田庆宝, 教授,医学博士,博士研究生导师。曾在日本和美国学习工作16年,现任河北医科大学国际教育学院院长,流行病与卫生统计学教研室教授。兼任中国教育国际交流协会理事,河北省临床流行病学会暨循证医学会主任委员,河北省卒中协会副理事长、河北省营养师服务协会副理事长、河北省老年保健协会副理事长、《Gene》杂志副主编,《中华流行病学杂志》通讯编委,和石家庄市政协常委和侨联副主席等职。曾在国际一流杂志上发表SCI论文30余篇,先后主持日本和中国自然科学基金等科研项目10余项。参编人民卫生出版社、科学出版社、高等教育出版社和中国协和医科大学出版社出版的教材和专著多部。从2012年开始,田庆宝教授课题组与中国疾病预防控制中心营养与健康所的张兵博士合作,参与“中国健康与营养调查(the Chinese Health and Nutrition Survey ,CHNS)”的共同研究。作为合作的初步成果,已经有6篇SCI论文被《American Journal of Preventive Medicine》,《Journal of Epidemiology & Community Health》,《Preventive Medicine》,《Annals of Epidemiology》, 《Journal of Epidemiology》等流行病学和预防医学领域专业杂志录用。其中2015年发表在American Journal of Preventive Medicine的论文被ESI评为2017年度社会科学概论学科高被引论文。田庆宝教授还致力于科学普及工作,以“体重管理”、“饮食管理”和“情绪管理”为主题,在河北日报、河北电视台、石家庄电视台和燕赵讲坛等主流媒体上进行健康宣教,收到良好的社会效益。2012年荣获中国侨界贡献奖(创新人才),2014年被河北省侨办评为河北省归侨侨眷先进个人,2015年、2017年获科技部“万名科学使者进社区”荣誉证书。
常见慢性病治疗效果的循证医学评价和卫生经济学研究。以NNT(Number Needed to Treat)为指标,对常见慢性病的治疗效果进行循证医学再评价,构建常见性病疗效的利弊平衡表,为临床医疗决策和卫生政策制定提供循证医学支撑。
1 | Liu YL, Yan J, Zheng J, Tian QB. RHRK is responsible for Ubiquitin specific protease 48 nuclear translocation which can stabilize NF-κB (p65) in the nucleus.Gene 2018 Aug 30 :669 |
2 | Liu YL, Zheng J, Mi YJ, Zhao J, Tian QB (2018). The impacts of nineteen mutations on the enzymatic activity of USP26. Gene. 641:292-296. (Corresponding Author) |
3 | Du P, Wang HJ, Zhang B, Qi SF, Mi YJ, Liu DW, Tian QB (2017).Prevalence of abdominal obesity among Chinese adults in 2011. J Epidemiol. 27(6):282-286. (Corresponding Author) |
4 | Wang J, Liu Y, Tang L, Qi S, Mi Y, Liu D, Tian QB (2017). Identification of candidate substrates of ubiquitin-specific protease 13 using 2D-DIGE. Int J Mol Med. 40(1):47-56. (Corresponding Author) |
5 | Zhang TT, Liu Z, Liu YL, Zhao JJ, Liu DW, Tian QB (2016). Obesity as a Risk Factor for Low Back Pain: A Meta-Analysis. Clin Spine Surg. 2016 Nov 21. (Corresponding Author) |
6 | Su-Fen Qi, Bing Zhang, Hui-Jun Wang, Jing Yan, Pei Du, Wei Zhang, Ying-Jun Mi, Jing-Jing Zhao, Dian-Wu Liu, Qing-Bao Tian. Joint effects of age and body mass index on the incidence of hypertension subtypes in the China Health and Nutrition Survey: A cohort study over 22years. Preventive Medicine. 2016; 89: 23-30. (Corresponding Author) |
7 | Tanahashi H, Tian QB, Hara Y, Sakagami H, Endo S, Suzuki T. Polyhydramnios in Lrp4 knockout mice with bilateral kidney agenesis: Defects in the pathways of amniotic fluid clearance. Sci Rep. 2016 Feb 5;6:20241. doi: 10.1038/srep20241 |
8 | Su-Fen Qi, Bing Zhang, Hui-Jun Wang, Jing Yan, Ying-Jun Mi1, Dian-Wu Liu, Qing-Bao Tian. Prevalence of Hypertension Subtypes in 2011 and the Trends from 1991-2011 among Chinese Adults. Journal of Epidemiology & Community Health. 2016 May; 70 (5): 444-451.( Corresponding Author) |
9 | Pei Du, Hui-Jun Wang, Bing Zhang, Su-Fen Qi, Ying-Jun Mi, Dian-Wu Liu, Qing-Bao Tian. Prevalence of Abdominal Obesity among Chinese Adults in 2011.Journal of Epidemiology, accepted, in print. ( Corresponding Author) |
10 | Jian-Min Wang, Ying-Li Liu, Li-Juan Tang, Su-Fen Qi, Ying-Jun Mi, Dian-Wu Liu, Qing-Bao Tian. Using 2D-DIGE to identify candidate substrates of ubiquitin-specific protease 13. International Journal of Molecular Medicine, accepted, in print. ( Corresponding Author) |
11 | Liu Z, Zhang TT, Yu J, Liu YL, Qi SF, Zhao JJ, Liu DW, Tian QB. Excess Body Weight during Childhood and Adolescence Is Associated with the Risk of Multiple Sclerosis: A Meta-Analysis. Neuroepidemiology. 2016 Oct 11;47(2):103-108. . ( Corresponding Author) |
12 | Ting-Ting Zhang, Zhen Liu, Ying-Li Liu, Jing-Jing Zhao, Dian-Wu Liu, and Qing-Bao Tian. Obesity as a Risk Factor for Low Back Pain: A Meta-Analysis. Clinical spine surgery , accepted, in print. |
