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2011-12-06 14:19:17 来源:计算机与信息学院 浏览:
















1  金属、半导体超薄膜生长的计算模拟:用蒙特卡罗方法模拟不同薄膜系统、不同生长条件下薄膜生长过程;研究外来杂质原子、表面活性剂对生长模式及生长动力学的修正;探求纳米团簇自组装生长的原子机制。

2  非晶薄膜晶化过程的计算模拟建立随机逐次成核(RSN)模型,对金属/非晶半导体膜退火过程中晶化生长的机理从理论上进行有意义的探索。

3  元胞自动机模拟:在传统的一维元胞自动机的基础上,建立二维圆周元胞自动机和螺旋元胞自动机模型,并分析研究由这些模型得到的分形和混沌现象。



1.      2011年国家自然科学基金项目(参加):局域和传输的金属表面等离激元耦合效应的光学性质研究;

2.      2009年安徽省自然科学基金项目(主持):硅再构表面纳米团簇自组装生长的计算模拟研究;

3.      2005年安徽省自然科学基金项目(主持):纳米团簇自组装生长动力学的蒙特卡洛模拟研究。


1. D. M. Wang, Y. N. Wu, Y. S. Huang, and S. Wu. Correlated nucleation model for simulating nanocluster pattern formation on Si(111)7 × 7 surface Eur. Phys. J. B. 84, 451 (2011).                                                            

2. D. M. Wang, Yinsheng Huang, and Yanning Wu. Simulation study of asymmetric aggregation behavior of adatoms on Si(111)-7×7 Physica E 43, 598 (2010).

3. D. M. Wang, H. Zhu, L. P. Wang, and Yanning Wu. Simulation of formation process of the ordered nanocluster array on Si(111)-7×7 J. Appl. Phys. 106, 054315 (2009).

4. D. M. Wang, H. Zhu, and L. P. Wang. Metal-cluster growth with asymmetric diffusion and reversible aggregation on Si(111)-7×7 J. Appl. Phys. 103, 024306 (2008).

5. D. M. Wang, Z. P. Wang, H. Zhu. Scaling of submonolayer island growth with reversible adatom exchange in surfactant-mediated epitaxy Appl. Surf. Sci. 253, 8602 (2007).

6. D.M. Wang and Z.J. Ding. Kinetic Monte CarloSimulation of Nucleation and Growth Behavior in Surfactant-Mediated Heteroepitaxy.Solid State Phenom. 121-123, 1149 (2007).

7. D.M. Wang, Z.J. Ding and X. Sun. Nucleation Transition and Nucleus Density caling in Surfactant-Mediated Epitaxy Phys. Rev. B 72, 115419 (2005).

8. D.M. Wang, X. Sun, Z.J. Ding and Z.Q. Wu. Nucleation Behavior in the Initial Stage of Surfactant-Mediated Epitaxial Growth Chin. Phys. Lett. 21, 2029 (2004).

9. D.M. Wang, X. Sun and Z.Q. Wu. Growth Behavir of Helical Cellular Automata
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10. D.M. Wang, X. Sun and Z.Q. Wu. Reaction Limited Aggregation with Anisotropic Island-Edge Exchange in Surfactant Mediated Epitaxy Chin. Phys. Lett. 19, 720 (2002).

11. D.M. Wang, X. Sun and Z.Q. Wu. Effect of Island-Edge Exchange Barrier on 2D Pattern Formation in Surfactant  Mediated Epitaxy Chin. Phys. 10, 1043 (2001).

12. D.M. Wang and Z.Q. Wu. Multiple Cluster Growth of Ultra-Thin Film with Anisotropic Edge Diffusion Chin. Phys. 10, 46 (2001).

13. D.M. Wang and Z.Q. Wu. Simulation of Multiple Fractal and Compact Growth of Ultra-Thin Film on Hexagonal Substrate Chin. Phys. 9, 368 (2000).






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