Sixth IMBeR Eutrophication Study Group Meeting Held on May 30

Author:IMBeR IPO Date:2023-05-31 Hits:81


  IMBeR富营养化工作组(Eutrophication Study GroupESG)第六次会议于2023530日线上召开,由来自澳大利亚联邦科学与工业研究组织(CSIRO, Australia)的Peter Thompson教授(工作组联合主席)主持会议,共计9位专家和IMBeR IPO成员出席了会议。Peter Thompson教授对各与会专家表示欢迎,并在报告开始前对往届会议进行了总结,并强调了工作组的潜在产出。

  来自韩国国立水产科学院的Tae Gyu Park博士利用qPCR技术展示了温度变化对韩国Jinhae湾四种亚历山大藻(Alexandrium)细胞丰度的影响。他的分析表明,快速的温度变化可能导致亚历山大藻(Alexandrium)藻华,低温胁迫会增加石房蛤毒素(Saxitoxin)基因的表达。在问答环节,与会者就捕食行为和其他海洋因素对亚历山大藻(Alexandrium)藻华的影响进行了交流。

  来自日本东京大学大气与海洋研究所的Masahiko Fujii教授带来了第二场精彩的报告。他介绍了使用生物地球化学模型分析日本沿海典型的贫营养海岸、富营养海岸和牡蛎养殖场的沿海变暖、酸化和脱氧带来的影响。他的研究小组发现,沿海变暖和酸化将对太平洋牡蛎幼虫产生综合影响。与会者就季节温度变化对浮游植物水华的影响、海洋分层变化以及其他影响牡蛎养殖的因素进行了热烈的讨论。


The sixth group meeting was held online on May 30th, 2023. Co-Chair Prof. Peter Thompson from CSIRO (Australia) led the virtual gathering, with nine experts and IMBeR IPO staff in attendance. Peter began the meeting by welcoming everyone and summarizing the previous meetings. He also emphasized the potential outcomes.

Dr. Tae Gyu Park, from the National Institute of Fisheries Science in South Korea, presented the effects of temperature change on cell abundances of four Alexandrium species in Jinhae Bay, South Korea, using qPCR. His analysis shows that rapid temperature changes could lead to an Alexandrium bloom, and cold stress increases saxitoxin gene expressions. During the Q&A, the attendees exchanged ideas on the effect of predation and other oceanographic factors on Alexandrium blooms.

Prof. Masahiko Fujii, from the Atmosphere and Ocean Research Institute at the University of Tokyo, Japan, gave a brilliant talk next. He presented the impacts of coastal warming, acidification, and deoxygenation in typical oligotrophic coast, typical eutrophic coast, and oyster farms along Japan's coasts using biogeochemical models. His team found that coastal warming and acidification will have combined impacts on Pacific oyster larvae. The attendees had a heated discussion on the impact of seasonal temperature change on phytoplankton bloom, changing ocean stratification, as well as other factors that impact oyster farming.

Peter and Dongyan exchanged ideas about potential outputs and planned to enlist more members with other expertise. More activities will be carried out soon. We are excited to share updates and look forward to your continued attention, participation, and support!

Editor: Kai Qin