13 | Ying-Jun Mi, Bing Zhang, Hui-Jun Wang, Jing Yan, Wei Han, Jing Zhao, Dian-Wu Liu, Qing-Bao Tian. Prevalence and SecularTrends in Obesity among Chinese Adults, 1991-2011. Am J Prev Med. 49 (5):661–669. (Corresponding Author) |
14 | Pei Du, Bing Zhang, Hui-Jun Wang, Su-Fen Qi, Ying-Jun Mi, Jia-Chen Yao, Dian-Wu Liu, Qing-Bao Tian. The prevalence and secular trends of abdominal obesity among Chinese adults, 1993-2011. Annals of Epidemiology. 25: 797-799. (Corresponding Author) |
15 | Ying-Li Liu, Jie Zheng, Li-Juan Tang, Wei Han, Jian-Min Wang, Dian-Wu Liu, Qing-Bao Tian. The deubiquitinating enzyme activity of USP22 is necessary for regulating HeLa cell growth. Gene. 572 (2015) 49–56. (Corresponding Author) |
16 | Li-Juan Tang, Yu Li, Ying-Li Liu, , Jian-Min Wang, , Dian-Wu Liu, , Qing-Bao Tian. USP12 regulates cell cycle progression by involving c-Myc, cyclin D2 and BMI-1. Gene. 2016 Mar 1;578(1):92-9. (Corresponding Author) |
17 | Zhen Liu, Ting-Ting Zhang, Jing-Jing Zhao, Su-Fen Qi, Pei Du, Dian-Wu Liu, Qing-Bao Tian. The association between overweight, obesity and ovarian cancer: a meta-analysis. Japanese Journal of Clinical Oncology, 2015 Dec;45(12):1107-15. (Corresponding Author) |
18 | Zhang W, Liu T, Mi YJ, Yue LD, Wang JM, Liu DW, Yan J, Tian QB. Evidence from enzymatic and meta-analyses does not support a direct association between USP26 gene variants and male infertility. Andrology. 2015 Mar; 3(2):271-9. doi: 10.1111/andr.295. (Corresponding Author) |
19 | Han W, Liu Y, Mi Y, Zhao J, Liu D, Tian QB. Alpha-synuclein (SNCA) polymorphisms and susceptibility to Parkinson's disease: A meta-analysis. Am J Med Genet B Neuropsychiatr Genet. 168(2):123-34. (Corresponding Author) |
20 | Li M, Zheng H, Tian QB, Rui MN, Liu DW. HLA-DR Polymorphism and Primary Biliary Cirrhosis: Evidence From a Meta-analysis. Arch Med Res. 45(3):270-9. |
21 | Li M, Wang J, Yang L, Gao P, Tian QB, Liu DW. eRF3b, a biomarker for hepatocellular carcinoma, influences cell cycle and phosphoralation status of 4E-BP1. PLoS One. 9(1):e86371 |
22 | Gao P, Ma N, Li M, Tian QB, Liu DW. Functional variants in NBS1 and cancer risk: evidence from a meta-analysis of 60 publications with 111 individual studies. Mutagenesis. 28(6):683-97. |
23 | Liu YL, Yang J, Zheng J, Liu DW, Liu T, Wang JM, Wang CN, Wang MW, Tian QB. Paraoxonase 1 polymorphisms L55M and Q192R were not risk factors for Parkinson's disease: a HuGE review and meta-analysis. Gene. 501(2):188-92. (Corresponding Author) |
24 | Zhang X, Xue L, Xing L, Wang J, Cui J, Mi J, Xing X, Wang J, Du Z, Misumi J, Tian Q, Wang L. Low serum pepsinogen I and pepsinogen I/II ratio and Helicobacter pylori infection are associated with increased risk of gastric cancer: 14 years follow up result in a rural Chinese community. Int J Cancer. 130(7):1614-9. |
25 | Zhang W, Tian QB, Li QK, Wang JM, Wang CN, Liu T, Liu DW, Wang MW.Lysine 92 amino acid residue of USP46, a gene associated with 'behavioral despair' in mice, influences the deubiquitinating enzyme activity. PLoS One. 6(10):e26297. (Corresponding Author) |
26 | Suzuki T, Du F, Tian QB, Zhang J, Endo S. Ca2+/calmodulin-dependent protein kinase IIalpha clusters are associated with stable lipid rafts and their formation traps PSD-95. J Neurochem. 104(3):596-610. |
27 | Lu Y, Tian QB, Endo S, Suzuki T A role for LRP4 in neuronal cell viability is related to apoE-binding. Brain Res. 1177:19-28. |
