


           620日21日,日本核电材料领域专家服部成雄先生将访问河北工业大学,并带来两场学术报告。欢迎广大师生莅临能材院报告厅(东院)参加。   第一场报告会 报告题目: 1.核电站的发电系统与材料 2.核电材料与装备的制造过程及关键技术 3.BWRPWR反应堆中的失效问题与对策 报告时间: 2016620日(周一)1000~12:00 报告摘要: 1.核燃料,发热过程,控制系统,蒸汽系统,涡轮发电,冷却系统及安全系统 2.铁基,镍基合金的冶炼加工与焊接技术 3. 由堆芯到海水系统的装备腐蚀,疲劳与辐照损伤问题   第二场报告会 报告题目: 反应堆的长期服役失效的材料问题及核燃料的再利用问题 报告时间: 2016621日(周二)1000~12:00 报告摘要: 1.30年以上服役反应堆的辐射,热损伤的材料失效问题 2. 核废料核乏料的在处理,废弃物以及核废堆的处理   报告人简介: 1.Date of birth: September 7, 1944 2.Company: HST Consulting Main contracts -Japansociety of Corrosion Engineering (JSCE)               - Electric Power Research Institute (EPRI in theUS)               - Tepia CorporationJapan 3History 1969 Graduated from Kyoto University (Dept of Metallurgy)      Joined Hitachi Ltd. 19691986 Hitachi Research Laboratory - Improvement of martensitic stainless steel for water turbine runner - Development of corrosion resistant TRIP steel             - Stress corrosion cracking mechanism of BWR stainless steel piping               (74: Stayed at Osaka University for collaboration) - SCC mechanism and development of SCC resistant alloy of Nickel base                 high strength alloys for BWR (X-750, 600 etc.) - Corrosion of stainless steels for nuclear fuel reprocessing system 19862004 Hitachi Works             Nuclear systems dept:                   Materials Guide Line, Trouble shooting / Consultation etc.             Nuclear plant service dept:                   Trouble shooting / consultation, International technical alliance                                                 Doctoral degree (95 Osaka University)             Nuclear manufacturing dept:                   Established an in-house Joining Technology Center                   Welding / Machining trouble shooting / consultation                   Manufacturing / Maintenance of incineration plants                   Technical alliance / Out sourcing (ex. New joining technology) 2006 Retired from Hitachi Ltd. 2006 Join The Corrosion Center of JSCE as a Chief researcher 2006 Join Tepia Corporation Japan as a Technical adviser 2007 Registered HST Consulting 2007.Joined EPRI as an independent Account Executive atJapanoffice