Name: Ma Xingping
Short Biography:
1996/09-1999/07, Academy of Equipment Command & Technology
2015/03-2017/07, Henan University, College of Physics and Electronics, Bachelor
2000/01-present, Henan University, College of Physics and Electronics, Teacher
Research interests:
Modern Physics Experiment , Laboratory Management
Major publications:
1. H.R. Zhang, G.S. Miao,X.P. Ma, B. Wang, H.W. Zheng,Enhancing the photocatalytic activity of nanocrystalline TiO2by co-doping with fluorine and yttrium,Mater. Res. Bull.55, 26 (2014)
2. H.R. Zhang, G.S. Miao,X.P. Ma, B. Wang, H.W. Zheng,Facile synthesis and enhanced photocatalytic activity of ZnSe/TiO2-xNxcomposite nanoparticles,Mater. Lett.121, 188 (2014)
3. H.R. Zhang, G.S. Miao,X.P. Ma, B. Wang, H.W. Zheng,Preparation and photocatalytic properties of F-Zn-codoped nanocrystalline TiO2,J. Funct. Mater.(In Chinese)45, 16125 (2014)