Name: Sun Jianmin
Department:College Physics
Short Biography:
1997-2001, Henan normal university, Bachelor
2001-2006, University of Science and Technology of China, Doctor
2006-present, Henan university, Teacher
Research interests: Atomic and Molecular Physics; Theoretical Physics
Major publications:
1. Study of structural and electronic properties of Cu-adsorbed (SiO2)n (n=1-8) clusters with the DFT,物理学报59(11), 7830 (2010)
2. MSin(M=Y、Pd、La、Yb、Lu)团簇的几何结构及电子性质,原子与分子物理学报29(1),67 (2012)
3. Generalized oscillator strengths and integral cross sections for the valence-shell excitations of oxygen studied by fast electron impact,Phys. Rev. A 82,042716 (2010)
4. Cross sections for the valence shell excitations of nitrous oxide studied by fast electron impact,J. Chem. Phys. 132,124301 (2010)