28 | Suzuki T, Tian QB, Kuromitsu J, Kawai T, Endo S. (2007)Characterization of mRNA species that are associated with postsynaptic density fraction by gene chip microarray analysis. Neurosci Res. 57(1):61-85. |
29 | Du F, Saitoh F, Tian QB, Miyazawa S, Endo S, Suzuki T. Mechanisms for association of Ca2+/calmodulin-dependent protein kinase II with lipid rafts.Biochem Biophys Res Commun. 347(3):814-20. |
30 | Tian QB, Suzuki T, Yamauchi T, Sakagami H, Yoshimura Y, Miyazawa S, Nakayama K, Saitoh F, Zhang JP, Lu Y, Kondo H, Endo S. Interaction of LDL receptor-related protein 4 (LRP4) with postsynaptic scaffold proteins via its C-terminal PDZ domain-binding motif, and its regulation by Ca/calmodulin-dependent protein kinase II. Eur J Neurosci. 23(11):2864-76. |
31 | Jing-Ping Z, Tian QB, Sakagami H, Kondo H, Endo S, Suzuki T. p55 protein is a member of PSD scaffold proteins in the rat brain and interacts with various PSD proteins. Mol Brain Res. 135(1-2):204-16. |
32 | Suzuki T, Li W, Zhang JP, Tian QB, Sakagami H, Usuda N, Kondo H, Fujii T, Endo S. A novel scaffold protein, TANC, possibly a rat homolog of Drosophila rolling pebbles (rols), forms a multiprotein complex with various postsynaptic density proteins. Eur J Neurosci. 21(2):339-50. |
33 | Inaba Y, Tian QB, Okano A, Zhang JP, Sakagami H, Miyazawa S, Li W, Komiyama A, Inokuchi K, Kondo H, Suzuki T. Brain-specific potential guanine nucleotide exchange factor for Arf, synArfGEF (Po), is localized to postsynaptic density. J Neurochem. 89(6):1347-57. |
34 | Saitoh F, Tian QB, Okano A, Sakagami H, Kondo H, Suzuki T. NIDD, a novel DHHC-containing protein, targets neuronal nitric-oxide synthase (nNOS) to the synaptic membrane through a PDZ-dependent interaction and regulates nNOS activity. J Biol Chem. 279(28):29461-8. |
35 | Wang X, Tian QB, Okano A, Sakagami H, Moon IS, Kondo H, Endo S, Suzuki T.BAALC 1-6-8 protein is targeted to postsynaptic lipid rafts by its N-terminal myristoylation and palmitoylation, and interacts with alpha, but not beta, subunit of Ca/calmodulin-dependent protein kinase II. J Neurochem. 92(3):647-59. |
36 | Tian QB, Okano A, Nakayama K, Miyazawa S, Endo S, Suzuki T. A novel ubiquitin-specific protease, synUSP, is localized at the post-synaptic density and post-synaptic lipid raft. J Neurochem. 87(3):665-75. |
37 | Okano A(1), Usuda N, Furihata K, Nakayama K, Tian Q, Okamoto T, Suzuki T. Huntingtin-interacting protein-1-related protein of rat (rHIP1R) is localized in the postsynaptic regions.Brain Res. 967(1-2):210-25. |
38 | 37. Tian QB, Nakayama K, Okano A, Suzuki T. Identification of mRNAs localizing in the postsynaptic region. Mol Brain Res. 72(2):147-57. |
39 | Li W, Okano A, Tian QB, Nakayama K, Furihata T, Nawa H, Suzuki T. Characterization of a novel synGAP isoform, synGAP-beta. J Biol Chem. 15;276(24):21417-24. |
40 | Tian QB, Ohnishi M, Murata T, Nakayama K, Terawaki Y, Hayashi T. Specific protein-DNA and protein-protein interaction in the hig gene system, a plasmid-borne proteic killer gene system of plasmid Rts1. Plasmid. 45(2):63-74. |
41 | Tian QB, Hayashi T, Murata T, Terawaki Y. Gene product identification and promoter analysis of hig locus of plasmid Rts1. Biochem Biophys Res Commun. 225(2):679-84. |
42 | Tian QB, Ohnishi M, Tabuchi A, Terawaki Y. A new plasmid-encoded proteic killer gene system: cloning, sequencing, and analyzing hig locus of plasmid Rts1. |
河北省教育厅青年基金项目, QN2020270,中国成人静坐行为趋势及其与非酒精性脂肪肝的关联性研究,(2020.3-2022.12), 秘迎君主持,4万元。
河北医科大学“青年科技创新人才托举培育计划”, 中国成人静坐行为趋势及其与非酒精性脂肪肝的关联性研究,(2020.6-2021.12),秘迎君主持, 4万元。
河北省医学会,碳水化合物功能比与高血压关联的健康大数据研究, 祁素芬主持。
河北医科大学春雨计划启动基金,碳水化合物功能比与高血压关联的健康大数据研究, 祁素芬主持,6万。