36-43.

Ø  Adaptive Precise Integration BEM for Solving Transient Heat Conduction Problems. Bo Yu, Weian Yao*, Qiang Gao. International Conference on Computational Methods 1:2014, ISSN 2374-3948.

Ø   吴国鹏,徐闯,李英健,余波*.一种新的热源强度识别的非迭代方法研究[J].工程热物理学报,2020, 41 (9): 2233-2240.

Ø  余波*,吴月,聂川宝,高强. 动载荷识别的非迭代法研究[J]. 应用数学和力学, 2019405: 473-489;

Ø   严俊,周焕林,余波,陈豪龙.基于改进布谷鸟算法的导热系数反演[J].合肥工业大学学报(自然科学版),2018,41(12):1667-1671+1677. 

Ø   周焕林,严俊,余波,陈豪龙.识别含热源瞬态热传导问题的热扩散系数[J].应用数学和力学,2018,39(02):160-169. 

Ø   周焕林,严俊,余波,陈豪龙.基于改进布谷鸟算法识别瞬态热传导问题的导热系数[J].计算物理,2018,35(02):212-220.

Ø   陈豪龙,周焕林,余波.瞬态热传导问题的精细积分-双重互易边界元法[J].应用力学学报,2017,34(05):835-841+1009.



 Ø  陈豪龙,周焕林,余波. 非傅里叶热传导问题的微分转换双重互易边界元法[A]. 中国力学学会、北京力学会.力学与工程——数值计算和数据分析2019学术会议论文集[C].中国力学学会、北京力学会:北京力学会,2019:6.(出版日期2019.5,页码6

Ø  肖雄,陈豪龙,余波,周焕林. 正交各向异性功能梯度材料瞬态热传导问题的精细时域展开双重互易边界元法[A]. 南方计算力学联络委员会、江苏省力学学会.第十一届南方计算力学学术会议(SCCM-11)摘要集[C].南方计算力学联络委员会、江苏省力学学会:中国力学学会,2017:1.(出版时间2017.10,页码1

Ø   周焕林,田羽,余波,牛忠荣. 二维正交各向异性位势问题自然边界积分方程[A]. 中国力学学会、上海交通大学(SHANGHAI JIAO TONG UNIVERSITY.中国力学大会-2015论文摘要集[C].中国力学学会、上海交通大学(SHANGHAI JIAO TONG UNIVERSITY:中国力学学会,2015:1.

Ø   陈豪龙,余波,周焕林. 二维稳态带热源热传导问题边界形状识别[A]. 中国力学学会、上海交通大学(SHANGHAI JIAO TONG UNIVERSITY.中国力学大会-2015论文摘要集[C].中国力学学会、上海交通大学(SHANGHAI JIAO TONG UNIVERSITY:中国力学学会,2015:2.

Ø   余波,周焕林,陈豪龙. 功能梯度材料瞬态热传导问题中的精细时域展开边界元法[A]. 中国力学学会、上海交通大学(SHANGHAI JIAO TONG UNIVERSITY.中国力学大会-2015论文摘要集[C].中国力学学会、上海交通大学(SHANGHAI JIAO TONG UNIVERSITY:中国力学学会,2015:1.